A smart factory for spoons
A company out of Belgium that designs and manufactures food packaging including plastic cups, mugs, plates and cutlery, deSter created a smart factory to cut cycle times, according to a case study provided by IoT-One.
Its products are brought to the market as...
Unlike previous generations of passive sensors, the IoT will allow a supply chain to control the external environment and execute decisions, according to the Gartner article Five Ways the Internet of Things Will Benefit the Supply Chain. With the IoT, sensor-embedded factory equipment can not only communicate data...
The industrial IoT has already proven its versatility with deployments going live in a number of enterprises, showing off dozens of different use cases. But a few key uses consistently present themselves within the same trade, and even throughout different industries.
Top 5 industrial IoT use cases
The industrial IoT has already proven its versatility with deployments going live in a number of enterprises, showing off dozens of different use cases. But a few key uses consistently present themselves within the same trade, and even throughout different industries.
Top 5 industrial IoT...
RFID, a technology brought down by hype
Radio-frequency information (RFID) was once the poster child of the industrial internet of things (IIoT), before new companies, technologies, use cases and networks turned the concept into an interoperability nightmare. RFID tags were often linked to the word...
IIoT at the construction site
The industrial internet of things has the potential to disrupt nearly every enterprise domain in existence. While the prospect of smart cities, automated vehicles and energy management spark the interest of consumers and entrepreneurs alike, several under-the-radar industries have already...