DENVER-In concert with the company's previous digital cellular launches, AirTouch Cellular announced it is offering its high-end business users in Denver and Detroit Powerband service."In the past, we have launched new services to business and retail customers simultaneously," said Julie Dexter Berg, executive vice...
WASHINGTON-In the early to mid-1980s, the rush was on at the Federal Communications Commission to get cellular licenses in major metropolitan and rural areas issued as quickly as possible to get the new service operating. Because of the time element involved in using comparative...
Antenna placement at the new Denver International Airport is on hold until carriers can convince airport authorities that additional sites won't cause interference."We didn't spend $8 million building a radio system for this airport to have anyone come in and interfere with the operational...
Ireland's second mobile phone operator has launched service with two compact packages and a goal of acquiring 50,000 customers by the end of the year.Dublin-based Esat Digifone had hoped to be online by the end of 1996 with its Global System for Mobile communications...
A Western Wireless Corp. subsidiary has filed a lawsuit in Arizona U.S. district court against the city of Tucson, claiming the city's new zoning ordinance discriminates against the company and favors existing wireless providers.Western PCS BTA 1 Corp., which received its E- and F-block...
RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil-About 15 companies submitted bids last week for ten B-band cellular licenses in Brazil.One source reported that bids ranged from $200 million for more desolate Amazon basin states to at least $600 million for Sao Paulo city and Sao Paulo state.Foreign...
The extension phone business may be returning from a lull.Recent advertising by California Grapevine Communications states, "Don't let the carriers violate your rights. The cellular monopolies and their lobbyists are controlling the entire communications industry for their profit at your expense."If you ship two...
WASHINGTON-More than half of wireless subscribers and 40 percent of non-users expressed an interest in two-way wireless e-mail, representing a potential market of 44.3 million users, according to a study conducted by The Strategis Group.The study, Wireless Internet and E-mail Markets: 1997, predicted the market...
Xypoint Corp. named Jim Thornton chief financial officer with responsibility for all accounting, administration, human resources, risk management and treasury functions. Prior to joining the company, Thornton was president and chief executive officer of Ventana Corp. Before that he was president of finance and...
"This is a fight for the total telecommunication system, and we're not going to play defense," said John E. Rooney from his new office as president of Ameritech Consumer Services.Rooney has been president of Ameritech Cellular and Paging since 1992. But a recent, rapid...
PHILADELPHIA-Sprint Spectrum L.P. launched service in Philadelphia on April 3, now the 20th market in which the carrier offers service.The Philadelphia major trading area license actually is held by PhillieCo L.P., a consortium of three Sprint Spectrum L.P. owners-Sprint Corp., Tele-Communications Inc. and Cox...
Timing, surprise and troop strength.These are the tools used by military leaders worldwide to fight a war, and the same methods should be expected from personal communications services carriers in their bloody battle for market share.First, you must know when to invade. Now is...
Bell Atlantic Nynex Mobile began integrating DSC Communications Corp.'s INfusion Signal Transfer Point W/2 into its cellular network. The INfusion STP W/2 provides packet switching of Signaling System 7 signaling messages for basic and advanced services such as call set-up, caller name and caller...
If you look at maps of the United States that depict the 1900 MHz coverage for the nation's three primary digital standards, it appears each standard will cover a great deal of the country.In the future, that is, because illustrations of coverage footprints are...
Cellular One offers DPCS in Bay areaCellular One said it will begin offering digital cellular service branded Digital PCS in the San Francisco Bay area today. In conjunction with the launch, Cellular One is premiering a simplified rate plan and an off-the-shelf retail package.Features...
There are times when RCR staffers stop chasing stories and just sit around to debate the state of telecommunications. When the rumors about a Cable & Wireless takeover of Sprint began surfacing, all we could do is lay back in our pontifical chairs and...
To those Europeans who scoff at Americans and their (too) many wireless standards choices, we now have a response: FLEX.AT&T Wireless Services Inc. has decided not to deploy personal Air Communications Technology two-way paging technology in its markets. For all intents and purposes, this leaves...
AT&T Wireless Services Inc. reversed course in narrowband personal communications services, resolving not to deploy services using the personal Air Communications Technology advanced paging protocol.AT&T Wireless said it still supports the technology development of pACT, but the turnabout could affect pACT vendors and the...
One clear strategy in marketing wireless phones to consumers is keep it simple. The phone is not just a business tool but an easy, fun device that keeps you in touch and could save your life.But how simple is it?Industry is challenged when it...
Brazil is in the wireless spotlight. Demand is high, penetration is low and growth in all sectors is being fueled by deregulation and a stronger economy.Brazil's current annual cellular growth rate is about 70 percent. The number of subscribers totaled 2.7 million last year,...
NEW YORK-SBA Communications Corp., a tower site development and management company, announced March 14 it had raised $50 million to help it enter the site ownership business through acquisition and construction.Institutional investors ABS Capital Partners, TA Associates and The Hillman Co. purchased the debt...
HARRISBURG, Pa.-A new Pennsylvania training program designed to help police officers crack down on illegal duplication and use of cellular phones drew praise from state Sen. Christine Tartaglione last week.Tartaglione has first-hand knowledge of cellular fraud. She twice has been the victim of cellular...
Editor's Note: The companies listed below represent the 20 largest resellers of cellular service in the United States. Rankings are based on the total number of cellular resale subscribers reported by each company. Personal communications services was not included because resellers have either recently entered...
WASHINGTON-Vice President Gore's major-and questionably legal-role in Clinton administration fund raising raises more questions about whether telecommunications and trade policies continue to be compromised by campaign contributions from donors seeking a lane on the Information Superhighway.Gore, the most influential telecommunications policy voice in the...