OLYMPIA, Wash.-Illuminet announced members of its personal communications services consortium may obtain wireless rechargeable battery packs, power cords, hands-free kits and other wireless accessories for resale from Direct Power Plus Inc.The agreement with Direct Power is part of Illuminet's PCS Procurement Services program, which...
AT&T Wireless Services Inc. launched Interim Standard 136 cellular digital service in 40 major markets last week using the label PCS, deliberately trying to confuse the technology distinctions between cellular service at 900 MHz and personal communications services at 2 GHz. AT&T thinks customers...
WASHINGTON-Bidding continued steadily on D-, E-and F-block personal communications service licenses last week, and the pace will quicken because Stage 3 rules, which mandate 98 percent bidding activity, have started.At the end of Round 43, net revenues reached $1.4 billion; there were 242 new...
NEW YORK-With plans to deliberately blur the distinction between cellular and personal communications services, AT&T Corp. launched an advanced digital cellular communications network covering a population of 70 million in 40 major markets where it now offers cellular service.The new offering has been dubbed...
Luis M. Larralde is the new international area manager for Hutton Communications Inc. His responsibilities will include establishing new accounts and generating business in the South Florida market as well as in Central and South American and in the Caribbean. He has been involved...
BellSouth Mobility has launched digital cellular service in Atlanta. After spending $77 million preparing the network for the Summer Olympic Games, the company said it was more than ready to roll out service.The carrier previously announced it would turn off its Time Division Multiple...
NEW YORK-LCC International Inc., an independent provider of radio frequency network design for wireless telecommunications, went public Sept. 25 with a 5.25 million share offering of Class A common stock at $16 each.The new issue was increased from the 5 million share initial public...
WASHINGTON-While carriers, manufacturers and the FBI continue to argue about digital wiretap implementation, the wireless telecom industry is quietly lobbying Congress to keep personal communications services and digital cellular licensees from having to pay for equipment changes.Under the 1994 digital wiretap law, known officially...
NEW YORK-Citing numerous customer complaints, the Better Business Bureau of Metropolitan Dallas has expelled Excel Communications Inc., a large reseller of wireline and wireless telephone services, from its membership.Excel officials met with Better Business Bureau representatives Sept. 23 to appeal the decision, but no...
NEW YORK-Within two years, AT&T Corp. and Sprint Corp. "will be the dominant wireless players," said Michael Elling, senior telecommunications analyst for Prudential Securities Inc., at a press conference Sept. 26.Today, he said, the United States telecommunications market is balkanized like the former Yugoslavia....
Wireless Access Inc.-recently licensed to incorporate the ReFLEX protocol in its integrated circuit chipset-is guided by a twofold business philosophy, said Tim Williams, founder and chief technical officer of the company. "You build better equipment by having better silicon and you have better silicon...
MORRISTOWN, N.J.-Bellcore said its board of directors has not yet approved the sale of the company, although a California defense contractor is believed to be close to making the buy.Bell Communications Research Inc. was created in 1984 by the regional Bell operating companies following...
SBC Communications Inc. has made the latest move in the battle for prepaid cellular customers in Chicago.In June, SBC, operating under the franchise name Cellular One, began offering its Chicago-area customers a prepaid card called the AccessCard. Last month, Ameritech Cellular Services followed by...
WASHINGTON-When it comes to getting a say in telecommunications policymaking in the nation's capital, firms let their dollars do the talking. And, oh, how the money has talked in recent years, like an endless filibuster gushing in all its gilded glory.While political action committee...
EUGENE, Ore.-The Eugene City Council voted Sept. 16 to put in place a 120-day moratorium on tower building in the area, but accepted applications for sites submitted before the moratorium was established, said City Planner Cathy Czerniak."We didn't want to change the rules midstream,"...
You can't keep a good man down.The anesthesia had barely worn off before the national news media was in Tom Wheeler's face. The New York Times and CNN wanted to know why the wireless telecom industry doesn't want to help the Clinton administration fight...
NEW YORK-Following on the heels of Motorola Inc. and Glenayre Technologies Inc., AT&T Corp. announced last week it anticipates lower than expected earnings for the third and fourth quarters of 1996.In a letter to shareholders, Robert E. Allen, AT&T chairman, said the company anticipates...
WASHINGTON-The Clinton administration and the wireless telecommunications industry are in a standoff over the implementation of the 1994 digital wiretap law, also known as the Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act.In a reported 17-0 vote, members of a Telecommunications Industry Association ad hoc engineering...
WASHINGTON-Any previous bets that the auction of the D-, E- and F-block broadband personal communications services licenses would not garner even $1 billion are off. As of Round 25, net revenues for the three blocks total $980.6 million, and the bidding is nowhere near...
WASHINGTON-U.S. manufacturers have begun mounting a counter offensive to what they see as a European-led, anticompetitive effort to restrict global wireless standards for third generation pocket phones.The controversy surfaced as International Telecommunication Union members developed recommendations on which technology or technologies should drive wireless...
An association that stresses its "technology-neutral" position has formed to give entrepreneurial-block spectrum licensees a platform for unity and fill the gap left by North American Wireless Inc.NAWI is believed to be defunct, although the company's founder, James Valentine, says the organization "is fine.""We...
FCC Chairman Reed Hundt is off the hook or should I say off the leash. John Dingell (D-Mich.), a hurricane-like force even when not House Commerce Committee chairman, struck his own amendment to ban Hundt from traveling 50 miles from home. Big John (Commerce...
WASHINGTON-More regional holding companies filed petitions for review at various courts of appeals of the Federal Communications Commission's local competition and interconnection order in hopes of killing, or at least delaying, commission rules that they view as being anti-states' rights. And in the midst...
CLIFTON, N.J.-AT&T Wireless Services Inc. has selected Gemini Industries Inc. to manage and supply the company's Universal Accessory Program. Gemini will supply all of the accessories for cellular phones marketed by AT&T Wireless.The new cellular accessory line will be marketed in AT&T's brand packaging...