EL DORADO HILLS, Calif.-International Billing Services, a subsidiary of USCS International, has reached technology agreement with AT&T Corp. under which IBS will provide software technology that will aid AT&T in controlling the production of billing statements sent to its consumer and small business customers...
WASHINGTON-The first week of the D-, E- and F-block broadband personal communications services auctions moved along without much fanfare, either at the beginning of Round 1 or with the end of Round 4.Spectrum auctions have turned out to be much like the recent political...
SAN FRANCISCO-Cellular One in San Francisco, a partnership of AirTouch Communications Inc. and AT&T Wireless Services Inc., announced it is adding its own cellular long-distance service.Cellular One said customers now can receive all of their cellular charges, local air time and long distance on...
WASHINGTON-The U.S. Treasury will be receiving another auction-related windfall payment sometime in the near future when the Federal Communications Commission, AT&T Corp. and the General Accounting Office decide how much money was made from the 900 number that personal communications services applicants used to...
The wireless division of WorldCom Inc. aspires to be present in all major U.S. markets, indicating that the nation's fourth largest long-distance company seeks to be the country's fourth most powerful telecommunications company as well.Wireless service has been added in recent years to the...
Licensees of narrowband personal communications services report their development, testing and introduction plans for two-way messaging services are right on schedule. But Ian Gillott, manager of wireless research for IDC/Link Resources, suggests carriers have shifted to more conservative time schedules.Many service providers say they...
LITTLE ROCK, Ark.-Alltel Information Services Inc. has named Jeffrey Fox president and William Cravens chairman.Fox most recently served as senior vice president of business development and Cravens previously served as vice chairman and chief operating officer. Prior to joining Alltel, Fox worked in investment...
Metro One Telecommunications Inc. opened trading on the Nasdaq National Market at $8.50 per share in its initial public offering of 2.4 million shares of common stock, of which the company is selling about 1.68 million shares and existing shareholders are selling 725,000 shares.The...
ATLANTA-MCI Communications Corp. began offering cellular service in Dallas/Fort Worth and Houston on Wednesday, bringing its coverage footprint up to one-third of the U.S. population.The company is expected to announce a new, billion-dollar alliance today, possibly with a U.S. personal communications service operator."By the...
WASHINGTON-Uncertainty about compliance with the new, hybrid radio frequency radiation exposure standard and growing concern with the struggling industry-funded bioeffects research program could invite unforeseen legal and operational problems for the wireless telecommunications industry."There's no guidance on compliance. They need definitions," said Ronald Petersen,...
CHICAGO-CenterPoint Properties Corp., a publicly traded real estate investment trust, announced it has reached an agreement with AT&T Wireless Services Inc. to grant the cellular company a master lease covering more than 70 of CenterPoint's industrial properties.The sites are located in all Chicago area...
Of late, the move from corporate executive to born again entrepreneur is not uncommon in wireless.But still it comes as a surprise Alex Mandl would leave his post as president and chief operating officer of AT&T Corp. Word has it he was Chairman Bob...
Of late, the move from corporate executive to born again entrepreneur is not uncommon in wireless.But still it comes as a surprise Alex Mandl would leave his post as president and chief operating officer of AT&T Corp. Word has it he was Chairman Bob...
WASHINGTON-A lengthy notice of proposed rulemaking adopted July 25 by the Federal Communications Commission but not released until Aug. 13, "initiates a comprehensive review of our existing regulatory framework of structural and nonstructural safeguards for local exchange carrier provision of commercial mobile radio services."Taking...
NEW YORK-After many delays, Brazil's B-band cellular license auctions, which will be open to foreign bidders, are likely to begin early next year.The Brazil Senate last month ratified telecommunications deregulation legislation already approved by the House, thereby opening satellite and cellular services to outside...
AT&T Wireless Services Inc. has acquired the Little Rock, Ark., and Memphis, Tenn., 1900 MHz personal communications services licenses from SBC Communications Inc.In addition to acquiring the two major trading area licenses, AT&T said it also will gain control of SBC's 35.7 percent interest...
Sprint Spectrum L.P. said it is facing the same problem in Oregon experienced by its personal communications services competitor, Western Wireless Corp.-an attempt by the state to tax its personal communications services license."This tax puts PCS operators at a disadvantage because incumbents aren't facing...
Preferred Networks Inc. said it has signed an agreement with NationsBank for a $20 million revolving credit facility. The money will be used primarily to finance the acquisition of paging networks and capital expenditures for the company's nationwide network construction, said Atlanta-based Preferred.Carlson Design/Construct...
NEW YORK-The establishment of Mexico's Federal Telecommunications Commission by Aug. 10 heralds the advent of significant new foreign ownership opportunities south of the border for wireless services companies."Joint auctions for personal communications services and local wireless access are contemplated for year-end 1996," said Carlos...
Lucent Technologies Inc. said it doesn't expect to renew its original equipment manufacturer contracts with Nokia Mobile Phones and Oki telecom at the end of the year when the agreements expire.Lucent said it is making good progress on establishing a factory in New Jersey...
3607 Communications Co. launched its Code Division Multiple Access digital cellular phone network in Las Vegas and is offering the service to new and existing customers.The system, which covers 85 percent of the company's analog traffic areas, will allow 3607 to increase network capacity...
Gearing up for the influx in demand for customer care and billing, Cincinnati Bell Information Systems Inc. and American Management Systems announced the expansion of their businesses.CBIS said it has opened a data center in Orlando, Fla., that will provide the infrastructure, processes, methods...
Comsat RSI Mark Antennas signed agreements with several contractors to supply antennas for Sprint Spectrum L.P.'s personal communications services network. The contractors include Black & Veatch and MFS Network Technologies, said Comsat.Bell Atlantic Nynex Mobile has signed intercarrier agreements with Southwestco, its wholly owned...
Gearing up for the influx in demand for customer care and billing, Cincinnati Bell Information Systems Inc. and American Management Systems announced the expansion of their businesses.CBIS said it has opened a data center in Orlando, Fla., that will provide the infrastructure, processes, methods...