SEOUL, South Korea-Under a contract valued at $540 million, AT&T Corp. said it plans to supply Korea Mobile Telecom with wireless infrastructure equipment for KMT's nationwide cellular network.Terms of the multiyear agreement call for AT&T Network Systems to install its Autoplex wireless communications infrastructure...
WASHINGTON-Stepped-up lobbying by city, state and county officials and support from a top House Republican likely will weaken the Klug-Manton antenna siting amendment in the House-Senate conference on telecommunications reform legislation this fall.Rep. Thomas Bliley, R-Va., chairman of the Commerce Committee and chief sponsor...
PARSIPPANY, N.Y.-AT&T Corp. is introducing this month a line of wedge-shaped numeric pagers that target teenagers and meet consumer demand for personal-use devices.Model 3517 will come in bright yellow, Tazmanian red and bright cobalt, and will be sleek and compact, AT&T said. Model 3512...
Kicking off a game of wireless executive leapfrog, George F. Schmitt jumped ship from PCS PrimeCo L.P. to join the personal communications services team at Omnipoint Communications Inc. as president-a post Omnipoint Corp. had sought to fill "since we won our pioneer's preference," said...
WASHINGTON-The federal government is trying to mend its rocky relationship with the public-safety community, following a series of flare-ups between the two during the past year.Last week, the Federal Communications Commission and the National Telecommunications and Information Administration named Washington, D.C, lawyer Philip Verveer...
August is supposed to be a slow month in the nation's capital, but even though Congress and the president are out of town there is movement on other fronts. There's some noise, too.Didn't you hear the giant suck-up sound from Dallas, where Democrats and...
BELLEVUE, Wash.-McCaw Cellular Communications Inc. said it has begun testing switching equipment from AT&T Network Systems Inc. and L.M. Ericsson in two markets. McCaw plans to purchase $450 million dollars worth of switching equipment during the next several years from the two companies to...
Six consortia met the August deadline to apply for Ireland's second mobile phone license, which could be awarded by the Irish Department of Transport, Energy and Communications by the end of the year.Scattered among the groups hoping to capture the 15-year license to operate...
Launching personal communications services with a multitude of standards may be the way for industry to sort out the benefits of each technology, but it could set consumers up for chaos and confusion, said longtime wireless architect Jesse Russell.The AT&T Bell Laboratories engineer is...
Korea Electric Power Corp. added eight sites to the existing four sites of its L.M. Ericsson Ltd. trunked system, which uses Enhanced Digital Access Communications System technology. Korea Electric hopes to expand the system by the end of the year to cover all of...
WASHINGTON-The entrepreneur block auction for personal communications services licenses that was to begin next week has been postponed again in what has turned into a legal quagmire and an embarrassing setback for the Federal Communications Commission.A lawsuit filed last month by Omnipoint Corp., which...
WASHINGTON-Resale could become a powerful force in wireless telephony in the coming years, bringing an odd mix of competition and commerce to facilities-based carriers.Resale has experienced modest success in the 12-year-old cellular industry, but the infusion of more spectrum (120 megahertz) and new competition...
WASHINGTON-Congress is studying different approaches to spectrum reform in light of the $14 billion that lawmakers and the Clinton administration hope to extract from the airwaves during the next seven years.The Federal Communications Commission has raised $9 billion to date from selling licenses for...
WASHINGTON-The Federal Communications Commission is considering abandoning the 220-222 MHz test-bed for narrowband technology in favor of a flexible licensing scheme that would permit alternative technologies for services other than dispatch such as paging, data and fixed wireless.The July 28 proposal comes in the...
WASHINGTON-MCI Communications Corp. turned itself into a national wireless powerhouse last week by signing cellular resale agreements with AT&T Corp., GTE Corp., BellSouth Corp., Frontier Corp. and the AirTouch Communications Inc.-Cellular Communications Inc. partnership known as New Par.The resale pacts build on MCI's $190...
AT&T Corp. and Saudi Arabian company A.S. Bugshan & Bros. won a contract to expand the Global System for Mobile communications cellular network of the Saudi Ministry of Post, Telegraph and Telephone. An additional 300,000 subscribers can be added. The expansion will cover 16...
MCI Communications Corp. is going to resell cellular service from arch competitor AT&T Corp? What is the world coming to?Chaos, I say.There is no orderly development in this brave new world of wireless telecommunications. Perhaps chaos is a side dish to progress.Even as the...
CLEVELAND-The TDMA Forum said it has successfully completed bench and laboratory testing of prototype Interim Standard-136 compatible mobile stations on the infrastructures of AT&T Corp., L.M. Ericsson, Hughes Networks Systems Inc. and Northern Telecom Ltd.The IS-136 standard provides dual-mode, analog-digital service on Time Division...
CINCINNATI-Despite soaring revenue and subscriber growth, USA Mobile Communications Inc. reported a sharp decline in net income for the second quarter, ended June 30, because of increases in depreciation and amortization costs associated with assets gained in recent acquisitions.Net loss reached $7.6 million, or...
Convergence shows its colors as cable TV provider Cox Communications Inc. charts its course into next-generation wireless telephony, underscored by its announcement last month of plans to use Code Division Multiple Access technology on its personal communications services networks.The company is a PCS pioneer's...
Sprint Telecommunications Venture-which plans to operate next-generation mobile phone service across much of the nation-is keeping to its cable roots by selecting Code Division Multiple Access technology as the foundation for its network.The Sprint-cable TV consortium last month announced it would use CDMA technology...
AT&T Corp. took another giant step into wireless competition with the confidence of an experienced player holding a royal flush-primed with a fat distribution channel, a database brimming with customer contacts and the ability to dominate the market from which it has been banned...
AT&T Network Systems Inc. said it intends to buy some of Philips Electronics' assets in a deal that would grant AT&T access to Global System for Mobile communications-based cellular equipment, and therefore provide the company a gateway to European and other markets.Specifically, the two...
WASHINGTON-The United States and Japan will resume talks this fall in hopes of heading off a full-blown trade dispute concerning foreign access to Japan's booming next-generation pocket telephone business, which American trade officials argue is subject to a major telecommunications accord agreed to by...