The service combines VMware-managed cloud services with Equinix’s Bare Metal as a Service
Equinix and VMware announced this week VMware Cloud on Equinix Metal, a new cloud service that sees VMware-managed cloud-based Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) available on Equinix’s Bare Metal as a Service offering. The companies predict...
Edge Bare Metal service’s first APAC deployment was for Solana Foundation’s blockchain efforts, said Lumen
Lumen Technologies has announced the launch of edge services for the Asia Pacific (APAC) region. Lumen’s Edge Bare Metal services provide access to the company’s distributed edge network of high-capacity bare-metal...
IBM announces managed Kubernetes on bare-metal servers
IBM announced its Cloud Container Service, a fully-managed container services based in Kubernetes, is now able to run on bare metal nodes.
Containers are a lightweight form of virtualization, which enable developers to run an application and its dependencies...
Packet seeks to provide developers an un-opinionated infrastructure
Packet, a New York-based startup that specializes in bare metal infrastructure, recently launched its new edge compute service in 15 locations across the globe. Eleven of these locations are new, which are online in Los Angeles, Seattle,...