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Operators: Consumers the strongest 5G use case

Consumers might be the strongest 5G use case in the early days of 5G; business use cases may have to wait until the technology matures LONDON--Asked where 5G money would come from during a panel session at 5G World, EE, Deutsche Telekom and Bell Canada...

IBM pushing security for telco hybrid cloud platforms

Telecom operators are increasingly turning to the cloud as a cost-effective way to provide enterprise customers with the scalable compute, storage and other functionality needed to remain competitive. As more and more secure data crosses between telecom networks from private to public and hybrid cloud...

T-Mobile US counters AT&T with latest ‘un-carrier’ move

T-Mobile US announces no-cost North America roaming plan; counters AT&T’s Mexico venture T-Mobile US continues to update its “Un-carrier” promotions, with the latest move expanding services across North America. T-Mobile US announced that beginning July 15, postpaid and prepaid customers will be able to place calls,...

Rogers wins bidding war for Mobilicity

Mobilicity deal includes closing of Shaw spectrum acquisition, spectrum divestitures to Wind Mobile Rogers Communications won the bidding war for beleaguered Canadian mobile operator Mobilicity in a move that government regulators said would bolster its attempts to increase competition across Canada. Rogers said it was set...

Sprint names former Bell Media, AT&T exec Crull CMO

Crull replaces Hallock as CMO, tasked with overseeing Sprint marketing efforts Sprint continued its management shakeup, announcing this week the appointment of Kevin Crull as CMO effective May 31. Crull is replacing former CMO Jeff Hallock who recently left the company. Crull will be tasked with overseeing all...

Canada to regulate roaming rates, plans additional spectrum auction

Roaming rate regulations target Bell Canada, Telus and Rogers Citing a lack of competition, the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission said it plans to take steps in regulating roaming rates across the country. The move is part of an ongoing process by CRTC and government...

Telus expected to dominate Canada’s 2.5 GHz spectrum auction

Canada’s 2.5 GHz spectrum auction latest attempt to increase competition Canada’s quest for deeper mobile competition continues today as the country’s telecom regulator begins what is expected to be a short auction of spectrum licenses in the 2.5 GHz band. The auction is set to include...

Canada AWS-3 spectrum auction lasts 1 day, generates $1.67B in total bids

Five of 10 qualified bidders picked up spectrum licenses; 2.5 GHz auction next Canada’s AWS-3 spectrum auction came to a quick end after one day of bidding saw 39 of the 42 licenses up for bid find takers. In total, those 39 licenses generated 2.1...

Canada set for AWS-3 spectrum auction

Spectrum auction is latest attempt by Canada to bolster wireless competition On the heels of its southern neighbor conducting its most lucrative spectrum auction ever, Canada this week is set to kick off bidding for 50 megahertz of spectrum in the 1.7/2.1 GHz band, also...

Canada’s wireless competition efforts remain mixed

Canada’s attempts to reduce wireless service pricing continue to draw mixed results, with the latest news coming from a report commissioned by government regulators. The report, which was conducted by Wall Communications and is commissioned annually by Canadian regulator Industry Canada and the Canadian Radio-television...

Canada looks to bolster new entrants (again) with AWS-3 auction

The Canadian government is looking to maintain a fresh supply of spectrum for that country’s mobile industry as well as attempting to encourage new entrants, announcing this week plans to conduct an auction of licenses in the 1.7/2.1 GHz band next year. Industry Canada said...

Carrier Wrap: Worldwide carrier revenue up 1% in 2013; Quebecor set to be Canada’s No. 4

Editor’s Note: Wireless operators are a busy bunch, and as such RCR Wireless News will attempt to gather some of the important announcements that may slip through the cracks from the world’s largest carriers in a weekly wrap-up. Enjoy! --A new report from Infonetics Research...

Worst of the Week: Canada’s dysfunctional synchronicity

The world was shocked this week when news leaked out of Canada that the country’s trio of dominate wireless carriers have recently increased the price of services in near unison. Shocked!

Canadian wireless carriers slowly raise prices

Canadian media has reported that the country’s three dominate wireless carriers have slowly increased the price of wireless services over the past couple of months by around $5, roughly in line with the recent completion of a nationwide spectrum auction that failed to generate...

Canada’s 700 MHz spectrum auction raises $4.8B, but few new entrants

The Canadian government’s plans to introduce competition into that country’s wireless space through stringent spectrum rules met with limited success as results from its auction of 700 MHz spectrum licenses were announced. The country’s three dominate players, Rogers Communications, Telus and Bell Canada, all...

Canada set to unveil 700 MHz spectrum auction winners

Canada’s telecom regulator Industry Canada is set later today to announce the winners of that country’s 700 MHz spectrum auction. The auction is assumed to have wrapped up sometime in the past five days as Industry Canada said before the auction began that it...

Canadian government to limit roaming charges, continues pro-consumer initiatives

The Canadian government is looking to curb nationwide roaming rates for wireless customers, announcing plans to introduce an amendment to the country’s Telecommunications Act designed to cap the amount carriers can charge other operators for accessing their network. Industry Canada Minister James Moore noted the...

Orange reportedly eyes Canadian wireless market

Squeezed by a price war in its home country, Paris-based telecom Orange is reportedly eyeing Canada. Orange Horizons, an Orange subsidiary created to look for new market opportunities, has held exploratory talks with Canada's industry, trade and telecommunication agencies, according to The Globe and Mail. Apparently Orange...

Canada sees 4 bidders drop out of 700 MHz auction pool

Canada’s plan to increase competition across its wireless market through the upcoming auction of 700 MHz spectrum assets appears to be sputtering as a handful of potential bidders have dropped out of the process. According to a Reuters report, four entities that had previously stated...

CRTC ‘code’ to ease burden on Canadian wireless customers goes into effect

Canadian wireless customers beginning this week will be able to take advantage of a new “wireless code” designed to ease the burden on subscribing to wireless services. The code, which was enacted in early June by the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission, states that...

Root Metrics tests Canada’s LTE networks; Bell most reliable, Rogers fastest

Root Metrics recently conducted network speeds tests and availability across three markets in Canada to find out which of that country’s three largest operators provided a superior network experience to consumers. The testing, which was similar to those conducted by Root Metrics across the...

Telus gets green light to purchase Public Mobile

Less than six months after denying Telus’ $370 million acquisition attempt of Mobilicity citing competitive concerns, Canadian regulator Industry Canada has approved Telus’ acquisition of struggling operator Public Mobile. In clarifying its position on the two deals, Industry Canada noted that the G-Block spectrum...

Carrier Wrap: Rogers apologizes for outage; U.S. Cellular launches shared data

Editor’s Note: Wireless operators are a busy bunch, and as such RCR Wireless News will attempt to gather some of the important announcements that may slip through the cracks from the world’s largest carriers in a weekly wrap-up. Enjoy! --Canadian wireless operator Rogers suffered a...

15 set to contest Canada’s 700 MHz spectrum auction

Canada’s plans to auction 700 MHz spectrum licenses will be contested by 15 entities looking to get their hands on wide-reaching spectrum set to be up for bidding beginning Jan. 14. Entrants will include established wireless giants Rogers Communications, Bell Mobility and Telus Communications, as...