Second-quarter results from public tower companies reflect improved financial stability and greater optimism that cell-site additions will ramp up in the coming months. Crown Castle International Corp. released its second-quarter financials late last week. The company reported revenue of $224.2 million, down slightly from...
HOUSTON-Crown Castle International Corp. was the latest public tower company to release its second-quarter 2003 financial results.The company reported revenue of $224.2 million, down slightly from $225.5 million for the second quarter 2002. Site rental and broadcast transmission revenue accounted for $189.5 million of...
WASHINGTON-House Democrats are preparing a bill that would give first responders access to spectrum to help with interoperable communications."Democrats will fight to ensure that first responders will have the equipment they need to respond to terrorist attacks. We will ensure that first responders have...
WASHINGTON-House Democrats are preparing a bill that would give first responders access to spectrum to help with interoperable communications."Democrats will fight to ensure that first responders will have the equipment they need to respond to terrorist attacks. We will ensure that first responders have...
Approaching its 95th birthday, the Radio Club of America continues to be a source of inspiration and education to its members, whose ongoing contributions make this living history of radio communications possible.The club was founded, the story goes, by a group of teenage members...
WASHINGTON-A federal appeals court said Tuesday that the Federal Communications Commission was correct when it opened an auction for rural cellular licenses rather than limiting it to those who had applied for a lottery years before.Ranger Cellular and Miller Communications Inc. argued in March...
WASHINGTON-The Senate Commerce Committee may have killed the wireless industry's hopes of gaining much-desired frequencies in the 1700 MHz band when it amended a bill to allow the Pentagon to be reimbursed for vacating that spectrum.The amendment would allow a digital broadcast satellite license...
WASHINGTON-The Senate Commerce Committee may have killed the wireless industry's hopes of gaining much-desired frequencies in the 1700 MHz band when it amended a bill that would allow the Pentagon to be reimbursed for vacating the desired frequencies.The amendment would allow a digital broadcast...
WASHINGTON-Lawmakers last week called for making firm the mandate that TV broadcasters give back spectrum in the 700 MHz band by the end of 2006.Reps. Jane Harman (D-Calif.) and Curt Weldon (R-Pa.) told the House telecommunications subcommittee that while it may be hard for...
WASHINGTON-Lawmakers on Wednesday called for making firm the mandate that TV broadcasters give back spectrum in the 700 MHz band by the end of 2006.Reps. Jane Harman (D-Calif.) and Curt Weldon (R-Pa.) told the House telecommunications subcommittee that while it may be hard for...
WASHINGTON-Northrop Grumman Corp. and the Federal Communications Commission are at loggerheads over the global defense giant's push for a public-safety spectrum carve-out that could undermine agency efforts to free up valuable broadcast frequencies for new technologies and that complicates an auction report due to...
WASHINGTON-An industry group advising the Federal Communications Commission on emergency public warnings today urged use of new technologies to deliver critical homeland security information to U.S. citizens, a policy stance backed by FCC Chairman Michael Powell. "Increasingly, I see media companies that are...
WASHINGTON-Northpoint Technology Ltd. is again pushing its plan to offer wireless broadband using digital broadcast satellite spectrum, and it has received some powerful support on Capitol Hill in the form of a positive hearing by the Senate communications subcommittee."We support because it ensures...
WASHINGTON-Northpoint Technology Ltd. is again pushing its plan to offer wireless broadband using digital broadcast satellite spectrum, and it has received some powerful support on Capitol Hill in the form of a positive hearing by the Senate communications subcommittee."We support because it ensures...
LG Mobile Phones further outlined its major advertising campaign for the U.S. market, a move the company has discussed during the past few months as it looks to raise awareness of the LG brand.The company said the multimillion dollar advertising push, the biggest since...
Playboy Enterprises has signed its first major mobile carrier agreement through a deal with Hutchison's third-generation operations. The agreement covers rights to provide Playboy's print, online and broadcast libraries to wireless customers in markets where Hutchison has 3G companies.The Hong Kong-based operator has focused...
WASHINGTON-The Federal Communications Commission adopted rules that allow wireless carriers to lease spectrum they are not using to other companies, a move heralded by the wireless community."The spectrum-leasing policies adopted are a landmark step in the evolution toward greater reliance on the marketplace...
CARY, N.C.-SpectraSite Inc. late last week reported first quarter 2003 results reflecting increased site leasing revenues and net income.Revenues were $81.4 million, up from $72.4 million for the first quarter of last year. Site leasing revenues were up 16.1 percent to $76.6 million, while...
HOUSTON-Crown Castle International Inc. released its first quarter 2003 results and announced changes to certain agreements with Verizon, affecting two Crown joint ventures.The company's total revenue was $216.7 million, down from the year ago quarter's $220.6 million. The decrease in total revenue reflects the...
Software-defined radios may be the answer to today's interoperability issues, but carriers and handset makers do not seem overly enthused about adopting the technology because the technological advances gained from SDR may hurt their business models.Why? Because SDR gives "too much flexibility to the...
SOUTHWICK, Mass.-Thales Broadcast & Multimedia said it has signed an agreement to sell and support IPWireless' next-generation broadband wireless access solutions.Under the contract, Thales will integrate and sell the UMTS TD-CDMA products, which include a complete network infrastructure solution, pocket-sized wireless desktop modems and...
LONDON-Arabic news network Al Jazeera said it will offer a breaking news service to mobile-phone users. The text messaging service, operated through content company PervasiveEdge, will feature around 60 news alerts per month and will cost US$6 per month.Al Jazeera has rapidly gained international...
Arabic news network Al Jazeera said it will offer a breaking news service to mobile phone users. The text messaging service, operated through content company PervasiveEdge, will feature around 60 news alerts per month, and will cost $6 per month.Al Jazeera has rapidly gained...
HERZLIYA, Israel-Israeli company CellTick Technologies said China Unicom will deploy its interactive broadcast system in XinJiang state.The platform allows operators to establish interactive communications with subscribers by using a mobile phone's control channel and enabling subscribers to receive continuous streams of content to handsets.