Texas Instruments Inc. announced the availability of its FLEX two-chip chipset, which with its built-in analog to digital converter sets the product apart from others, said the company.Motorola's Paging Products Group, which designed the FLEX protocol, stated plans to use the chipset, while Ex...
WASHINGTON-Not only was the future of spectrum policy on the minds of Industrial Telecommunications Association members meeting here last week, it has been on the front burner of several Capitol Hill staffers even during this time of possible political transition.Spectrum auctions have become a...
A change in business strategy for Tele-Communications Inc. isn't expected to shake up the basket of eggs for the wireless venture between Sprint Corp. and three cable companies."We have all the funding we need at this time, and no other commitments are necessary," said...
WASHINGTON-Antitrust policy is adapting to sweeping pro-competitive, deregulatory telecommunications reforms mandated by Congress, but not abandoning traditional oversight safeguards, one of the nation's top regulators said.The Federal Trade Commission, the Department of Justice and the Federal Communications Commission are all shifting their missions, noted...
FLEX has been adopted en masse in the paging industry, at least in principle. In reality, the majority of U.S. one-way paging customers are POCSAG customers and carriers are in no hurry to eliminate the protocol.FLEX, designed by Motorola Inc., offers increased capacity and...
NEW ORLEANS- Axcess Global Communications Corp. is charting a national footprint to deploy paging using Radio Broadcast Data Service FM-subcarrier frequencies. The company offers traditional paging, and online information services to its customers.To date, Axcess has licensed more than 90 FM broadcasters in 11...
EL DORADO HILLS, Calif.-International Billing Services will provide statement processing and presentment services to Powertel Inc. for its new base of personal communications services customers, under a five-year agreement.Powertel, a wholly owned subsidiary of InterCel Inc., is a PCS provider licensed to offer service...
FCC Chairman Reed Hundt is off the hook or should I say off the leash. John Dingell (D-Mich.), a hurricane-like force even when not House Commerce Committee chairman, struck his own amendment to ban Hundt from traveling 50 miles from home. Big John (Commerce...
BOCA RATON, Fla.-"PCS and The New Wireless Marketplace," the first show in the wireless communications series airing as part of The Cutting Edge Technology Report, will be broadcast Tuesday on the Discovery Channel via its transponder.Times for the show, hosted by Andrew Roscoe, chief...
NEW YORK-Teletrac Inc., which uses a paging-based system to locate stolen vehicles, is poised for a fall foray geared to consumers and companies in six metropolitan markets on the West Coast, in the South, the Southwest and the Midwest.Until January, Teletrac was AirTouch Teletrac,...
Corsair Communications Inc. appointed Dr. Donald R. Oestreicher vice president of engineering. Oestreicher will direct Corsair's efforts in product engineering, research and development. Oestreicher's background includes engineering management with Dow Jones & Co., Evans & Sutherland Computer Corp., Valid Logic Systems and Xerox Corp....
PALO ALTO, Calif.-Corsair Communications and Telcel, Mexico's premier cellular carrier, are teaming up to prevent fraud throughout Mexico's B-side cellular markets.Corsair will provide Telcel with the PhonePrint fraud prevention system, which uses radio frequency fingerprinting to detect subtle differences between the radio signals broadcast...
On the surface, neither the odds-on re-election of President Clinton nor a dramatic upset victory by GOP rival Bob Dole in the presidential race should impact telecommunications policy.The blueprint for a deregulated, competitive marketplace was etched in sacred stone with Clinton's signing of the...
OYSTER BAY, N.Y.-The combined total of cellular and personal communications services devices will be in the hundreds of millions by 2000, said Allied Business Intelligence Inc. in its report, "The Wireless World Strategic Outlook."The report evaluated six categories of wireless technology and studied each...
To the Editor: I am writing to clarify the law applicable to state and local regulation of personal wireless service providers, as discussed by Susan H.R. Jones in her article titled, "Who is in charge here?" in the Aug. 5 issue of RCR. Specifically, Ms....
WASHINGTON-Democrats will meet this week in Chicago to launch President Clinton's re-election campaign and try to take away the bounce that the Republican national conventional gave to the Dole-Kemp ticket earlier this month. Both major political parties are playing to middle-class voters with proposals...
WASHINGTON-With the final report outlining public-safety spectrum needs through 2010 due Sept. 11, members of the Public Safety Wireless Advisory Committee continue to debate from which source extra channels can be squeezed.The Department of Defense is adamant that some channels suggested in the PSWAC...
KANSAS CITY, Mo.-Sprint Spectrum L.P. has named Andrew Sukawaty chief executive officer.Sukawaty is known for his work helping launch a personal communications services network in the United Kingdom.Sprint Spectrum, a partnership consisting of Sprint Corp., Tele-Communications Inc., Comcast Corp. and Cox Communications Inc., is...
Ah...August in Washington. Congress is on hiatus. Agencies have ratcheted down. Tourists are dwindling. Humidity on certain days is below 99 percent. John Tesh (and his Olympic drivel) is gone. My bureau chief is on vacation. Life is good.Well, it's okay. I'm still faced...
For those who are banking on the growth of specialized mobile radio during the next few years, there is good news and there is good news. The good news is: The transition to digital technology will continue to grow, adding new voice and data services,...
AVON, Colo.-NSN Network Services introduced Broadcast TNPP for paging networking, technology that combines Telocator Network Paging Protocol sources from a number of locations into one data stream, enabling point-to-multipoint communications between terminals.TNPP is the protocol that allows paging terminals to talk to one another....
WASHINGTON-Even before the Federal Communications Commission voted last week to solicit comments regarding the possibility of taking back UHF broadcast channels 60 through 69, the National Association of Broadcasters let it be known that non-broadcast use of these channels probably would be unacceptable during...
WASHINGTON-The Clinton administration and federal regulators have promised the public safety community a chunk of TV channels 60-69 in exchange for supporting efforts to free up that spectrum soon for auctions. The deal appears to circumvent normal rulemaking processes and calls into question the...
Does anyone have any common sense any more? (And if they do, are they willing to auction it off to the highest bidder?)While the GOP-led Congress debates what to do with TV channels 60-69-should they auction them, should they keep them for broadcast transmission...