Alerting all couch potatoes, VideoGuide Inc.'s state-of-the-art television enhancement service delivers real-time news and information, wirelessly, and is a seven-day TV program guide and one-touch VCR recording device all in one.VideoGuide's Bedford, Mass., computer facility receives news, weather and sports information, compresses it and...
ProNet Inc. paid Motorola Inc.'s Messaging Information and Media Sector $43 million cash for its 931.9 MHz nationwide one-way paging license and associated Embarc system equipment, announced the companies."This nationwide license provides us a great deal of flexibility for expansion purposes as well as...
WASHINGTON-Fifty-eight arts, education and consumer groups signed off on a July 11 letter to five congressmen to "express*...*profound dismay" on their recent letter to Federal Communications Commission Chairman Reed Hundt advocating free distribution of spectrum to broadcasters.The Center for Media Education, the Media Access...
WASHINGTON-The broadcast auction issue has reappeared on the political radar screen with the same intensity and fanfare that nearly upended the telecommunications reform bill earlier this year.This time around, with that legislation signed into law, the controversy has shifted to the Federal Communications Commission...
WASHINGTON-The Federal Communications Commission is crafting a politically correct auction plan that would convert TV broadcast spectrum into a launching pad for new wireless telecommunications services.The initiative, briefly mentioned by FCC Chairman Reed Hundt at a Senate Commerce Committee oversight hearing last week and...
TULSA, Okla.-Axcess Global Systems of Metairie, La., has selected SpaceCom Systems and its FM Cubed satellite technology to provide the backbone for the paging carrier's new network of alphanumeric paging and information services, SpaceCom said.The network will use Radio Broadcast Data Service FM-subcarrier signals,...
WASHINGTON-Despite Congressional passage of a six-year balanced budget plan last week that assumes $19.2 billion from auctions, telecom policymakers are growing concerned that fiscal and political forces are increasingly driving spectrum auction policy on Capitol Hill and that the Federal Communications Commission has become...
A U.S.-owned company is up against competition in its bid for digital dispatch radio spectrum in the United Kingdom, while also facing implementation of the never-deployed TETRA standard.National Band Three Ltd. is wholly owned by Geotek Communications Inc. of Montvale, N.J. The four-year-old company...
CHICAGO-Paging Network Inc. and software developer Ex Machina Inc. announced the rollout of a wireless, Internet-based news, entertainment and messaging network called AirMedia Live!PageNet said it will carry AirMedia Live! network broadcasts and individual alerts over its nationwide FLEX-enabled frequency this summer. The service...
WASHINGTON-The House GOP strategy to reach out to voters this election year by repealing a 4.3 cents gasoline tax hike and underwriting forgone federal revenue by auctioning 35 megahertz of unspecified spectrum highlights tensions that have come to exist between budgeters and lawmakers with...
David Chadwick, a company vice president and director of engineering for Las Vegas-based Chadmoore Wireless Group Inc., resigned his positions following a due-diligence procedure conducted prior to the company's recent Securities and Exchange Commission filing. Chadwick co-founded the specialized mobile radio concern with Robert...
It's quicker to list which countries do not use FLEX than to name those that do.That's how Larry Conlee, corporate vice president and director of worldwide markets, Motorola Inc.'s Advanced Messaging Division, described FLEX's rapid acceptance worldwide. In the United States, most one-way paging...
It was one book in Alighieri Dante's 14th century classic Divine Comedy trilogy that inspired the name for Lucent Technologies Inc.'s new software program, Inferno. The technology behind Inferno will facilitate communications across most all networks, said the company, promising a lot more good...
Kevin Mitnick, a convicted computer hacker, recently plead guilty to charges of illegally using stolen mobile phone numbers. Federal prosecutors in North Carolina arranged the plea as part of an agreement when he was arrested last year after three years on the run. Mitnick,...
WASHINGTON-Senate Commerce Committee Chairman Larry Pressler (R-S.D.) said Congress is unlikely to consider spectrum reform legislation this year, and conceded the bill he wants to craft probably will fall short of the sweeping policy changes advocated by the nation's top technology thinkers."It's going to...
Okay, I'll admit it. I'm a "videot." There is no such thing as too much television. My personality-when split into its definitive sectors-reflects the social mores of Roseanne, Murphy Brown and Martha Stewart.There are others out there like me*...*who get nervous when the power...
PHILADELPHIA-Bell Atlantic Nynex Mobile said it is offering TalkDial voice-activated dialing service to its Philadelphia tri-state region customers.The company said customers will be able to place cellular phone calls by speaking the phone number, or speaking the name of a person or place they...
APRIL14-16 Technology Forecasting for the Telecom Industry, by Technology Futures Inc. Grand Kempinski, Dallas. Call David Solomon at (800) 835-3887.16-18 Universal Wireless Communications International Conference, Singapore International Convention & Exhibition Center, Singapore. Call Gwen Carlson at (619) 535-9500 ext. 2071.17-18 Building the PCS Market,...
"The Internet is the killer app!" declared futurist George Gilder at the Wireless Apps '95 show hosted by the Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association last fall in Las Vegas.He was referring to the long-sought application for wireless data-a Holy Grail of sorts-that would be so...
WASHINGTON-President Clinton late last week signed legislation to give small businesses more leverage to challenge regulations of the Federal Communications Commission and other government agencies.The measure is a scaled-back version of regulatory reform included in the Contract with America Advancement Act of 1996 that...
What did he know and when did he know it?Ah, the immortal question of Sen. Howard Baker of Watergate fame.That's what House telecommunications subcommittee Chairman Jack Fields (R-Texas) wanted to know last week of FCC Chairman Reed Hundt's knowledge about an elusive proposal in...
WASHINGTON-No matter how many times Federal Communications Commission economist Greg Rosston declared that spectrum auctions were not about money, it was clear to member associations of the Land Mobile Communications Council that money is all the commission is about when it comes to private-radio...
homas Gutierrez, David LaFuria Could it be that the C-block auction is too successful? After overcoming numerous pre-auction challenges, both from the industry and the Supreme Court, a new and potentially disruptive problem within the auction grows each day. The C-block auction for personal...
MARCH25-27 Wireless '96, by the Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association. Dallas Convention Center, Dallas. Call Mary Claire Murphy at (202) 785-0081.25-29 Third Annual Portable by Design Conference and Exposition. Santa Clara Convention Center, Santa Clara, Calif. (201) 393-6075.27 Microwave Negotiation and Relocatio*...*Strategies for Success, by...