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Vodafone UK highlights savings for public buildings with 5G SA

Vodafone noted that 5G SA technology can integrate many connected devices and sensors with IoT across heating, cooling and lighting systems to monitor energy use 5G-powered technologies can generate significant cost and energy savings across public buildings like schools, hospitals and leisure centers across...

Penn Entertainment rolls out indoor neutral-host 5G DAS infrastructure

Tillman Digital Cities (TDC), the US network infrastructure startup founded by telecoms magnate Sanjiv Ahuja, is to provide a neutral-host distributed antenna system (DAS) to Penn Entertainment, to provide all of its casinos and hotels with LTE and 5G connectivity, and drive its strategy...

EU backs $100m venture capital fund for ‘Industry 5.0’ (Industry 4.0 with-a-conscience)

Zurich-based venture capital group Momenta has launched a $100 million target fund for ‘Industry 5.0’ tech – basically, for startups pushing Industry 4.0 with-a-conscience. The new fund is backed by the European Commission, which told IoT Solutions World Congress (IOTSWC) in Barcelona, where the...

Ericsson shows how IoT can mitigate energy cost in properties

Ericsson noted that the report comes with a specific energy management value calculator designed to estimate savings and efficiencies based on energy prices and other factors   Swedish vendor Ericsson released a ‘Connected Buildings Energy Management’ report in partnership with Nordic property technology company Kiona and...

Google makes private 5G play – with Betacom, Boingo, Celona, and others

Google Cloud has followed hyperscale mega-rivals Microsoft and AWS into the private 5G market with a bunch of specialist vendor and channel partners, starting with Betacom, Boingo Wireless, Celona, Crown Castle, and Kajeet. It said it is offering “turn-key” private 5G with the option...

European Commission selects 100 cities for smart city initiative

The smart city and climate-neutral initiative will receive 360 million euros of Horizon Europe funding   The European Commission (EC) announced the 100 EU cities that will participate in the EU mission for 100 climate-neutral and smart cities by 2030, the so-called Cities Mission. The commission noted...

The pandemic pattern for IoT is set to repeat – in utilities, buildings, logistics (ABI on 2022)

Covid-19 caused supply-chain disruptions across vertical industries. The pandemic deepened market uncertainty and severely impacted the adoption of IoT. Healthcare was the main exception, as the global crisis expanded IoT use cases in production and logistics around healthcare products, as well as in hospitals...

Is neutral host the killer app for enterprise 5G? (Reader Forum)

Recent FCC rules establishing the commercial use of the Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS) spectrum within the 3.55 to 3.7GHz range (band 48) is driving enterprise interest in the use of cellular technology to enable connectivity for many digital initiatives that demand predictable performance,...

Buy more 5G kit or miss your CO2 targets – says 5G kit vendor, in warning to Europe

Industrial 5G and IoT – or at least, the digital pyrotechnics sprung from 5G and IoT networks – can help the planet reduce carbon emissions, reckons the tech and telecoms market. Telecoms vendor Ericsson, chorusing the message from telecoms operator Vodafone a couple of...

Covid-fighting IoT-powered self-disinfecting door handles are coming

A Swiss startup has produced a self-disinfecting door handle that integrates an IoT module and platform to count and monitor usage, and signal for refills. The product, available in 2021 features an “electric engine”, a printed circuit board, and a lithium battery, alongside the...

SK Telecom, Omron Electronics develop 5G robot to fight COVID-19

  South Korea’s largest telecommunications operator SK Telecom, together with Omron Electronics Korea, has developed a 5G-powered autonomous robot to fight COVID-19. Featuring technologies such as 5G, AI, autonomous driving and IoT, the robot carries out diverse activities such as contactless temperature screenings for visitors and...

Giving construction the IoT treatment could help save the planet (Reader Forum)

As our collective awareness of the environment continues to grow due to climate change, our surroundings and the way we interact with them are changing dramatically. Buildings and infrastructures are not just cement blocks anymore. They have become dynamic environments, capable of self-correction and...

ThoughtWire intros IoT automation apps for building owners and healthcare providers

Canadian IoT platform provider ThoughtWire has produced five new applications for building owners and healthcare providers to manage connected “people, systems and things”. ThoughtWire has introduced two new applications as part of its ‘smart building suite’ for operations performance management (OPM), and three for its...

UK strikes £420m ‘bytes and mortar’ deal for smart construction of new buildings

The UK government has announced a £420 million joint investment in ‘bytes and mortar’ to use digital technologies in 'smart construction to develop new techniques for sustainable and rapid house building. The UK wants to deliver 1.5 million additional homes by 2022, alongside new...

IoT in the Enterprise: 3 Connectivity Requirements

Enterprises are adopting smart building technologies to reduce costs and streamline operations. Wireless sensors will monitor everything from heating and cooling to lighting, office machines, and security controls. These sensors need robust and reliable wireless connectivity. There are several requirements for providing the needed...