Federated looks ahead to CBRS spectrum secondary market

With PAL auction set to start, the final phase of CBRS commercialization is not far off The Priority Access License auction for the Citizens Broadband Radio Service spectrum at 3.5 GHz will begin on Thursday, with a field of 271 bidders vying for the largest-ever...

#TBT: T-Mo tests low-band 5G; Getting a taste of STIR/SHAKEN; CBRS pieces falling into place … this week in 2019

Editor’s Note: RCR Wireless News goes all in for “Throwback Thursdays,” tapping into our archives to resuscitate the top headlines from the past. Fire up the time machine, put on the sepia-tinted shades, set the date for #TBT and enjoy the memories! T-Mo tests 5G...

What have network operators said about their CBRS plans?

Mobile network capacity augmentation and fixed wireless access broadband are the two use cases driving early deployments in the shared Citizens Broadband Radio Service spectrum at 3.5 GHz, according to industry experts. More than 270 bidders are set to participate in the upcoming auction...

Four CBRS predictions

The Citizens Broadband Radio Service has a lot going for it: a 150-megahertz slice of midband spectrum, a substantial device and equipment ecosystem and early commercial deployments that were given a full go-head by the Federal Communications Commission in January of this year. But...

#TBT: FirstNet opt-ins begin; Anticipating the innovation band; Qualcomm vs. Apple … this week in 2017

Editor’s Note: RCR Wireless News goes all in for “Throwback Thursdays,” tapping into our archives to resuscitate the top headlines from the past. Fire up the time machine, put on the sepia-tinted shades, set the date for #TBT and enjoy the memories! FirstNet opt-ins begin...

271 bidders will compete for CBRS PALs

With just a few weeks to go before the auction of Priority Access Licenses for the Citizens Broadband Radio Service band at 3.5 GHz, 271 bidders are set to compete for the more than 22,000 licenses across the U.S. The FCC's list of qualified bidders...

AT&T’s march to nationwide 5G coverage

Execs aiming for nationwide 5G coverage this summer Between the FirstNet build out, low-band 5G expansion and limited introduction of dynamic spectrum sharing, AT&T's network team has been busy this year. By the latest count, some form of 5G, either using millimeter wave spectrum or...

Ready, set, OnGo! CBRS to unleash Industry 4.0 in US, says Nokia (Reader Forum)

Anyone who has used a public Wi-Fi hotspot for more than the occasional web browsing and emailing knows how unpredictable it can be. Wi-Fi’s lack of predictability has held back the deployment of wireless in many enterprise applications where predictable performance is essential. Fortunately...

Cable providers, MNOs and others qualified to bid in CBRS auction

PAL auction to start July 23 Mobile network operators, cable companies and network providers large and small are set to compete for spectrum in the upcoming Citizens Broadband Radio Service spectrum auction, and they're being joined by universities, oil and gas companies and other unconventional...

CBRS investments accelerate in 1Q20–adds confidence to forecast (Analyst Angle)

Preliminary estimates suggest 1Q20 CBRS RAN revenues were in line with expectations, accounting for 1% to 3% of the overall 1Q20 North American RAN market. Even if the regulatory process has taken significantly longer than expected, the results are encouraging given that the ICDs...

Carriers can broker vertical spectrum access for private LTE and 5G, says Nokia

Note, this article continues from a previous post, entitled, ‘Three-tiered private 5G offer emerges as telcos embrace vertical, unlicensed bands’. Click here to go to the first instalment.   Nokia has warned mobile operators to grasp the nettle of private cellular, even if they are stung...

RF Connect, CommScope and Druid team up on private LTE for Covid-19 doctors

A first principle of private cellular in shared or unlicensed spectrum is LTE-based networks can be quickly deployed in emergency scenarios. This is the idea with various network-in-a-box solutions, which can be helicoptered in to crisis zones. Of course, crisis zones have become a feature...

Get ready for the PAL auction (Analyst Angle)

In July, the FCC will begin an auction for Priority Access Licenses (PALs) in the CBRS band.    In each county, bidders will be seeking access to spectrum that won’t be disrupted by general (unlicensed) users.    They can use the band already General...

DoD to invest $2.7 million in spectrum-sharing research

At a 5G testbed in Salt Lake City, DoD funds will support advanced spectrum-sharing research In the wake of DARPA's three-year Spectrum Collaboration Grand Challenge, the Department of Defense is continuing its investment in advanced spectrum-sharing technologies with a new $2.7 million project that will...

Edge computing and CBRS: The sum is more valuable than the parts

Simplicity is key in delivering enterprise private network solutions According to a virtual panel hosted during the Wireless Infrastructure Association's ConnectX event, enterprises are eager to leverage shared access to Citizens Broadband Radio Service spectrum and computing infrastructure to solve near-term problems and set the...

Does COVID-19 change millimeter wave 5G deployment strategies?

Verizon CFO talks millimeter wave 5G, DSS and mid-band With COVID-19-related restrictions emptying out central business districts, shopping centers and large public venues, there has been discussion in the telecom industry around whether millimeter wave 5G investments, designed to support user-dense areas, will continue at...

Federated Wireless Q&A: ’10 Gbps over Wi-Fi 6 or 5G – that’s the opportunity at 6GHz’

The decision last week by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to make 1,200MHz of spectrum in the 6 GHz band in the US available for unlicensed usage, covering low-power operations over the full allocation and standard-power devices in 850MHz of the band, is a...

‘Industrial IoT is a first mover’ – Federated sets path to 1000MHz of private LTE/5G

Federated Wireless has announced it has secured $13.7 million in additional Series C funding from existing investors Allied Minds and Pennant Investors. The funding will accelerate its partnership with Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure to offer connectivity-as-a-service, which has seen most business in the...

Federated snags another $13.7 million to boost private networks

  Federated Wireless has gained another $13.7 million in funding from current investors, to bolster the company's resources to deliver Citizens Broadband Radio Service spectrum-based private networks as well as leverage 6 GHz spectrum that the Federal Communications Commission is expected to soon open up...

Three ways that PALs differ from traditional spectrum licenses

The Citizens Broadband Radio Service spectrum will not only help U.S. mobile network operators to manage their own traffic better, but will enable many new market entrants, according to a new report from the Wireless Infrastructure Association. The WIA report outlines the basics of the...

CBRS: Understanding the operator and enterprise opportunities

  New mid-band spectrum allows operators to add capacities, enterprise to invest in private networks A consummate theme of telecom discussions is the desperate need for additional spectrum dedicated to mobile services; in the context of 5G, that refrain tends to focus on mid-band spectrum, which...

FCC sets rules for CBRS PALs auction

PALs auction will offer up 22,631 county-level licenses On the heels of a millimeter wave auction which featured the largest amount of spectrum ever put forth for auction in the U.S., the next Federal Communications Commission auction is chasing a different superlative: the most licenses...

Federated Wireless on CBRS – 40 networks in bag, 100 in pipe, white-label offer on way

Connectivity has been the main blocker for industrial IoT, and not the fragmented hardware and software markets. So says Federated Wireless, one of the companies pioneering usage of private LTE and 5G in the CBRS band in the US. The firm has announced “one-click” CBRS-as-a-service...

Federated Wireless loops Microsoft Azure, AWS into CBRS connectivity-as-a-service

Federated seeks to smooth the path to CBRS private networks Federated Wireless is taking aim at making it easy for enterprises to adopt private networks that leverage the Citizens Broadband Radio Service spectrum, by making its new CBRS-based end-to-end managed service available through both Amazon...