JOHANNESBURG, South Africa-Nigeria has the potential of more than 5 million wireless subscribers and shows all the signs of becoming another wireless phenomenon in Africa.Looking at hard facts, this does not seem feasible. With a population of 100 million people, the country has only...
NEW YORK-"In Motorola's view, the technology for 2.5 generation is really here," said Moe Grzelakowski, senior vice president and general manager of 3G for Motorola Inc.In Japan later this year, Motorola plans to deploy commercially a nationwide 64-kilobyte, high-speed data network. Next year, also...
AUSTRALIATelstra will extend its CDMA network in Australia to include country locations currently covered by its GSM network but lacking in analog coverage, said the company.Hutchison Telecoms in Australia announced it will adopt the brand name Orange, the global communications brand of the Hutchison...
DALLAS-Samsung Telecommunications America Inc. and AirTouch Communications Inc. completed a master purchase agreement for Samsung's open interface Code Division Multiple Access infrastructure equipment, said Samsung.AirTouch plans to install Samsung's pico base transceiver station and base station controller. The CDMA system is designed to support...
General Magic Inc. and Advanced Recognition Technologies Inc. both made advancements last week in the voice recognition world.First, General Magic announced it received a $6 million investment from Internet portal company Excite@Home. The two also formed a technology relationship to use General Magic 's...
L.M. Ericsson wants the industry to know it plans to become a formidable contender in the cdmaOne infrastructure business.It's been more than a month since the company completed its purchase of Qualcomm Inc.'s fledgling infrastructure division and licensed intellectual property rights to cdmaOne technology...
NEW YORK-"In Motorola's view, the technology for 2.5 generation is really here," said Moe Grzelakowski, senior vice president and general manager of 3G for Motorola Inc.In Japan later this year, Motorola plans to deploy commercially a nationwide 64-kilobyte, high-speed data network. Next year, also...
WASHINGTON-David Aaron, undersecretary of Commerce for international trade, told wireless executives last week the Clinton administration intends to press the European Union to affirm a carrier compromise on harmonizing competing Code Division Multiple Access standards for third-generation mobile phones.Aaron, according to a participant at...
Last week proved a significantly productive one for wireless data service bureau provider as the company acquired a value-added service provider in Europe and received a $5.5 million investment from L.M. Ericsson.The week also marked the first time the company's various satellite offices...
HONG KONG-The future of cdmaOne technology was the theme of this year's CDMA World Congress in Hong Kong, and while data services are the future, wireless executives are struggling with how to price and package services."Everyone uses the lack of a killer application as...
SAN FRANCISCO-Telstra Corp. Ltd. in Australia will extend its Code Division Multiple Access mobile phone network to include country locations currently covered by Telstra's Global System for Mobile communications network, but lacking in analog coverage, said the company."Telstra's first priority is of course to...
The future is convergence.The future is data.The future is 3G.Now that the Operators Harmonization Group has approved a plan to harmonize wideband Code Division Multiple Access technology with the cdma2000 version, all should be fine in the new frontier, right?Of course, anyone in this...
HONG KONG-China United Telecommunications Corp.'s plan to deploy Code Division Multiple Access technology ensures its survival into the next generation and creates momentum for cdmaOne technology throughout the Asia-Pacific region, cdmaOne proponents indicated at the CDMA Development Group's fourth annual CDMA World Congress in...
HONG KONG-The CDMA Development Group said Ericsson Inc. has joined the association as a member."The CDG welcomes the addition of Ericsson into the organization and looks forward to their participation as on of the many CDMA equipment manufacturers," said Perry LaForge, executive director of...
WASHINGTON-A technical committee for Code Division Multiple Access technology development is working on an adjunct standard of the technology that could be used for Phase II enhanced 911.The specification would "put part of the global positioning system receiver in the phone and part on...
NCRNCR Corp. introduced a software product that allows carriers to perform event-driven marketing by analyzing customer behavior and predicting a customer's readiness to respond to particular marketing efforts. Called MarketingAgent, the software is part of NCR's Customer Relationship Management Solutions 4.0 portfolio. "Businesses that...
WASHINGTON-An International Telecommunication Union task group in Beijing last week approved a carrier-crafted plan to harmonize competing U.S. and European Code Division Multiple Access technologies for Internet-friendly third-generation mobile phones, paving the way for the compromise to be translated into a new, global-roaming standard...
China Unicom, which received the go-ahead from the Chinese government earlier this year to deploy cdmaOne technology, will gain control of four experimental Code Division Multiple Access networks operated by China Telecom Great Wall.Great Wall was a source of concern for the Chinese government...
HONG KONG-The CDMA Development Group announced cdmaOne technology has gained significant momentum in Japan as a result of the recent cdmaOne nationwide service launch by DDI Corp. and IDO Corp.Six new cdmaOne handsets also were launched to complement the service expansion."The CDG believes that...
REDWOOD CITY, Inc. announced Hitachi Ltd. of Japan has selected its UP.Browser microbrowser to offer Internet and data features on Code Division Multiple Access phones.Hitachi's C201H phone, the first product shipped under the agreement, is a Wireless Application Protocol-compatible CDMA handset and is...
The Operators Harmonization Group, an ad hoc assembly of mobile phone operators from around the world, sent its third-generation technology harmonization proposal to the International Telecommunication Union, which meets in Beijing this week.As RCR reported, the agreement defines a harmonized CDMA standard with three...
Sprint PCS announced it will stop operating its Global System for Mobile communications network in Washington, D.C., by the end of the year, ending months of speculation and denials from the nationwide Code Division Multiple Access operator.Sprint PCS, which once held a 58.5-percent interest...
XircomXircom Inc. announced a new product line called CompactCard, which it said extends wireless connectivity for Windows CE handheld computers. CompactCard is a series of Type II CompactFlash cards that give Windows CE devices access to Ethernet, modem and Global System for Mobile communications...
NEW YORK-AmTec Inc. has its home base in the Big Apple, where the money is, and its heart in the People's Republic of China, where it believes telecommunications has the greatest growth opportunity.Several years ago, AmTec became one of 46 foreign companies to forge...