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Cell Tower News: Battery theft caught on camera

Smile, you're on camera Cell tower battery theft is becoming an increasingly common occurrence. This time the crime took place in Warren, Mich. According to local police, the cell tower site thefts started occurring in July and were believed to be perpetrated by a single individual....

Tower site acquisition

On the inaugural episode of Cell Tower News, host Joey Jackson of RCR Wireless News discusses cell tower site acquisition and attendant topics with Bryan Darr, president and CEO of Mosaik Solutions. Darr has spent most of his professional life in the wireless industry, beginning his...

Sabotage suspected in cell tower incident

Cell tower gets cut down, hits power lines, leaves thousands without AC during summer in the desert Law enforcement is claiming sabotage in the June 20 felling of a wooden, monopole cell tower in Wittmann, Ariz. The tower fell on power lines, knocking out electricity to...

AT&T battles Oregon church over cell tower

Cell tower would be 75-feet tall, disguised as evergreen tree AT&T wants to build a 75-foot-tall cellphone tower adjacent to a Eugene, Ore., church, but local residents and officials are pushing back against the carrier’s capital ambitions. The wrangling has been going on four weeks and involves...

Cell Tower News: S&S cited in fatal collapse; FCC safety workshop

Welcome to this week’s edition of cell tower industry news, created by Jarad Matula and brought to you by OSHA cites S&S for W.Va. collapse You'll likely recall when we reported on a tragic tower collapse that injured two and claimed two lives in February. Paperwork must be...

OSHA's new tower hoist rules

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) recently published new regulations on the use of hoists to place workers on communications towers. The new regulation comes several months after OSHA's February letter to the tower industry, warning them to make sure to comply with safety...

Cell Tower News: OSHA updates climber rules; tower data contention

Welcome to this week’s edition of cell tower industry news, created by Jarad Matula and brought to you by OSHA directive on hoisting In a new step towards safer practices on tower work sites, the Occupational Safety & Health Administration has issued a new directive that...

Cell Tower News: $50K tower damage; suing American Tower

Welcome to this week’s edition of cell tower industry news, created by Jarad Matula and brought to you by Couple sues American Tower One couple in West Virginia is mad as hell and not going to to take it anymore. They filed a lawsuit against American...

Cell Tower News: OSHA cites for free climbing; tower on fire

Welcome to this week’s edition of cell tower industry news, created by Jarad Matula and brought to you by OSHA cites for free climbing One would think that after all of the terrible and tragic climber deaths we've had this year, companies would be much more...

Cell Tower News: Real estate values hurt by towers; accidental decom

Welcome to this week’s edition of cell tower industry news, created by Jarad Matula and brought to you by Negative Impact on Real Estate Certainly you've heard in your own experience and through various news stories here in this weekly recap about how people don't want...

Cell Tower News: Climber fatality in Ky.; teen tower rescue

Welcome to this week’s edition of cell tower industry news, created by Jarad Matula and brought to you by Tragedy in Kentucky It was supposed to be a quiet, easy holiday week. A short work week. But, unfortunately those dreams of a quiet week without incident...

Cell tower news: AT&T contractor layoffs; SBA expands

Welcome to this week’s edition of cell tower industry news, created by Jarad Matula and brought to you by AT&T infrastructure investment slows, contractor layoffs It's been a rough week for some tower crews working primarily on AT&T towers this week. RCR's own Martha DeGrasse reported...

Cell Tower News: Climber Dies in TX; American Tower's $1BN in Brazil

Welcome to this week’s edition of cell tower industry news, created by Jarad Matula and brought to you by Climber Dies in Texas Once again tragedy has struck in the tower industry this week. In San Angelo, Texas, a man who was working on a neighborhood tower...

Cell Tower News: Warrant for tower data; worker injured, but OK

Welcome to this week’s edition of cell tower industry news, created by Jarad Matula and brought to you by Tower climber injured, but OK This past week a tower climber was injured while working on a tower in Georgia. The climber was 125 feet up on...

Cell Tower News: More Tower Accidents; Landowners Underpaid?

Welcome to this week’s edition of cell tower industry news, created by Jarad Matula and brought to you by Looks like tower accidents and deaths continue, but the ones happening recently are a little different than usual. Read on to find out why. Plus, land...

Cell Tower News: 100% tie-off 24/7 website launched; tower as 'half-assed tree'

Welcome to this week’s edition of cell tower industry news, created by Jarad Matula and brought to you by New safety website The National Association of Tower Erectors announced earlier this year at NATE Unite 2014 a new 100% tie-off awareness campaign to make safety at...

Cell Tower News: 100% tie-off 24/7 website launched; tower as ‘half-assed tree’

Welcome to this week’s edition of cell tower industry news, created by Jarad Matula and brought to you by New safety website The National Association of Tower Erectors announced earlier this year at NATE Unite 2014 a new 100% tie-off awareness campaign to make safety at...

Cell Tower News: 2014 PCIA Wireless Infrastructure Show recap

Welcome to this week’s edition of cell tower industry news, created by Jarad Matula and brought to you by Just as we expected, this week's PCIA Wireless Infrastructure Show saw the tower companies more vocal than they have been in a while. This week's cell tower...

Cell Tower News: Tip to prevent copper theft; brotherly tower opposition

Welcome to this week’s edition of cell tower industry news, created by Jarad Matula and brought to you by It's been a quiet week in the tower industry leading up to PCIA's Wireless Infrastructure Show. Since most companies have posted their first quarter earnings already,...

Cell Tower News: Supreme Court to hear T-Mobile US cell tower case

Welcome to this week’s edition of cell tower industry news, created by Jarad Matula and brought to you by Tower companies and carriers are certainly getting their day in court lately. Last week it was a federal court debating police use of cell tower...

Cell Tower News: Court Mulls Tower Data; Towers No Health Risk

Welcome to this week’s edition of cell tower industry news, created by Jarad Matula and brought to you by Police have used data culled from cell towers for a while now to help in solving crimes, and it has largely been ignored by the general...

Cell Tower News: Copper Thieves Strike Again; State Laws Impact Towers

Welcome to this week’s edition of cell tower industry news, created by Jarad Matula and brought to you by The plague of copper thefts continues for tower companies. This time a thief in the Chattanooga, TN area stole $300 worth of copper from a local...

Cell Tower News: OSHA Cites Pinpoint; 150ft Climber Rescue

Welcome to this week’s edition of cell tower industry news, created by Jarad Matula and brought to you by A flurry of cell tower related news has swept across the internet since last we reported. The top story this week involves what could have been...

Colorado officials approve measure for public telecom network

Colorado officials recently approved a measure to allow for the establishment of a public telecommunications network.