WASHINGTON(AP)-Federal antitrust regulators want information about Cisco Systems Inc. meetings with two other high-tech companies as they investigate whether Cisco illegally tried to divide the lucrative market for Internet hardware.Cisco, an $8.5 billion company that makes high-end networking equipment, acknowledged last Monday receiving a...
NEW YORK-Recent gyrations in the public capital markets have made for splashy headlines, but they are not likely to stop telecommunications mergers unless there is a prolonged and profound slump, said Dave Rhodes, senior vice president of Daniels & Associates, Denver.In terms of sheer...
Applied Cellular Technology Inc.'s board of directors approved a strategic plan aimed at growing its earnings per share by 20 percent that calls for the divestiture of non-core business units and the repurchase of 5 million shares of its common stock. Applied also intends...
The Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association in July released a consensus white paper on wireless number portability stressing the wireless industry should be treated differently than the wireline industry. Current requirements state wireless carriers must implement portability by next summer, but the industry says it...
WASHINGTON-A Federal Communications Commission proposal to privatize the equipment-authorization process has been panned by parties directly impacted by the suggestion.The FCC released a notice of proposed rule making this spring that would create Telecommunications Certification Bodies. TCBs would preform many of the functions of...
NEW YORK-NightFire Software Inc., Berkeley, Calif., debuted NetServ Express, which it said is "the first packaged software solution to automate the telecommunications service supply chain and simplify the order management process between retailers and wholesalers of telecommunications services."NightFire also completed its first round of...
SAN JOSE, Calif.-Internet networking company Cisco Systems Inc. last week signed a definitive agreement to acquire Summa Four Inc., a provider of programmable switches.Cisco said Summa Four's open standards-based programmable switches will allow it to offer value-added telephony applications to new and existing service...
ATLANTA-Bosch Telecom Inc. and Cisco Systems Inc. announced plans to develop and market broadband wireless networking solutions designed to help service providers offer integrated voice, data and video services faster and more cost effectively.Through the strategic alliance, the companies will collaborate on joint engineering,...
SAN JOSE, Calif.-Nokia Telecommunications selected Cisco Systems Inc.'s Cisco AS5200 universal access server, which routes digital cellular phone calls directly to data networks and the Internet.Nokia's decision was based in part on Cisco's addition of support of the V.110 rate adaption protocol, which enables...
Netro of Santa Clara, Calif., makes what it says telecommunications operators building networks in the new era of deregulation need-radio equipment that uses a wireless Asynchronous Transfer Mode protocol.Introduced about five years ago and driven by networking giant Cisco Systems-a Netro partner-ATM allows high-speed...
Investee Company Investors Amount Raised Type of Financing Nature of BusinessSignalSoft Corp. Olympic Venture Partners $1.9 million First Wireless location software & servicesBoulder, COPathnet Inc. ...
NIXA, Mo.-Applied Cellular Technology Inc. acquired ATI Communications of Bethel Park, Pa. The acquisition was announced in June and completed Oct. 15, although Aug. 31 will be the effective accounting date of the acquisition.Cisco picks ORYX for mobile salesWILMINGTON, Mass.-Cisco Systems Inc. selected Priority...
Some Personal Communications Services contenders are looking to differentiate themselves in the new age of wireless competition with data services based on the established Global System for Mobile communications standard."We see this as a strong differentiator for us and plan to offer it very...
Solectek Corp. of San Diego offers a high-speed wireless bridge system that can link local area networks up to 25 miles apart in an ideal setting, or 7 miles apart in an urban area, using spread spectrum radio technology at 2.4 GHz.Airlan/Bridge Ultra eliminates...