Central Texas Angel Network (@CTANAngels), Virgo Capital (@virgocapital) and Angelspan (@AngelSpanInc) join Austin Coding Academy (@AustinCoding) for timely discussion on the tech bubble
Tech bubble forum discussion is hosted by Austin Coding Academy and broadcasted by RCR Wireless News.
Topics include:
Are tech companies overvalued?
Is IPO the new "down round"?
What do...
August 19 was the inaugural episode of Cell Tower News with host Joey Jackson, editor and production manager for RCR Wireless News. On this episode, site acquisition, towersource.com, and related topics are discussed by Jackson and CEO and president of Mosaik Solutions Bryan Darr. Jackson is...
Learning to Code with The Iron Yard was the focus on this week's episode of Inside Telecom Careers sponsored by Nexius: Accelerating Network and Business Transformation and TelecomCareers.
Listen to the Inside Telecom Careers podcast:
Coding has become a fixture in the future of the telecom, wireless and...
In case you missed the latest episodes of RCRtv, our weekly recap is bringing you insight on topics and guests featured on RCRtv’s weekly programing.
Episode 11 of "IoT Innovation" aired on Aug. 13, featuring Jason Marcheck, service director for Current Analysis. This episodes focused on...
In case you missed the latest episodes of RCRtv, our weekly recap is bringing you insight on topics and guests featured on RCRtv's weekly programing.
On last week’s episode of Coder’s features special guest, Haseeb Qureshi, CEO and Co-Founder of Audiohand. Audiohand is a mobile app...
This week I'm talking to media pundits and developers about their thoughts on Apple's Monday announcements from the annual World Wide Developer Conference in San Francisco. Unsurprisingly, many believed the open-sourcing of Swift was one of the most significant changes.
Open source Swift will have...
In this episode of Coders, I look at some of the things Microsoft touted at this year's Build conference. The company continues to push itself as the "ultimate" platform, and now wants to provide a system of tools for all developers to use.
To this...
This week's episode of Coders features Greg Brail, Chief Architect for Apigee. Brail talked about the importance of API's for developers looking to take their apps to market. Specifically, API's now enable developers to directly tap into the power of telecom networks as never...
Agreda brings experience in software, coding, mobile gaming and more
Please join us in welcoming tech aficionado Victor Agreda Jr. as the newest contributing member of the RCR Wireless News editorial team.
In addition to hosting Coders, a weekly TV show about telecom software development, Agreda will...