SPRINT NEXTEL CORP. AND CLEARWIRE CORP.'S CAMPAIGN to win government approval of a their national WiMAX plan is drawing static from AT&T Inc. and rural cellular operators on key unsettled wireless policy issues, but the deal has picked up backing from many educational and...
Perhaps lost - but apparently not forgotten in the Federal Communications Commission's extended consideration of the proposed merger of XM Satellite Radio Holdings Inc. and Sirius Radio Holdings Inc. - are long-standing allegations of illegal operation of terrestrial repeaters by both companies and the...
THE GROUND CONTINUED TO SHIFT in the tumultuous mobile virtual network operator space this month as one player announced plans to call it quits, another explores a potential merger and a third prepares to morph into a reseller of wireless services.Embarq Holding Co. L.L.C....
First, let me say I think Wi-Fi is the best thing since sliced bread. Really, I do. That being said, a number of announcements last week made me scratch my head as different companies try to attack the wireless broadband space. Come along for...
Editor's Note: Welcome to our weekly feature, Analyst Angle. We've collected a group of the industry's leading analysts to give their outlook on the hot topics in the wireless industry. In the coming weeks look for columns from Current Analysis' Peter Jarich, IDC's Shiv...
WHAT'S THAT SAYING? Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me?After their previous union was aborted last year, Sprint Nextel Corp. and Clearwire Corp. decided last week to try to merge their WiMAX businesses again, this time under the Clearwire...
It seems Google Inc. has no plans to be a silent partner in the forthcoming Sprint Nextel Corp./Clearwire Corp. business.The Internet giant said it will become the default search provider for Sprint Nextel as early as this summer, powering both Internet and local, GPS-enabled...
Following a rash of rumors earlier this week, and an aborted attempt last year, Sprint Nextel Corp. and Clearwire Corp. said they were going to again combine their WiMAX operations in an attempt to launch a nationwide network. Unlike the last go around, this...
Sprint Nextel Corp.'s wireless resale relationship with three of the nation's largest cable companies has come to an end. According to media reports, Comcast Corp., Time Warner Cable Inc. and Cox Communications Inc. are pulling out of their Pivot-branded effort with the nation's 3rd...
Editor's Note: Welcome to Reality Check, a feature for RCR Wireless News' weekly e-mail service, Mobile Content and Culture. We've gathered a group of visionaries and veterans in the mobile content industry to give their insights into the marketplace. In the coming weeks look...
Sprint Nextel Corp. said nothing substantial about its WiMAX plans yesterday and instead fell back on a new touchscreen device as the biggest news to share with a room packed full of invited press and analysts.There's no doubt the company and its new chief,...
The following list includes venture capital and other investments into wireless companies announced during the past week. The value of the investment is included when available.Bubble Motion: Sequoia Capital US and Sequoia Capital India participated in a $14 million round of funding into Bubble...
Sprint Nextel Corp. and Clearwire Corp. are in discussions with the nation's two largest cable providers -- Comcast Corp. and Time Warner Cable Inc. -- to fund a nationwide WiMAX venture, according to the Wall Street Journal. Intel Corp., Google Inc. and Bright House...
Editor's Note: Welcome to Reality Check, a feature for RCR Wireless News' weekly e-mail service, Mobile Content and Culture. We've gathered a group of visionaries and veterans in the mobile content industry to give their insights into the marketplace. In the coming weeks look...
THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION launched a rulemaking to determine whether mobile text messages and short codes are covered by non-discrimination provisions of the telecom act.Public-interest and consumer groups asked the FCC in December to rule that the law forbids wireless providers from blocking the...
The Federal Communications Commission launched a rulemaking to determine whether mobile phone text messages and short codes are covered by non-discrimination provisions of the telecom act.Public interest and consumer groups asked the FCC in December to rule that the law forbids mobile-phone carriers from...
Editor's Note: Welcome to On the Margins, a feature for RCR Wireless News' weekly e-mail service, Mobile Content and Culture. Every week, the RCR Wireless News staff considers events in the wider business world and how they could affect the wireless industry.--Cable giant Comcast...
The wireless broadband industry hailed a new Federal Communications Commission effort to write rules to prevent satellite radio terrestrial repeaters from interfering with WiMAX services planned in the 2.3 GHz spectrum band.The FCC recently decided to update the public record to better ascertain how...
The following list includes venture capital and other investments into wireless companies announced during the past week. The value of the investment is included when available.--BelAir: Export Development Canada and Wellington Financial led a $17.5 million round of funding into BelAir Networks, which provides...
Cox Communications Inc. said it will bid on wireless licenses when the 700 MHz auction kicks off Jan. 24, but two other cable TV giants in a wireless joint venture with Cox and others indicated they would sit this one out. "I can confirm...
Editor's Note: Welcome to On the Margins, a feature for RCR Wireless News' new weekly e-mail service, Mobile Content and Culture. Every week, the RCR Wireless News staff considers events in the wider business world and how they could affect the wireless industry.--Vodafone announced...
Editor's Note: Welcome to Reality Check, a feature for RCR Wireless News' new weekly e-mail service, Mobile Content and Culture. We've gathered a group of visionaries and veterans in the mobile content industry to give their insights into the marketplace. In the coming weeks...
Sprint Nextel Corp. is pulling out of the joint venture it formed with four cable companies to participate in the Advanced Wireless Services spectrum auction last year, but said the move has long been planned and does not reflect a change in carrier's strategy....
The following list includes venture capital and other investments into wireless companies announced this week.--4Info: Gannett Co. Inc. led a $10 million series D funding round into 4Info, a mobile search, publishing and advertising company. Previous investors U.S. Venture Partners and Draper Fisher Jurvetson...