ORLANDO, Fla.-TV network executives charged with delivering their programming to the mobile environment are happy to see their shows living on multiple platforms, but there's little room for celebration as they each anxiously await opportunities in advertising on the new medium."Actually, I wish this...
In case you've been hiding under a rock, music phones are hot. But simple usability, clear directions and "out of the box" pleasures have varied across the industry, according to analysts. Those two assertions explain, in part, the arrival of Nokia Corp.'s 5300...
FlipswapFlipswap, an outsourced cell phone trade-in solution for retailers, said it has signed integration partnerships with retail management system providers iQmetrix, Work Wireless, TeleTracker and CellSell.Flipswap's Web-based software allows retailers to formulate a guaranteed trade-in quote for old phones. The value can then be...
Modeo L.L.C. has officially canceled its press conference scheduled for Tuesday afternoon at the CTIA Wireless 2007 show in Orlando, Fla. The broadcast mobile TV provider was expected to announced results from its beta trial currently underway in New York City, and discuss more...
CTIA announced that Research In Motion Ltd.'s Mike Lazaridis will replace Motorola's Ed Zander as one of the kickoff keynoters at the association's trade show next week. Lazaridis, RIM's president and co-CEO, will join executives from AT&T Inc. and Microsoft Corp. during the keynote...
Hello! And welcome to our Thursday column, Worst of the Week. There's a lot of nutty stuff that goes on in this industry, so this column is a chance for us at RCR Wireless News to rant and rave about whatever rubs us the...
The procession of handset announcements coinciding with next week's CTIA Wireless 2007 conference is underway, and Motorola Inc. just threw a new phone at T-Mobile USA Inc.The handset is known officially as the Moto Rizr z3, and features a sliding-style form factor.The Rizr z3...
The CTIA Wireless show is the most important U.S. wireless event of the year. With tens of thousands of attendees, over 400,000 square feet of exhibits, participants from over 100 countries-all representing a $500 billion global industry with 2.3 billion subscribers worldwide-it's is the...
Ed Zander, Motorola Inc.'s CEO, will not appear at CTIA Wireless 2007's keynote address on Tuesday next week, as originally scheduled.He may well be hunkered down, working on The Plan to Save Motorola. (Despite several days' notice, neither CTIA nor Motorola could offer an...
Editor's Note: Welcome to our Monday feature, Analyst Angle. We've collected a group of the industry's leading analysts to give their outlook on the hot topics in the wireless industry. In the coming weeks look for columns from Compete's Miro Kazakoff, Jupiter Research's Julie...
March in Florida typically conjures up images of half-naked college kids partying 24/7 on the beach, or for the more modest long lines and mouse ears. But, for the wireless industry this year it means show time. After a five-year hiatus, wireless trade association...
Hedge*hog*ing v. Interrupting conversations in an office environment by poking your head over the top of the cube.One of the most interesting statements on the inside pages of RCR Wireless News this week that may get lost in the pre-CTIA mayhem? On Page 27,...
ED ZANDER, MOTOROLA INC.'S CEO, will not appear at CTIA Wireless 2007's keynote address on Tuesday next week, as originally scheduled. He may well be hunkered down, working on The Plan to Save Motorola. (Despite several days' notice, neither CTIA nor Motorola could offer...
As the hype machine clicks into high gear for the CTIA Wireless 2007 show, I thought it might be nice to review some of the hype from years past. The goal, of course, is to show that this year's hottest thing might not...
Sprint Nextel Corp. and Nokia Corp. are partnering to launch the carrier's mobile WiMAX network in four Texas markets to provide customers with wireless broadband access. Nokia said it will supply the WiMAX network infrastructure in Dallas, Fort Worth, San Antonio and Austin, Texas....
When Skype, the PC-based Voice over Internet Protocol provider, petitioned the Federal Communications Commission last month to allow consumers to load third-party, IP-based software onto their mobile phones, the company was thinking big. Getting a proprietary VoIP client onto mainstream feature phones could put...
Hedge*hog*ing v. Interrupting conversations in an office environment by poking your head over the top of the cube.What got the RCR Wireless News editorial staff talking this week? Simple: the 4 billion requests to meet at the CTIA Wireless 2007 show at the end...
IF NOKIA CORP. HAS TO REFRESH its efforts in the United States to solidify carrier relationships, as it said last week, two Chinese handset vendors entering the market may similarly have to gird for the long haul-though ambition is a good place to start.The...
For the past eight months, M2Z Networks Inc. stood alone behind a plan that might actually aid President Bush's quest for universal and affordable broadband service in the United States. Now it suddenly has company. It comes in the form of petitions to deny...
Hello! And welcome to our Thursday column, Worst of the Week. There's a lot of nutty stuff that goes on in this industry, so this column is a chance for us at RCR Wireless News to rant and rave about whatever rubs us the...
A robust economy in China may be fueling robust ambitions. Two domestic Chinese handset makers will use the upcoming CTIA Wireless 2007 show to launch handsets in the United States, one under its own brand and the other under a well-recognized name, if not...
The cellphone industry, the Bush administration and others are urging the Supreme Court to abandon a century-old antitrust standard in favor of one that would give carriers, vendors and others in the wireless supply chain greater protection against price-fixing lawsuits.The high court set oral...
What is it about the wireless industry that causes everyone outside the space to think that they can have their cake and eat it too?The most recent perpetrator is Skype, which has asked the Federal Communications Commission to declare that all devices should be...
The mobile-phone industry has jumped into a major Internet music rate case in a New York federal court. The outcome could determine whether cellular carriers, and thus subscribers could be forced to pay more-actually twice-for downloading ringtones. It's not a rinky-dink matter. Ringtones,...