Adult content: The money-maker few want to openly embrace

Mobile porn is slowly finding an audience among U.S. mobile users. And network operators are trying to figure out how to cash in. Adult wireless content is gaining substantial traction around the world as content providers find a market for everything from titillating mobile...

Palm promises consumer smart phone … maybe for next year?

Under pressure to assure the market that it can expand its traditional, enterprise customer base, Palm Inc. made a high-profile announcement last week in New York at the DigitalLife 2006 conference that it would launch a Treo 680 model for consumers in the United...

Guard-band licensees submit public-safety plan at 700 MHz

WASHINGTON—Guard-band licensees in the 700 MHz band have asked the Federal Communications Commission to scrap existing band rules that govern how they operate and adopt a plan that they say would give public-safety users a nationwide interoperable wireless broadband network. The plan also would...

CTIA, PCIA picked as AWS clearinghouses

WASHINGTON—The Federal Communications Commission tapped cell-phone association CTIA and wireless infrastructure trade group PCIA as clearinghouses for moving existing 2.1 GHz licensees to new frequencies to make room for new advanced wireless services operators. "PCIA is pleased that the commission recognized the public interest...

CTIA, PCIA picked as AWS clearinghouses

WASHINGTON—The Federal Communications Commission tapped cell-phone association CTIA and wireless infrastructure trade group PCIA as clearinghouses for moving existing 2.1 GHz licensees to new frequencies to make room for new advanced wireless services operators. "PCIA is pleased that the commission recognized the public interest...

Wireless wins some, loses some as Congress adjourns

WASHINGTON—As Congress broke for midterm elections, the wireless industry won a few battles, but for the most part failed to get legislation it supported passed. It’s not clear how industry felt about anti-pretexting legislation. The bills got bogged down in turf battles notwithstanding two...

CTIA loses siting challenge in court

WASHINGTON-A federal appeals court has ruled that the Federal Communications Commission has the authority to require wireless carriers and tower owners to abide by the National Historic Preservation Act, including accepting the definition of eligible properties. The ruling by the U.S. Court of Appeals...

AWS results could impact DE suit

WASHINGTON-Designated entities accounted for a historically low percentage of the government's multibillion-dollar take in the recently completed advanced wireless services auction, even though they made up more than half of the winning bidders. Indeed, an independent panel of the Small Business Administration recommended that...

Entertainment revenues mere fraction of data ARPU

Wireless data revenues are surging for U.S. carriers, but whether network operators can cash in on mobile entertainment is far from certain. It's no secret that network operators are wagering vast sums on wireless data to offset ever-slimming margins from voice, and those bets...

Hey Ma, look, no hands!: California ban drives hands-free sales

Say what you want about the relative impacts of gorgeous weather, sloppy food, unruly children or even demanding conversations on drivers' attention and, therefore, everyone's safety. But in California-the nation's most populous state-the debate is over. Earlier this month it became the fourth state...

Auction reflections

It seems like only yesterday my days were filled with nervous anticipation, my nights with restlessness. No, it wasn't nightmares of another CTIA I.T. show, a reaction to my increasing dependence on Red Bull, or my outlandishly complex plots related to the downfall of...

Cellular Judgment Day

The Governator signed into law a ban on cell phones and driving in California, just days after showing up at the CTIA Wireless I.T. & Entertainment keynote in Los Angeles. Way to stick it to us, Arnold!The ban makes it illegal to drive and...

Senate telecom-reform bill debate slips to November

WASHINGTON-The telecommunications-reform bill, which includes the all-important wireless pre-emption provision, will not be debated on the Senate floor this week so its only hope for passage is if it is part of the debate when the Senate returns for a lame-duck session in November,...

Wireless in the real workplace

As a growing number of companies make efforts to take their workforces mobile, new stories are emerging as to how companies are actually making use of wireless technology in the real world. Claims adjusters and utility companies already are well-known for making use of...

Worst of the Week: Cellular Judgment Day

Hello! And welcome to our Thursday column, Worst of the Week. There's a lot of nutty stuff that goes on in this industry, so this column is a chance for us at RCR Wireless News to rant and rave about whatever rubs us the...

Dashed expectations

During the long flight from Los Angeles back to Denver, I realized that the CTIA Wireless I.T. and Entertainment show turned out completely different than I had expected.When I first arrived in Los Angeles last Tuesday, I had fully expected a press release from...


Here's what got the edit staff fired up this week: Did you see RCR Reporter Colin Gibbs' story about Sprint Nextel selling ad space on its mobile Web service? Like it promised, Sprint Nextel is transforming itself from a wireless carrier and into a...

Carriers highlight enterprise advantages of 3G upgrades

LOS ANGELES--Wireless carriers toasted their high-speed mobile broadband networks with a number of 3G-related announcements during last week's CTIA Wireless I.T. & Entertainment event. Verizon Wireless declared that it chose Motorola Inc. to upgrade its CDMA2000 1x EV-DO Revision 0 network with Revision A...

Carriers remain cautious on impact of mobile TV

LOS ANGELES--Skepticism about the potential of mobile television is rampant within the wireless industry, according to a recent survey of executives conducted by Mercer Management Consulting. However, a panel of executives during a breakout session at last week's CTIA Wireless I.T. & Entertainment show...

Enterprise spending on I.T. rising

LOS ANGELES--Money is flowing again and major corporations often respond to sales pitches when choosing mobile technologies--great news for the wireless industry, according to speakers during the opening keynote at last week's CTIA Wireless I.T. & Entertainment show. Corporate spending on information technology tends...

Martin defends USF reverse auctions

WASHINGTON--As the Federal Communications Commission began examining industry reaction to its June decision to raise the safe-harbor amount the wireless industry can use to pay into the universal-service fund, FCC Chairman Kevin Martin found himself defending a more radical reform effort known as reverse...

CTIA asks FCC to delay comment deadline for 700 MHz changes since AWS auction is still on

WASHINGTON--Wireless industry trade association CTIA asked the Federal Communications Commission to delay the comment cycle for its re-examination of the service and licensing rules for the 700 MHz spectrum band because the auction for advanced wireless services is still ongoing. "The timing of the...

Mobile vision: Payment, context issues must be addressed before TV hops to smallest screen

Mobile TV has captured the industry's imagination. Wireless users can already watch music videos, check out sports clips and--with the right hardware--view full-length Hollywood blockbusters on their phones. And technology companies are betting enormous sums on the application, spending hundreds of millions of dollars...

Cingular intros slim HTC smart phone

Cingular Wireless L.L.C. is adding a Razr-esque smart phone to its device lineup, targeting business and consumer users who want access to e-mail and entertainment content, but are willing to forego a full Qwerty keyboard. ? The Cingular 3125 is manufactured by Chinese vendor...