@ CTIA: NSN and Tellabs talk of need for flexible, scalable networks

ORLANDO, Fla.—Nokia Siemens Networks continued innovation in network architecture by introducing an approach called Liquid Radio, which directs broadband capacity to where the network needs that extra capacity. The solution builds on existing services the infrastructure vendor provides today, and is designed to be...

CTIA 2011: MasterImage

Sylvie Barak and Lydia Leavitt with Roy Taylor, Executive VP and GM, MasterImage

@CTIA: CommScope CEO chats about going private, new branding campaign

Tracy Ford with Eddie Edwards, President & CEO, Commscope

3D, 4G, Big Screens: The Devices of CTIA

Dan Meyer with Ross Rubin, Executive Director Industry Analysis, NPD Group

Brand Perspective; What Does the Brand Need to Make the Leap into Mobile?

Sylvie Barak with Jody Haneke, President of Haneke Design

Speedbump- Safe Driving Made Easy

Sylvie Barak with Jon Fischer, Founder, Speedbump

@ CTIA: Executive interview with CommScope CEO

ORLANDO, Fla.—As CEO and president of CommScope Inc., Eddie Edwards is pulling together the company's wireless, cable and enterprise operations into one CommScope brand, in a move to unify the company's branding efforts. As part of that effort, Edwards is organizing the company's enterprise...

Solving the problem of Network Congestion – offering alternate solutions for carriers

Sylvie Barak with: Mike Fitzgerald, CTO, Altobridge Aiden Dillion, CTO/Founder, Accuris Networks Matt Shapiro, Senior Manager, product management, SAS Group, Sandisk

SRS Labs: why audio advances are as important as video

Tracy Ford wth Bob Lyle, Director of Mobile Development, SRS Labs

Networks and Backhaul: What does the future hold?

Tracy Ford with: Chris Ebert, Head of 4G Strategic Marketing N. America, NSN Stu Bennington, Director of Global Portfolio Strategy, Tellabs

Acme Packet’s Kevin Mitchell discusses voice over LTE (VoLTE)

Kevin Mitchell, Director of Solutions Marketing, Acme Packet

Acme Packet's Kevin Mitchell discusses voice over LTE (VoLTE)

Kevin Mitchell, Director of Solutions Marketing, Acme Packet

@ CTIA: Mobile Retail, Mobile Wallet

Sylvie Barak with Dan Lowden, VP of marketing, digby

@ CTIA: Penetration hits 96%

ORLANDO, Fla.—CTIA’s semi-annual survey of wireless operators confirmed what the industry already knows: Americans are in love with their wireless devices, and using them more and more for data connections.Some quick stats from the survey:  Wireless penetration is at 96%, up nearly 5% from...

@ CTIA: A quick look at announcements

There is a lot happening at CTIA. Here is a quick look at some of the announcements made so far. To keep up with everything at CTIA make sure to tune into our live newsdesk here.Anritsu Company and ETS-Lindgren announced that the Anritsu MT8820C...

@ CTIA: Samsung refreshes Galaxy Tab 10.1, unveils Galaxy Tab 8.9

ORLANDO, Fla. — Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. announced two new tablets in its Galaxy Tab lineup, rounding out its portfolio with the Galaxy Tab 8.9 and Galaxy Tab 10.1.The company previously announced the Galaxy Tab 10.1 at Mobile World Congress last month, but now...

@ CTIA: FCC chairman supports data roaming, warns of 'looming spectrum crisis'

ORLANDO, Fla.—Federal Communications Commission Chairman Julius Genachowski’s speech to a packed CTIA International Wireless 2011 crowd in the Day 1 keynote speech touched on mostly previously announced initiatives, but Genachowski did provide a few new hints about where he stands on data roaming; he...

@ CTIA: Carrier exec roundtable's tap dancing elephant

ORLANDO, Fla. – With the weekend “announcement” still being absorbed, the CEO's for the nation's three largest wireless operators took to the stage during the opening keynote at the 2011 CTIA event with moderator Jim Cramer to get some perspective on the current space.That...

Reality Check (2-fer): It's trade show week – The question that should be on everyone's mind (and) Boy, was I wrong!

Editor's Note: Welcome to our weekly Reality Check column. We've gathered a group of visionaries and veterans in the mobile industry to give their insights into the marketplace.With the new year comes the parade of trade shows, including the Consumer Electronics Show (Las Vegas...

@CTIA LOC-AID says working with both AT&T and T-Mobile

Orlando, Fla., - While the world grapples with the news of the AT&T/T-Mobile merger, mobile location provider LOC-AID Technologies, Inc., seems to already have found its feet announcing a single API for developers wanting to build location apps for both T-Mobile and AT&T.

RCR Wireless News broadcasting live from CTIA

The RCR Wireless News editorial team will be broadcasting live from the CTIA show next week, bringing news and analysis straight from the show floor to and our microsite, Guests scheduled to stop by the RCR Wireless News booth (#3695)...

Worst of the Week: Another (?!?) trade show?!?

Hello! And welcome to our Friday column, Worst of the Week. There's a lot of nutty stuff that goes on in this industry, so this column is a chance for us at to rant and rave about whatever rubs us the wrong way....

NTT Docomo pulls out of CTIA due to earthquake

Japanese carrier NTT Docomo has decided to cancel its participation in the CTIA WIRELESS tradeshow in the aftermath of the powerfully destructive earthquake and tsunami that struck northeastern Japan on March 11. “In this time of crisis, it is imperative that we focus our full energy on the...

NAB, CTIA, CEA spar over incentive auctions

A year after the Federal Communications Commission presented its National Broadband Plan to Congress, broadcast incentive auctions seem to be the major contentious point of the plan to date. CTIA and the Consumers Electronics Association wrote their first-ever co-signed letter to Congress today, urging...