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BROWSING: customer satisfaction

Creating a Customer-Centric Culture with Kimberly McKinley of UTOPIA Fiber

In this episode of 5G Talent Talk, Carrie Charles interviews Kimberly McKinley, the Chief Marketing Officer of UTOPIA Fiber. Kimberly shares her unique career path, starting in healthcare accounting and moving through various marketing roles before joining UTOPIA Fiber in 2010. Utopia Fiber, founded...

Customer satisfaction with wireless services not as cut and dried as it may appear (Reader Forum)

Consumers love to complain about their wireless phone service, but when you look at the data, it tells a different story. Analytics for customer satisfaction show which factors matter most to consumers and which have less of an impact (price, for example, is not...

Allot: Mobile security offerings boost customer satisfaction

Mobile customers are increasingly worried about the security of their devices, and operators which cater to them with a network-based mobile security solution have higher customer satisfaction, according to a new report from Allot Communications. But the strategy on how security is positioned --...

Reality Check: Investing in customer service performance – the next step for mobile operators

In today’s increasingly connected society, mobile phones have clearly become a necessity, with recent research from Ofcom revealing that in the U.K. alone, 93% of adults own or use a mobile phone. This year, 1.35 billion smartphones are expected to sell globally and 4G...

Reader Forum: The OSS/BSS divide is no longer sustainable, if it ever was

Editor’s Note: In an attempt to broaden our interaction with our readers we have created this Reader Forum for those with something meaningful to say to the wireless industry. We want to keep this as open as possible, but we maintain some editorial control...

J.D. Power: Customers more satisfied when devices are demo'd

A new survey on wireless customer satisfaction from J.D. Power shows that customers are happier with their devices when they receive in-store demonstrations of features. The survey was based on responses from thousands of wireless customers in the first half of this year, among whom 58%...