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How the iPhone is made

Apple on September 10 announced two updates to its ubiquitous smartphone, the iPhone 5C and 5S, which include more exciting configurations than ever. With everyone's eye on Apple and iPhones buzzing in our brains, it feels like a good time to explore just how these...

White Paper: Accelerate Device Excellence with Mobile Performance Testing

Can Field-To-Lab Get Even Closer To The Real World? Field-To-Lab has revolutionized mobile device testbeds, by enabling operators, device OEMs and other ecosystem participants to record field conditions on live networks and replay them in the lab.  As much as FTL has created operational efficiencies by approximating real-world conditions...

Time Trippin’: Beginnings of device subsidies; license doughnuts … 17 years ago this week

Editor’s Note: The RCR Wireless News Time Machine is a way to take advantage of our extensive history in covering the wireless space to fire up the DeLorean and take a trip back in time to re-visit some of the more interesting headlines from...

Leap updates device financing offer

Having hinted at plans earlier this year, Leap Wireless jumped into the device financing space announcing its aptly named Phone Payment Plan set to launch July 21. The offering, which will be handled through a third-party, will include three options provided by the carrier depending...

Reality Check: Why product lifecycle management has become important for high-tech manufacturers

Product lifecycle management may sound like one of those deep-in-the-weeds business terms, but it has become one of the most important arenas for accelerating product deliveries, reducing costs and

Reader Forum: Don’t rush into mobile platform decisions – Pt. 2: Ask yourself the right questions

In part one of this series, I explored how the decision to move towards native, hybrid or HTML5 mobile development is not solely connected to the expected level of usability of the app and its visual design, but more so

Reality Check: LTE is making wireless performance a differentiator again for handsets

In the 90s, companies like Nokia and RIM/BlackBerry built their businesses and reputations on their wireless and RF engineering prowess, with thousands of engineers dedicated to designing products that delivered

Reader Forum: Don’t rush into mobile platform decisions – Pt. 1: Native, hybrid or HTML5?

When it comes to deciding on the right platform for mobile apps it’s so easy to get caught up in incorporating all of the latest bells and whistles. Very often, it seems, brands are eager to use the latest technology because they

Reality Check: Wireless earnings drivers for the second quarter

We are getting very close to the end of the quarter in the telecommunications industry. This quarter has been marked by many significant events, including:

Reality Check: Subsidies, financing and a stronger wireless industry

For a growing number of Americans, owning the latest mobile device is more than just keeping up with the Jones' – smartphones and tablets are critical work tools and their primary way to

Worst of the Week: They grow up so fast

To the surprise of few and the delight of many, Clearwire’s “special committee” nearly depleted the world’s exasperation supply this week by throwing its support behind Dish Network’s attempt to

CTIA 2013: Leap sets Galaxy S4 date, specs hint at Sprint Nextel as LTE roaming partner

LAS VEGAS – Leap Wireless used this week’s CTIA event to finally put a launch date on the availability of Samsung’s Galaxy S4 device to its no-contract customer base. The carrier said pre-orders were now being accepted and that the device would be available...

CTIA 2013: Sprint Nextel to roll out tri-band LTE devices

LAS VEGAS – Sprint Nextel may have had to alter the amount it will have to pay in order to acquire the remaining stake in Clearwire, but the carrier appears confident that at least some sort of network arrangement between the two companies in...

Reality Check: In M2M, active antenna systems are critical to success

There are few markets as hot, exciting and challenging as machine-to-machine these days. Analyst forecasts are an obvious way to identify a hot market, but another is the number of vendors entering

RCRTV: Regulatory Review

RCR Wireless News Editor-In-Chief Dan Meyer talks with Roger Entner, founder of Recon Analytics, about the current wireless regulatory environment, including the impact current regulations are having on mergers and acquisition and competitive balance; device unlocking; and the IP Task Force initiative. RCR Wireless News...

Reality Check: Why active antenna systems are the superior antenna tuning solution

As wireless devices evolve, so must their antenna systems, which play a critical but underappreciated role in both the user experience, original equipment manufacturers’ capability to make it all work

Reader Forum: Data-driven analytics optimize device portfolios

Does this scenario sound familiar? A premier wireless retailer has great locations, robust handset selection, top-notch agents and an advanced in-store experience – it is the model for retail success … until you look behind the counter and find:

Openwave Messaging Webinar: Maintenance Windows are a Thing of the Past – Delivering True 5 9s for a Modern World

Maintenance windows were originally designed to allow for downtime when the majority of users were asleep and not using the services. In today’s mobile “always on” world, maintenance windows are no longer viable. Businesses and consumers alike expect “always on”, 24x7x365 services. Users assume and demand...

AT&T Webinar: Talent Wars: Software Skill Sets in Demand for Carriers

From wireless chipsets to core networks to devices, software is a key differentiator for OEMs today, and for carriers as well. The right software solutions require the right skill sets. RCR Wireless looks at specific software development, design and engineering skill sets that companies...

Feature Report: The Telecom Talent Wars: Software Skill Sets in Demand

Software is becoming a key differentiator for mobile devices and networks, and companies throughout the wireless ecosystem are competing for software talent. Carriers, device manufacturers, chip makers, and test and measurement companies all need software engineers, as do communications and telecom software companies. Telecom...

Worst of the Week: Has Samsung finally lost it?

I think it might be time for Samsung to have an intervention. This week, the consumer electronics giant unveiled its latest Galaxy smartphone, which according to my memory is the 39th iteration of that device in the past three weeks.

Sprint Nextel rolls out device activation program for MVNOs

Sprint Nextel unveiled a new program that will allow customers to take their inactive device to select mobile virtual network operators. Sprint Nextel said the program, which it dubs “bring your own sprint device,” is intended to help MVNO’s attract new users by allowing fallow...

Reality Check: Locked cellphones may have more in common with old rotary phones than you think

For those of us old enough to remember, there was a time when you couldn’t buy a corded, rotary phone. Instead, you had to lease your phone from Ma Bell. After divestiture, customers were given the options

Apple loses iPhone trademark in Brazil

It is official: The iPhone trademark in Brazil belongs to Gradiente. The company was granted the trademark registration to use the term in 2008 when referring to cellular telephone apparatus, cellular telephone devices that enable Internet access for both fixed and mobile telephony, digital...