MELBOURNE, Fla.-Go Wireless International and Harris Corp. announced a commercial relationship in which Harris will provide telephone switching equipment for Go Wireless' prepaid cellular phone service.Harris has made an equity investment in Go Wireless and will provide additional resources to help expand the market...
LOS GATOS, Calif.-Metricom Inc. has launched its Ricochet wireless communications network and will offer its Ricochet Wireless Modem and Internet service in Seattle, the Sea Tac airport and several surrounding communities.Metricom said the network uses spread-spectrum, packet radio technology and Metricom's frequency-hopping mesh architecture...
WASHINGTON-Uncertainty about compliance with the new, hybrid radio frequency radiation exposure standard and growing concern with the struggling industry-funded bioeffects research program could invite unforeseen legal and operational problems for the wireless telecommunications industry."There's no guidance on compliance. They need definitions," said Ronald Petersen,...
August is the month to go on vacation but not for people who took time off in July to get married. Like I did. Last week it was the boss' turn to get away and my turn to fill the column. Wireless sparked several...
WESTWOOD, Mass.-Cellular One in Boston has launched a no-credit-required calling card service that allows cellular phone users to pay in advance for airtime.With the prepaid calling card, customers establish a minimum of $50 balance. Each time customers place or receive a call, the costs...
Triden Telecom Inc. has signed a letter of intent to acquire Communitronics Inc., a paging company based in Mobile, Ala. Communitronics has 3,000 pagers in service and is expanding its coverage area by acquiring and building out more paging terminals, said Triden.Denver-based ComTec International...
Motorola Inc.'s Advanced Messaging Group said Shanghai Guomai, the largest paging carrier in China, is operating using Motorola's FLEX protocol-based paging system in Shanghai. Guomai has close to 1 million subscribers in service in the city and outskirts of Shanghai. The new FLEX protocol-based...
Preferred Networks Inc. said it has signed an agreement with NationsBank for a $20 million revolving credit facility. The money will be used primarily to finance the acquisition of paging networks and capital expenditures for the company's nationwide network construction, said Atlanta-based Preferred.Carlson Design/Construct...
WICHITA, Kan.-Brite Voice Systems Inc. is providing the technology that will allow Ameritech Cellular Services to offer prepaid cellular phone rentals and service to delegates, news media and others attending the Democratic National Convention in Chicago this month.Ameritech launched Brite's prepaid cellular service last...
3607 Communications Co. launched its Code Division Multiple Access digital cellular phone network in Las Vegas and is offering the service to new and existing customers.The system, which covers 85 percent of the company's analog traffic areas, will allow 3607 to increase network capacity...
France Telecom Mobiles International has signed two digital cellular phone contracts with Chinese operator China United Telecommunications Corp. (China Unicom). The contracts call for the expansion of a 1995 system to add an additional 41,000 subscribers in the city of Guangzhou in Canton and...
I'm a 5-foot-3-inch person, but I'm beginning to feel like Gulliver in Lilliput electronics land.Anyone who watched the Summer Olympics probably saw the commercial in which a bunch of Australians on a front porch in the outback talk about the sissy-sized laptop computer one...
For those who are banking on the growth of specialized mobile radio during the next few years, there is good news and there is good news. The good news is: The transition to digital technology will continue to grow, adding new voice and data services,...
ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, Ill.-Motorola Inc.'s Asia/Pacific Cellular Infrastructure Group has been awarded a contract to expand Guangdong Mobile Communications Corp.'s digital cellular phone system in Zhuhai City, China. Motorola will sup ply additional InCell and TopCell Global System for Mobile communications network cellular base stations...
WETHERSFIELD, Conn.-Shared Technologies Cellular Inc. announced it has signed a new three-year agreement with National Car Rental System Inc. to provide over-the-counter portable cellular phone rentals at National locations across the United States.The agreement is expected to generate $10 million in gross revenue during...
Deregulatory gains by the cellular telephone industry during the past three years have given way to a series of setbacks that could come back to haunt policymakers in the brave new world of regulation that started in 1993 and culminated with the Telecommunications Act...
Comsat Personal Communications, a business unit of Comsat Corp., has chosen International Telecommunication Data Systems Inc. as its strategic information systems supplier. Comsat Personal Communications plans to provide personal satellite communications services globally via its Planet 1 service and the Inmarsat satellite network. ITDS...
NEW YORK-Hanwa American Corp. has introduced a battery charger that it says can re-energize cellular phone batteries in 20 minutes.The Logical Power Charging System was originally developed for military purposes. It re-energizes nickel cadmium and nickel metal hydride batteries for cellular phones and camcorders,...
ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, Ill.-Motorola Inc.'s International Cellular Infrastructure Division has signed a $45 million contract to deploy two digital cellular phone systems for BPL/U S West in India.Motorola said it will install its InCell Global System for Mobile communications and provide technical support. The networks...
I received a phone call at home one evening from an AT&T long distance salesman. How was I doing, and what long-distance carrier did I use?"Sprint," I told him. Then I thought to myself, "Is it Sprint? No wait, maybe it's MCI."Hold on a...
L.M. Ericsson has signed a three-year contract with JT Mobiles Ltd. to supply digital cellular Global System for Mobile communications systems in India. Ericsson said it will supply and install complete GSM systems for JT Mobiles' cellular operations in Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. Three...
TEMPE, Ariz.-The new subscriber growth of the North American cellular phone market will decline for the remainder of the decade, according to a report by Forward Concepts.With 13 percent of the U.S. population served by cellular in 1995, the report predicts that almost 24...
Software developer Unwired Planet Inc. introduced an Internet access solution that promises to be a "Killer App" for wireless data services, beginning with Cellular Digital Packet Data.The Redwood Shores, Calif.-based company said its UP.Link open software platform will enable cellular phone and two-way pager...
In efforts to capture a broad range of consumer users, cellular carriers and equipment providers are stepping up marketing and advertising efforts to include glossy paper and primetime TV.The advertising boon arises from a climate of intensifying competition among cellular and personal communications service...