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Good Technology finds enterprises supporting, embracing BYOD

Many enterprises are embracing the bring-your-own-device (BYOD) model and setting practices to support the trend that has kept many IT organizations busy around the globe. In its second annual customer survey, Good Technology found that 72% of respondents were already formally supporting BYOD programs, a...

Reality Check: The importance of methods and processes in conducting projects

Editor’s Note: Welcome to our weekly Reality Check column. We’ve gathered a group of visionaries and veterans in the mobile industry to give their insights into the marketplace. Were you able to organize all the projects by the end of 2012 that must be conducted during 2013? If...

Reader Forum: Carriers, don’t overlook the bigger BYOD opportunity

The tide of business mobility continues to rise as more companies realize the productivity benefits available from an always-connected workforce, and as users realize the flexibility corporate-connected

AirWatch: Companies should set strategies before picking mobile management solution

In the mobile era, both companies and employees want to access data from any location and at any time. Although it seems a great way to boost productivity, this trend creates new challenges for IT organizations, and CIOs are concerned about how to address...

Editorial Webinar: LTE Device Ecosystem: Design, Test, Launch and Repair

The number of LTE devices is exploding rapidly, from 269 devices in January 2012 to 560 devices produced by 83 suppliers as of November 2012. Getting an LTE smartphone, tablet, or USB modem into users' hands is no simple task, however. RCR Wireless News...

Feature Report: LTE Device Ecosystem: The Future Brought to Life

The number of LTE devices and manufacturers is exploding. This special report explores how the transition to LTE networks is changing the device ecosystem from design to test and repair, and the factors that affect a successful LTE device launch. Spectrum fragmentation, the proliferation...

M-health: 2.8 million patients remotely monitored worldwide in 2012

About 2.8 million patients were remotely monitored worldwide at the end of 2012, using a home monitoring service based on equipment with integrated connectivity, according to a new research report from the analyst firm Berg Insight. The number of monitored patients is higher than...

2013 Predictions: True mobility trends in the workplace

We are going through a radical shift in the way people work and use computers. Increasing availability and affordability of wireless broadband is giving

JDSU Webinar: Maximizing Your Wireless Network (and Revenue) by Detecting, Identifying and Locating RF Interference

RF interference negatively affects transmission coverage and mobile throughput, impacting the overall user experience. It is therefore, extremely important to perform a comprehensive analysis to promptly detect, identify and locate interference. This webinar will discuss this analysis at length as well as other aspects...

Ovum claims the era of mobile BI is here

The era for mobile business intelligence (BI) solutions has arrived, or at least according to a new report from Ovum. According to the analytics firm, the arrival of high-performance mobile devices and the evolution of robust data-carrying infrastructure have allowed the proliferation of mobile...

2013 Predictions: The year of the mobile enterprise app

If 2011 was the year of the mobile consumer app, then 2012 was the year mobile tablets conquered IT security in enterprises. So the stage is set for 2013 to be the year of the mobile enterprise app.

2013 Predictions: J. Gold Associates predictions for 2013 and beyond

Mobile devices will become the biggest users of “big data” and business intelligence/analytics by 2015/16 as users increasingly look for information to help them be more productive.

2013 Predictions: Small cell networks and services for a 2020 mobile world

As we’re kicking off 2013, we know this: mobile networks are becoming more capable and agile with the use of macro and small cell networks to better handle capacity requirements for enterprises customers.

Citrix taps mobile VPN to meet corporate security needs

After its popularity in the early 2000s when it was used to protect laptop connections, virtual private network (VPN) is back on CIOs’ agendas again—now to support their mobility strategies. As before when VPN was used for laptop connections made outside enterprises, mobile VPN...

Europe’s MPowa sees Brazil as potential m-payment market

European mobile payment solution company MPowa announced that it is looking at Brazil as a potential key market, and it plans to start business there through partners. The company sees a strong demand in Brazil as well as in other South American countries, and...

Could Nokia’s partnership with Avanade boost Lumia sales?

Software and mobile manufacturer Nokia has teamed up with Avanade, a joint venture of Accenture and Microsoft, to sell Nokia Lumia devices, applications and services to large enterprise customers. Under the agreement, Avanade and Nokia plan to deliver packaged offerings combining Avanade's application development and...

2013 Predictions: The impact of big data for carriers in 2013

Big data has been among the hottest topics throughout 2012 across virtually all industries and communications is no exception. Business leaders and IT management are inundated with proclamations,

SAP Americas, IBM Mexico change presidents

German software giant SAP AG has named former Latin America and Caribbean region president, Rodolpho Cardenuto, the president of a combined Americas region, which also includes North America. He will report to Robert Enslin, president of global field operations and an SAP board member. Cardenuto's...

2013 Predictions: BYOD; death of the desk phone; over-the-top services; and more

It’s no surprise that the telecom industry has undergone a dramatic transformation over the last few years, and we don’t see this slowing down in 2013. The two biggest things that have happened

White Paper: 5 Supply Chain Best Practices For Bringing M2M and Other Connected Devices to Market

Decisions on the architecture of the supply chain directly affect profitability. Optimized supply chains adhering to supply chain network best practices can lead to reduced logistic costs, improved time to market, and a reduction in required working capital – all key components of the...

2013 Predictions: The challenges for enterprise mobility

So, after following technology trends for 18 years and 15 years of mobile addiction, (I got my first mobile when it was too big to carry and my first BlackBerry in 2002),

Telecom services represents largest share of global ICT spending

Global telecom services continues to be the largest portion of IT spending. Gartner, Inc. forecasts that of the estimated U.S.$3.7 trillion in total worldwide IT spending in 2013, telecommunications services are expected to represent U.S.$1.701 trillion, a rise of 2.4% over the U.S.$1.661 trillion in 2012. However,...

Big data, cloud, mobile, collaboration to be main biz technologies over next two years

Big data, cloud, mobile, collaboration and business process management will be the top technologies over the coming 24 months, according to a survey by Software AG. The survey also notes that adoption of these technologies is guiding the software market at an inflection point,...

Enterprise mobile apps set for major growth this year

2013 could be the year that enterprise apps come into their own. "Enterprise apps today are where consumer apps were three or four years ago," explained Rajeev Chand of Rutberg & Company, a boutique investment bank focused on wireless and digital media. "The consumer...