Wall Street is cautiously optimistic about Craig McCaw's ability to work wireless wonders for Nextel Communications Inc., whose quest to convert radio dispatch systems around the country into one nationwide digital network has been fraught with technical, financial and legal problems in recent years.Despite...
Two industry associations have asked the Federal Communications Commission to modify the freeze placed on intercategory sharing in the 800 MHz band, suggesting it only apply to specialized mobile radio operators or other groups interloping into industrial/land transportation, business or public-safety pools.The freeze, announced...
WASHINGTON-Are rumors of the Federal Communications Commission's impending demise exaggerated?Perhaps, perhaps not. The FCC is unlikely to go anywhere today, tomorrow or the next day. But a few years down the road, as the transition in the telecommunications industry from regulation to competition takes...
The day when the typical commuter will speed through toll booths at 60 miles per hour, nimbly maneuvering through traffic with the aid of radar-based warnings of possible dangers, now is much nearer, thanks to recent actions taken by the Federal Communications Commission.Specifically, the...
Editor's Note: Portions of this article will be submitted to the Federal Communications Commission in a White Paper by the Industrial Telecommunications Association.I have been reading Fred Day's book, "Policies and Practices in the Regulation of Private Radio Communications Systems," lately. My favorite chapter is...
WASHINGTON-The 800 MHz Industry Coalition has asked the Federal Communications Commission to re-process the backlog of applications for 800 MHz licenses because a glitch found in the FCC's computer software was creating allocation errors.The FCC released a Grant of Applications list for 800 MHz...
Recently, the Senate Commerce Committee approved "The Telecommunications Competition and Deregulation Act of 1995," which included the following provision: "Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary*...*an electric, gas, water, or steam utility, and any subsidiary company, affiliate or associate company of such a...
Editor's note: After only a little more than a year as chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, Reed Hundt has spearheaded some of the most dramatic changes ever for the wireless communications industry. He has, in effect, redesigned an industry by creating a commercial mobil...
NEW YORK-Globalstar Telecommunications Ltd. has filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission to make an initial public offering of 12 million shares of common stock, priced between $24 and $26 a share.Proceeds from the offering will be used to purchase a 25 percent general...
WASHINGTON-Federal Communications Commission Chairman Reed Hundt's selection of Regina Keeney to head the new Wireless Telecommunications Bureau is looking better every day.Especially since Nov. 8, the day voters shook the political landscape by handing Congress over to Republicans and put President Clinton on notice...
WASHINGTON-A group called the Specialized Mobile Radio Wireless Operators Network, or SMR WON, recently formed to fight recent federal policies the group says will increase the cost of business dispatch mobile service.The new association said it plans to educate public officials about the alleged...
Time Warner Telecommunications announced it will begin offering cellular phone service in Rochester, N.Y.-the company's largest cable television market-by reselling service from the city's B-side carrier, Rochester Telephone Mobile Communications.This will be the company's first move into the wireless market. Time Warner has conducted...
True, America views the nation's capital with a jaundiced eye. And well it should. The system is broke and needs fixing. Lobbyists, special interest money and lawmakers-for-life control the ways and means by which business-as-usual is carried out on Capitol Hill. It is pronounced...
WASHINGTON-Jay Kitchen has always had a knack for being able to talk to folks, whether they be mom-and-pop two-way radio dealers who for years have looked to him for representation in Washington, D.C., or Fortune 500 executives, engineers and policymakers whom he mixes with...
WASHINGTON-Sparks are flying weeks before public comments are due at the Federal Communications Commission on applications from six firms seeking licenses to operate global pocket-phone satellite systems."I think that some of the competitive systems are basing their financial qualifications on highly speculative investments," said...
WASHINGTON-Jay Kitchen has always had a knack for being able to talk to folks, whether they be mom-and-pop two-way radio dealers who for years have looked to him for representation in Washington, D.C., or Fortune 500 executives, engineers and policymakers whom he mixes with...
WASHINGTON-A paging consortium led by Maceo Sloan, founder of the nation's largest minority-owned investment firm, late last week appeared headed for a big victory in regional narrowband personal communications services auctions.Fifty-seven rounds after the narrowband PCS auction began in Washington, D.C., PCS Development Corp....
Timing is everything.Ask Thomas Wheeler, president of the Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association, who took advantage of auction frenzy to send Federal Communications Commission Chairman Reed Hundt a somber message.On the day before the Oct. 28 application filing deadline for the Dec. 5 broadband personal...
The following letter is in response to RCR Editor Bill Maguire's look at the Federal Communications Commission approach to spectrum auctions and how effectively the public interest is served as a result of competitive bidding.Dear Mr. Maguire: As an American living abroad, I read with...
The National Association for Business and Educational Radio announced the release of its ninth edition of The NABER Resource. The guide is a comprehensive source of Federsl Communications Commision rules, regulations and licensing, said NABER. "It includes current addresses, fee and form information through...
The Oct. 28 deadlind for those applying with the Federal Communications Commission to participate in next month's auction for broadband personal communications services licenses has come and gone.And with it comes the end of the anticipation, hype and hoopla-for now-over the courtships and possible...
In unspectacular fashion, Susan Ness diligently immersed herself in spectrum auction and personal communications services rulemakings at the Federal Communications Commission soon after she was confirmed as a commissioner by the Senate in May.Such is the style of the former banking executive and House...
WASHINGTON-Nextel Communications Inc. said its antitrust settlement with the Justice Department will not interfere with plans to build a nationwide wireless network."While we do not agree that restrictions on our 900 MHz operations were at all necessary, the decree does not place any meaningful...
Transmitting mug shots and fingerprint images over wireless is the aim of the FBI's $17 million-plus technology update program, but it comes at a time when government spectrum already is clogged."A picture is worth a thousand words, but it takes a lot more bandwidth...