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Sprint auction decision draws ire of FCC commissioner on proceedings

FCC commissioner Ajit Pai links Sprint decision to folly of FCC auction plans Sprint’s decision to sit out the Federal Communications Commission’s upcoming 600 MHz incentive auction proceedings drew the attention of Republican Commissioner Ajit Pai, who used the move to express his displeasure in...

Sprint dumps 600 MHz auction plans

Sprint dumps plans to participate in 600 MHz incentive auction citing robust holdings Sprint yanked its name from bidders in the Federal Communications Commission’s planned 600 MHz incentive auction. The carrier cited its current spectrum holdings, including its robust 2.5 GHz spectrum assets, as being sufficient...

Sprint, others fined $1.4M by FCC related to 911 calls

FCC has fined service providers more than $40M this year for 911 failures Keeping up its aggressive penalization of carriers who fail to properly handle 911 traffic, the Federal Communications Commission on Sept. 24 fined Sprint, Hamilton Relay and InnoCaption a collective $1.4 million for...

Commissioner: FCC has too many lawyers, needs economists

Says FCC support of municipal infrastructure is “borderline socialism” FCC Commissioner Michael O'Rielly recently spoke to the Prosperity Caucus, a DC-based organization founded in 1986 by Regan-era Republicans, about how the regulatory agency lacks economic pragmatism. During the Commissioner’s remarks in what is encouraged to be...

White House: Broadband is a ‘core utility’

Broadband is right up there with water, sewer and power, according to report WASHINGTON – President Obama’s Broadband Opportunity Council released its 40-page report on Monday, declaring, “Today, broadband is taking its place alongside water, sewer and electricity as essential infrastructure for communities.” The report was...

FCC Chairman pushing universal broadband access

Wheeler: Broadband access is key to economic opportunity, advancement Despite criticism, FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler used the fall conference of the National Telephone Cooperative Association to push the Federal Communication Commission goal of universal broadband access. “Simply put, in the 21st century, access to broadband is...

Google FCC filing points to new Wi-Fi devices

Based on recent filings with the Federal Communications Commission, Google plans to follow on the release of its new OnHub router with more Wi-Fi devices. Although very little information can be gleaned from the paperwork, the Google filing specifically calls out a "802.11b/g/n Wi-Fi Access...

FCC to release data from $40B Special Access Market

WASHINGTON – The Federal Communications Commission’s Wireline Competition Bureau has announced plans to release data on the Special Access Market for the first time ever. The bureau said in a statement it, “will start to make industry data gathered earlier this year available for public review,...

FCC considers new rules for submarine cables

Goal is for more accurate reporting and tracking of outage information WASHINGTON – The Federal Communications Commission has voted to propose new rules designed to tighten the outage reporting rules with new requirements for submarine cables. The goal, as stated by the FCC, is to “help safeguard...

CTIA Super Mobility 2015 Review: 4G is not dead; 5G lives; spectrum auctions; and plenty of video

The recently concluded CTIA Super Mobility event managed to include a number of significant news announcements while playing in the shadow of Apple’s annual unveiling of new iPhone devices. CTIA did its best to show its support for Apple, switching to coverage of the...

T-Mobile violating net neutrality, FCC commissioner said

In question is the carrier’s Music Freedom program, which removes data limit for music-streaming services WASHINGTON – Is the T-Mobile US Music Freedom program breaking the law? Technically, yes, according to FCC Commissioner Ajit Pai, who spoke on the issue at an event hosted by the...

Should the FCC kill the Designated Entity program?

Analyst: Intent of program isn’t possible given current wireless sector environment Do regulations have a shelf life? In general, yes, as the things they were meant to regulate evolve and change over time, the rules lose applicability. The telecom space is no exception. Over the...

Wheeler confident in 600 MHz auction start date, expects robust participation

FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler ‘supremely confident’ 600 MHz auction will begin on March 29 LAS VEGAS – Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler is very confident that the scheduled 600 MHz incentive auction process will indeed begin as planned on March 29, and that he...

FCC gives nod to $10.5B Verizon, Frontier wireline deal

Shares of Frontier Communications up on the news of FCC approval Verizon Communications sale of its local wireline network assets and operations in California, Florida and Texas to Frontier Communications for $10.54 billion is a go. The Federal Communications Commission on Sept. 2 gave the sale...

FCC continues push to subsidize broadband access

Regulators want to expand the Lifeline Assistance Program to include broadband Internet access WASHINGTON – The Federal Communications Commission is seeking comment on its plan to expand the Lifeline subsidy program to include broadband Internet services in addition to the existing wired and wireless voice services. Civic leaders...

IIA co-chair: FCC fumbled tech transition order

Copper or fiber, past or future? Is new FCC rule a 'major step back?' WASHINGTON – Bruce Mehlman, U.S. Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Tech Policy under the George W. Bush administration and Internet Innovation Alliance founding co-chairman, spoke with RCR Wireless News about the Federal...

CTIA asks FCC to conduct mock auctions

As 600 MHz auction approaches, FCC continues to clarify rules and procedures WASHINGTON – Ahead of the 2016 incentive auction, wireless trade association CTIA said it wants the Federal Communications Commission to hold multiple mock auctions as a means to “test the underlying software and...

#TBT: Sprint dinged $1.3M by FCC; MetroPCS offers $5.1B for Leap … this week in 2007

Editor’s Note: RCR Wireless News goes all in for “Throwback Thursdays,” tapping into our archives to resuscitate the top headlines from the past. Fire up the time machine, put on the sepia-tinted shades, set the date for #TBT and enjoy the memories! FCC fines Sprint...

Guy in Queens somehow disrupts Sprint network

Interference prompts citation from FCC; alleged offender could face $16,000 fine per day The Federal Communications Commission on Aug. 19 issued a citation to Jian Chang for operating a device from a home in Queens, N.Y., that was interfering with Sprint’s local cellular network. According to documents from...

FCC Commissioner pushes next-gen 911

Federal regulators have fined operators $40M for outages in last four months WASHINGTON – Tom Wheeler, chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, is not happy with the progress toward deploying America’s next-generation 911 system. In a speech to the Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials conference last...

FCC eyes regs for DAS, small cells

The feds want to detail how wireless infrastructure upgrades will impact historic buildings The Federal Communications Commission has solicited public comment on how it should consider deployment of small cells and distributed antenna systems in historic buildings. Specifically, the FCC wants comments by Sept. 28 based...

Verizon suitor for Dish spectrum?

Verizon cited as potential candidate for Dish spectrum at the right price With T-Mobile US rumored to be in the sights of a potential acquisition by any number of deep-pocketed cable providers, long-time suitor Dish Network could find Verizon Communications a possible partner for its...

FCC lays out next steps in 600 MHz incentive auction process

FCC states plans to release additional rules for reverse, forward auction components this fall The Federal Communications Commission continues to work toward the planned March 29, 2016, start date for its highly anticipated 600 MHz incentive auction, today laying out more details on the steps...

Northstar disputes FCC decision to revoke bidding credits

Northstar claims move was politically based and goes against tenants of DE program The Federal Communications Commission’s decision this week to revoke a $3 billion bidding credit tied to Dish Network drew a strong rebuke from one of the designated entities that actually ended up...