Editor’s Note: RCR Wireless News goes all in for “Throwback Thursdays,” tapping into our archives to resuscitate the top headlines from the past. Fire up the time machine, put on the sepia-tinted shades, set the date for #TBT and enjoy the memories!
Disney Mobile offers...
Verizon chief: Congress needs to 're-take responsibility’ for Internet from FCC
WASHINGTON – Verizon Communications CEO Lowell McAdam recently pressed federal lawmakers to rein in the Federal Communications Commission, the regulatory influence of which he wrote has reached “absurd new levels.”
McAdam, in a three-page letter...
These next two weeks, we’ll recap the first quarter with a quick spin through the top 10 events that will influence telecom earnings calls throughout the year. Thanks to several of you who sent in your own nominations.
Top 10 events of Q1 (in no...
Draft Report and Order looks to unleash up to 150 megahertz of new spectrum for unlicensed, small cell use
The Federal Communications Commission took the next step in freeing up 100 megahertz of spectrum in the 3.5 GHz band as Chairman Tom Wheeler late last...
ATLANTA – Sprint CEO Marcelo Claure added a bit of “big carrier” luster to the CEO panel at this week’s Competitive Carriers Association Global Expo event, as well as taking the stage for the first time in front of mobile operators increasingly reliant on...
Spectrum auctions, net neutrality and show expansion
ATLANTA – RCR Wireless News caught up with Competitive Carriers Association President and CEO Steve Berry on the show floor of this week’s Global Expo event in Atlanta. Berry touched on a number of topics impacting the organization...
Verizon, AT&T, CenturyLink and other members want net neutrality review
The US Telecom Association, which counts carriers Verizon Communications, AT&T, Alaska Communications and many others as members, on March 23 asked a federal appeals court for a review of the Federal Communication Commission’s recent order...
FCC commissioner blasts Dish Network move as a ‘rip off’
WASHINGTON – Pay TV giant Dish Network placed winning bids totaling $13 billion in the recent Federal Communication Commission spectrum auction, but because of a loophole that designates the company as a “small business,” some of those...
The Competitive Carriers Association’s upcoming Global Expo event, like many of CCA’s past events, will surely not lack for topics.
Since CCA’s last event in September, the mobile telecom space has witnessed a record-breaking spectrum auction, postponement of the highly anticipated 600 MHz incentive auction...
Editor’s Note: RCR Wireless News goes all in for “Throwback Thursdays,” tapping into our archives to resuscitate the top headlines from the past. Fire up the time machine, put on the sepia-tinted shades, set the date for #TBT and enjoy the memories!
AT&T to buy...
AT&T/DirecTV, Comcast/TWC deals impacted by confidentiality review
AT&T’s attempt to acquire DirecTV hit yet another snag as the Federal Communications Commission late last week stopped its review process due to a pending review of confidentially agreements.
The latest delay comes as the FCC said it is...
The FCC Report and Order that wasn’t
On March 12, the Federal Communications Commission released the 400-page Open Internet Report and Order. Think of this as part one of a dramatic miniseries on Internet regulation, which you would prefer to turn off after the first hour...
WASHINGTON – Two of the five commissioners serving on the Federal Communications Commission voted against net neutrality regulations that apply Title II regulation and classify the Internet as a public utility.
Commissioner Ajit Pai was the most vocal of the opposition. Known as a staunch...
Hello! And welcome to our Friday column, Worst of the Week. There’s a lot of nutty stuff that goes on in this industry, so this column is a chance for us at RCRWireless.com to rant and rave about whatever rubs us the wrong way....
Four hundred-page net neutrality document expected to see legal challenges
The Federal Communications Commission released the full Report and Order tied to its net neutrality ruling, which as expected has drawn divergent commentary.
The 400-page document lays out the FCC’s position in bringing broadband access, both...
Verizon argument mirrors AT&T, shifts disruptor blame to Dish
“Lessons” continued to be offered up in the wake of the Federal Communications Commission’s Auction 97 proceedings, which managed to raise a record $44.9 billion in gross proceeds. The latest came from Verizon Communications, which came...
Title II and net neutrality
In my capacity as a correspondent for RCR Wireless News and a resident of the Washington, D.C., area, I often write about wireless telecom policy. Wireless policy is a fascinating and complex subject, especially when viewed in the greater historical...
Unless you have been staring at your TV/PC screen waiting for “House of Cards” to load since Friday and watched or read nothing else, you have no doubt heard about the Federal Communications Commission's recent net neutrality vote and ruling. The timing of the...
AT&T, T-Mobile US argue auction activity backs their respective claims
Auction 97 repercussions continue to reverberate across the mobile telecom space as AT&T and T-Mobile US traded barbs in dueling “policy blogs” in attempts to dissect what happened and set up arguments ahead of the...
This has been a week filled with news – Mobile World Congress, analyst conferences and the normal course of business – and regulatory conjecture. I have decided to stop trying to figure out what fine-tuning the Federal Communications Commission is doing between the vote last...
Walden comments on net neutrality, Title II and FCC
WASHINGTON – House Communications and Technology Subcommittee Chairman Greg Walden (R-Ore.) recently delivered an address to the American Enterprise Institute, a well-known conservative think tank, discussing the reauthorization of the Federal Communications Commission, the recent net...
Net neutrality postures follow party lines
WAHINGTON – In releasing its long-awaited rules regarding net neutrality, some at the Federal Communications Commission were unhappy with the decision.
One of those was Republican Commissioner Ajit Pai, who stated, “Read my lips. More new taxes are coming.”
Verizon claims Dish collusion with DEs impacted fairness of Auction 97
You can add Verizon Communications to the list of companies unhappy with Dish Network’s bidding activity during the Federal Communications Commission’s recent Auction 97 proceedings.
In a letter filed with the FCC, Verizon said it...
As expected, last week was full of rhetoric with respect to the Federal Communications Commission’s pending Open Internet Order. Pictured below is Verizon Communications' response typed in Morse Code – a brilliant PR move, although one unlikely to help their position with the FCC.