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BROWSING: Fixed Broadband

How fiber broadband is revolutionizing agriculture (Reader Forum)

Think of a cutting-edge, high-tech environment. You’re probably not thinking of a farm, are you? Yet, in the flourishing landscapes of New Zealand, a cherry farm is leading the charge in embracing smart farming and Industry 4.0 applications to improve productivity, costs, safety and...

Future Technologies sells $14m of private 5G to US energy sector in 12 months

Evidence, or indication at least, that the burgeoning market for private networks in Industry 4.0 is as much about local knowhow and boots-on-the-ground as it is about global corporate reach; busy US-based system integrator Future Technologies has just stuck out a press note about...

Editorial Report: Getting to ubiquity: the urban and rural digital divide

Will the billions of federal dollars being poured into closing the digital divide actually close the gap? RCR Wireless News looks at the status of fixed and mobile broadband deployments to extend access in rural environments as well as urban settings, and examines the...