For those who are banking on the growth of specialized mobile radio during the next few years, there is good news and there is good news. The good news is: The transition to digital technology will continue to grow, adding new voice and data services,...
Ralph Haller, former Wireless Telecommunications Bureau deputy chief and chief of the Federal Communications Commission's Private Radio Bureau, has been a private citizen for almost a month now, following his retirement June 10 after 25 years of public service. Since his retirement, he has...
Geez, what a week of winners, losers and schmoozers.A three-judge panel in Philadelphia overturned the Internet indecency ban in the new telecommunications law, a big victory for free speech advocates and wireless carriers that carry information services. Next stop: the Supreme Court.Marge Schott, Cincinnati Reds...
Pittencrieff Communications Inc. is seeking federal action regarding a 1995 Texas state law requiring the company and other commercial mobile radio service providers to pay an assessment of $75 million.The Abilene, Texas-based provider of specialized mobile radio service maintains the Texas statute violates the...
WASHINGTON-As the telecommunications industry continues its offensive to beguile fraud criminals with technology, Freddie the Fox is fighting fraud on the homefront.The Alliance to Outfox Phone Fraud has launched a campaign to increase fraud awareness and prevention among consumers through advertisements, public service announcements,...
ussell H. Fox, Esq. My intent, in writing an article in RCR, was to analyze the Federal Communications Commission's decision in the Docket No. 93-252 proceeding, which addresses the new rules governing commercial mobile radio service providers.The new rules, designed to achieve "regulatory parity"...