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Google opens Anthos to VMs, streamlines Azure, AWS container management

Google announces Virtual Machine (VM) support for its Anthos hybrid cloud platform and will offer an API to manage K8s on Azure and AWS.

Google greens the cloud with new sustainability efforts

Google unveils new customer tools, data integrations aimed at raising sustainability awareness, energy usage As the global economy demand more from the cloud, cloud users should be mindful of how much energy they need. That’s the message this week from Google during its virtual Google Cloud...

Google intros new embedded IoT toolset to help manufacturers get smart

Google Cloud has introduced a new embedded computing toolset to help manufacturers develop and deploy IoT solutions for consumers and enterprises. Slipping under the radar at the company’s annual Google Next shindig, which majored on the distribution of its cloud portfolio into network edge...

Editorial Webinar: Monetizing MEC: What’s the value in the edge?

With some operators projecting MEC-related service revenues in the 2022 timeframe, what's the current state of play? Beyond operators building out new compute infrastructure, how can existing public cloud infrastructure and on-prem enterprise equipment be leveraged to more quickly deliver on latency-sensitive use cases...

The Sunday Brief: The Two Strongest Headed into 2022 – Comcast and Google (Part 2)

September greetings from the Midwest and Southeast.  Pictured is one of the many “Instawalls” in Kansas City that celebrate our local football team, the Chiefs.  We are excited about our return to the City of Fountains and are anxious about the bruising schedule the...

‘Operators will change shape too’ – Radisys unpicks the private 5G riddle for telcos

Note, this article is taken from a longer editorial report on private 5G enterprise NOCs; to access the report, click here, or on the image below. For the attendant webinar on the same subject, including panellists from ABI Research, Vodafone, and Radisys, go here. US-based Radisys,...

Sigfox signs with Google to bring machine learning to the IoT network edge

Ultra narrowband IoT network provider Sigfox is working with Google to build a new range of IoT devices that can leverage local artificial intelligence (AI) analytics at the ‘edge’, in compute nodes on customers’ premises. Sigfox has signed a deal to load Coral, Google’s...

The Sunday Brief: Q2 Earnings Wrap – ABC (Apple, Broadband, C-Band)

August greetings from Nebraska, Missouri, Louisiana, Iowa, Illinois, and North Carollina.  Pictured is the Capital One Tower in downtown Lake Charles (pre-hurricane pictures here).  Yes, those are boards, not an artistic glass mosaic.  It’s been nearly a year since Hurricane Laura took dead aim on...

The next Google smartphone will sport an in-house mobile chip

Google: 'Tensor was built for how people use their phones today and how people will use them in the future' Blaming computing limitations of third-party options, Google announced that its newest smartphone series, the Pixel 6, will sport an in-house chip called Tensor. Critical to...

Boom year for private 5G? Telcos restructure to take enterprise bull by network horns

A new report by analyst house ABI Research says the traditional telco community is restructuring its enterprise operations, including by establishing brand new business units, in order to deliver custom 5G networks for private industrial usage, and to make 2021 a “boon year” for...

SIs in trouble, hyperscalers indifferent – the case for carrier-led private 5G

Note, this article is continued from a previous post, entitled ‘Software AG, StarHub and the blueprint for carrier-led industrial private 5G’, available here. Bernd Gross, chief technology officer at Software AG, is presenting the case for telcos as the go-to agents for private 5G. He...

‘Open to any discussion’ – Sigfox on hooking up with LoRaWAN, scaling up with Google

Let’s cut to the chase: will Sigfox and LoRaWAN, painted as arch rivals at the low-power end of the IoT space, ever be combined into a single IoT solution? Will the owners of these twin technologies, which have propped up large parts of the...

#TBT: Walled gardens have got to go; Top 10 carriers of ’08; Muni Wi-Fi providers struggle … this week in 2008

Editor’s Note: RCR Wireless News goes all in for “Throwback Thursdays,” tapping into our archives to resuscitate the top headlines from the past. Fire up the time machine, put on the sepia-tinted shades, set the date for #TBT and enjoy the memories! For mobile content...

Siemens integrates Google’s cloud and analytics into factory automaton suite

Siemens is to integrate Google’s cloud and analytics technologies with its factory automation portfolio. The pair said their offer will help manufacturing companies to move away from fragmented legacy software, and “bring AI/ML to the manufacturing industry at scale”. Manufacturing companies continue to use legacy...

Three’s a cloud: Nokia allies with hyperscaler triumvirate to accelerate enterprise 5G

Nokia partnering with Google Cloud, AWS and Microsoft to bring open and cloud RAN to the edge with both operator and private enterprise networks In October last year, Nokia CEO Pekka Lundmark, in addition to sharing Q3 financials and giving a first-look at an organizational...

After just two years, Google’s gaming gambit goes aground

Google will no longer make games in-house for its Stadia gaming platform It’s been two nearly years since Google launched its Stadia gaming platform designed specifically for streaming. At the time of the launch, Google also announced Stadia Games and Entertainment (SG&E), its internal game...

The Sunday Brief: Comcast’s crossroads

NFL playoff greetings from Lake Norman, NC (we only wish we were at Kansas City’s Union Station, pictured right).  As we await two excellent NFL football games, we thought we would dive in to the opportunities facing one of the Telco Top 5 – Comcast.  We...

Telensa on 2021: Standards, platforms, surveillance, privacy – and 12 IoT forecasts

Jon Lewis, director of strategy at UK-based smart street lighting company Telensa highlights a dozen tech trends to watch for in the year ahead. Here goes... 1 | The ‘smart city’ becomes a reality  The idea of a smart city has been in the ‘trough of...

Kagan: Industry analyst on Qualcomm 5G Summit 2020

Last week I virtually attended the Qualcomm 5G Summit 2020, which is their annual conference where they talk about what they have accomplished in the past year, where they are today and what their plans are going forward. Let me share a few key...

#TBT: Google’s broadband dreams; What is 5G, really?; Magic IoT beans … this week in 2016

Editor’s Note: RCR Wireless News goes all in for “Throwback Thursdays,” tapping into our archives to resuscitate the top headlines from the past. Fire up the time machine, put on the sepia-tinted shades, set the date for #TBT and enjoy the memories! Google dreams big,...

Google’s Orion Wi-Fi represents a novel approach to Wi-Fi roaming

With Orion WiFi, public venues will be able to sell their Wi-Fi capacity to cellular carriers Google’s Area 120 launched Orion WiFi​, a new Wi-Fi offload scheme, that the company hopes will allow privately owned public venues to monetize their W-Fi by selling capacity to...

India’s Jio targets Eastern Europe, Southeast Asia for its 5G kit: Report

  Indian digital services company Jio Platforms, a subsidiary of Reliance Industries, may target West Asia, Eastern Europe and Southeast Asian regions as markets for its self-developed 5G technology kit after it tests and scales it up in India, Indian newspaper The Economic Times reported. The...

India’s Jio Platform announces own 5G system

  India’s Reliance Industries chairman Mukesh Ambani confirmed that the conglomerate’s mobile Jio Platforms engineers designed and developed a "complete 5G system" from scratch. The executive said that Jio Platforms’ 5G kit will be ready for trials as soon as spectrum is available, with field deployments...

Kagan: How to unlock iPhone, Android faster with a face mask

COVID-19 is a real pain in the… well you know. We have noticed how difficult and time consuming it can be to simply unlock and use our smartphone when we are wearing a face mask. Let me share two secrets that may help you. One...