Just as the Federal Communications Commission appears ready to settle the great white-spaces debate - one predominantly framed to date by a powerful broadcast lobby fearing costly disruption to digital signals from unlicensed devices and by equally muscular high-tech titans anxious to exploit prime...
Google Inc. unveiled its answer to Apple Inc.'s App Store, outlining a distribution system for applications built on its Android platform.Android Market will serve as an unrestricted storefront where registered developers can offer their wares simply by uploading their applications and posting descriptions. Google...
As you may know, this week's Democratic National Convention - right here in RCRWireless.com's beautiful, mile-high backyard - is very much a wireless affair.Barack Obama's campaign set a high bar for mobile with a much-publicized effort to notify supporters via text message of Sen....
Editor's Note: Welcome to our weekly Reality Check column. We've gathered a group of visionaries and veterans in the mobile industry to give their insights into the marketplace. It feels like every day we are seeing articles about the "operating system wars" and who...
Google Inc. launched a mobile microsite dedicated to following the race for the White House.The destination, m.google.com/elections, offers links to election-related news; mobile YouTube channels from both Barack Obama and John McCain; information about the sites read by the candidates and political journalists; and...
Google Inc. is toying with display ads on its popular YouTube mobile site.The dominant online player said is has begun placing marketing messages on "select pages" of YouTube's mobile site in the United States and Japan."This is our first step in testing mobile advertising...
Sprint Nextel Corp. is quietly pulling the plug on its PCS Mail service.A longtime service that never seemed to find an audience, PCS Mail offers a carrier-branded e-mail address (@sprintpcs.com) for users looking to exchange messages from computers or Sprint phones. The carrier informed...
Google Inc.'s Internet dominance has grown in recent years as the competition - well, what passes for competition - continues to plod along. But for the long list of Web-based players moving to the new platform, wireless is the wild, wild West.The Mountain View,...
The LiMo Foundation announced nine new members today and said that more handsets with its operating system are launching in North America and Japan. The organization is a leading proponent of an open-source, Linux OS for handsets, and said that its latest members represented...
Hello! And welcome to our Thursday column, Worst of the Week. There's a lot of nutty stuff that goes on in this industry, so this column is a chance for us at RCRWireless.com to rant and rave about whatever rubs us the wrong way....
Sprint Nextel Corp. overhauled its mobile Web service in an effort to deliver customized Internet content to subscribers.Sprint Web offers an adaptive home page that uses technology from ChangingWorlds to deliver content based on previous usage - a subscriber who constantly checks baseball scores,...
SPRINT NEXTEL CORP. AND CLEARWIRE CORP.'S CAMPAIGN to win government approval of a their national WiMAX plan is drawing static from AT&T Inc. and rural cellular operators on key unsettled wireless policy issues, but the deal has picked up backing from many educational and...
Hello! And welcome to our Thursday column, Worst of the Week. There's a lot of nutty stuff that goes on in this industry, so this column is a chance for us at RCRWireless.com to rant and rave about whatever rubs us the wrong way....
Apple suffered a case of the hiccups last week with the launch of the iPhone 3G and MobileMe, but Google is struggling with a serious developers' revolt months ahead of Android's scheduled launch.Android developers began getting antsy a few weeks ago due to the...
The iPhone App Store stole headlines last week, but it's the ever-growing cloud above that ultimately will be more important to developers of mobile consumer applications.Cloud computing - applications "in the sky" accessed through the Internet, as opposed to native applications - is not...
Editor's Note: Welcome to our weekly Reality Check column. We've gathered a group of visionaries and veterans in the mobile industry to give their insights into the marketplace.A race is underway, and the whole world is watching - even though the winners have already...
Google Inc. joined Apple Inc.'s iPhone-application frenzy with a free search offering.Google Mobile App uses a text box and a virtual QWERTY keyboard to allow users to search the Internet or through contacts on the phone. The application remembers past searches and offers typing...
You know what Google Inc. does on the Internet, right? Sifting through billions of destinations to help people find what they're looking for? That's what Sense Networks executives want to do for every city on the planet.A New York-based startup that will emerge from...
U.S. CARRIERS ARE EVER SO SLOWLY BEGINNING TO SHARE consumer demographics and other coveted information in an effort to deliver highly targeted wireless ads. And Sprint Nextel Corp. - very quietly - appears to be leading the way.Advertising agencies and high-profile brands have long...
Federal Communications Commission Chairman Kevin Martin is coming under mounting pressure to back off a controversial plan to auction a national wireless Internet license that would require the winning bidder to provide free broadband service, open access and filtering to block obscene content. But...
When it comes to investment money, perhaps no space in mobile is as hot as social networking. And it looks like the spigot isn't going to shut off anytime soon. But for venture capital to truly flood the space, the online guys will need...
The term "serial entrepreneur" gets tossed around a lot in the technology world, but few executives can match Cheng Wu's resume when it comes to building - and then selling - startups. During his 20-year career, Wu founded Arris Networks (which was acquired by...
You already know that Steve Jobs understands the power of deep device lust in American hearts and, indeed, in hearts around the globe. And it may not be news that Jobs knows how to use this lust to produce a media splash in the...
Editor's Note: Welcome to our weekly feature, Yay or Nay. Every week we'll review a new wireless application or service from the user's point of view, with the goal of highlighting what works and what doesn't. If you wish to submit your application or...