JOHANNESBURG, South Africa-The decision of the South African Regulatory Authority (SATRA) and Department of Communications about whether to support TETRA as a digital standard for professional mobile radio (PMR) in South Africa is still pending. A decision is possible during the first quarter of...
As Sprint PCS shuts down its Global System for Mobile communications network in Washington, D.C., at the end of this month, speculation is increasing about what will happen to the GSM infrastructure.All roaming with GSM operators will terminate this month, said Sprint PCS. Carriers...
Powertel Inc.'s stock tumbled nearly $12 last week after VoiceStream Wireless Corp. Chief Executive Officer John Stanton said his company has no immediate plans to acquire any more GSM operators in the United States.Powertel's stock had been riding in the $68 range on merger...
MUNICH-Siemens AG announced it won a contract to provide Global System for Mobile communications 900 MHz infrastructure equipment to Medi Telecom, the second GSM operator in Morocco. The contract is valued at more than US$100 million.Medi Telecom, which received its license in August, is...
CHARLOTTE, N.C.-Glenayre Technologies Inc. received two separate contracts for $16.5 million and $1 million to upgrade the nationwide paging network of the Long Distance and Mobile Business Group of ChungHwa Telecom, Taiwan's national telecommunications company.Under terms of the contract, the existing paging control terminals...
JOHANNESBURG, South Africa-Wireless local loop (WLL) is currently the most popular access technology to supply basic voice connectivity to subscribers in the rural areas of many African nations. It is an expensive option and difficult to implement, but offers the most effective way of...
Dear Editor: We are greatly disappointed in RCR's Oct. 11 article, "AT&T Explores 1XRTT Technology," by Lynnette Luna. There is no truth to the suggestion that AT&T may utilize cdma2000/1XRTT technology. Ms. Luna's sources are unofficial and wrong.As we stated on-the-record in the article, AT&T...
Global System for Mobile communications providers met last week in Montreal for the 42nd plenary meeting of the GSM Association to discuss the technology's evolution and products and services, though by press time the group did not make any specific announcements on the topics."We...
Mannesmann AG, parent of Germany's top mobile communications company, confirmed last week it made a bid to buy U.K. mobile carrier Orange plc, which Orange's largest shareholder accepted.The bid values Orange, the United Kingdom's third-largest mobile operator, at about $32 billion.Hong Kong-based Hutchison Whampoa,...
FRANKFURT, Germany-Deutsche Telekom AG announced it is buying a majority stake in MediaOne Group Inc.'s cellular phone assets in Central Europe and Russia for $2 billion.Under the agreement, Deutsche Telekom will double its stake in Polska Telefonia Cyfrowa Sp.zo.o, which operates under the Era...
GENEVA-Sun Microsystems Inc. announced three manufacturers of Global System for Mobile communications handsets have agreed to incorporate Java technology in their products.First, Motorola Inc. plans to launch the Timeport P10888 smart phone with Java technology in Europe in the second quarter. Also, Sony Corp....
HarrisHarris Corp. previewed its ClearBurst 2.5/3.4/10.5 GHz point-to-multipoint system, the newest addition to the Harris broadband wireless access product line, which is intended for deployment by public service providers as well as private network operators. The ClearBurst product offers a solution for delivering Time...
GENEVA - Sonera SmartTrust and L.M. Ericsson announced a digital signature solution for secure wireless e-commerce using Wireless Application Protocol-enabled phones. Sonera SmartTrust developed wireless security solutions based on Public Key Infrastructure, digital signatures and 1024 bit RSA data encryption. Ericsson developed the new...
GENEVA-Sonera, the Finnish telecommunications operator, announced it plans to enter the wireless portal business. The company said it initially will focus its efforts on Western Europe and the United States, competing head to head with U.S. firms such as Sonera Zed, the service...
German manufacturer Siemens AG invested a 15-percent stake in San Diego-based Neopoint Inc., the maker of a CDMA smart phone that integrates a personal digital assistant and mobile phone.The investment will give Siemens much-needed expertise in Code Division Multiple Access technology. The vendor's U.S....
LONDON-Vodafone AirTouch plc announced Thursday its wholly owned subsidiary AirTouch Communications Inc. is acquiring a 5.5-percent stake in Polkomtel S.A. from Stalexport S.A. for $145 million.Vodafone AirTouch currently owns 19.25 percent of Polkomtel, which operates the Plus GSM network in Poland. It was awarded...
HAUPPAUGE, N.Y.-Audiovox Communications Corp. said it is expanding its international sales and operations and introducing three new Global System for Mobile communications handsets as well as a dual-mode, dual-band Code Division Multiple Access handset with Web browsing capability."We are dedicated to developing GSM internationally...
NEW YORK-Despite its investments in the troubled Iridium L.L.C. satellite carrier, Motorola Inc., Schaumburg, Ill., reported strong third-quarter results Oct. 12 that reflected growth in its wireless handset business.Including one-time charges, the company earned $91 million, or 14 cents per share, up from $27...
Nordic Mobile Telephone 450 MHz operators can choose to deploy Global System for Mobile communications or Code Division Multiple Access technology as the NMT MOU voted to give NMT 450 operators a choice in migrating to digital technology.Terrestrial trunked radio, another digital technology operators...
GENEVA-The GSM Association announced it plans to establish a roaming forum to address roaming issues among wireless protocols. Approval of the World Roaming Forum will be discussed at a GSM Association meeting in Montreal next week, said Michael Stocks, chairman of the association, at...
GENEVA-Globalstar officially announced at Telecom '99 a phased launch of its mobile satellite service. The phased launch begins with user trials, followed by a soft launch that will allow the company to work out quality issues. Commercial service should begin in early 2000.User trials... Inc. added to its mounting momentum last week by signing a definitive agreement to buy the Wireless Application Protocol products and operations of infrastructure software company APiON Ltd. of Belfast, Northern Ireland.According to the agreement, APiON shareholders will get 1.3 million shares of...
PolandL.M. Ericsson said it signed an $80 million contract with Polska Telefonia Cyfrowa to expand its Global System for Mobile communications network in Poland. Ericsson will deliver base stations, base station controllers, Mini-Link microwave transport solutions and services, as well as mobile switching centers...
Microsoft Corp. teamed with Socket Communications Inc. to introduce the Microsoft Communications Kit-a carrier-independent solution designed to wirelessly enable laptop or palmtop computers running Windows or Windows CE using data-enabled wireless phones as modems.Using either a cable attachment or infrared port connection, users can...