The highly competitive wireless market in the Republic of the Philippines-with five carriers serving some 70 million people-is perhaps the most ripe for consolidation compared with all Southeast Asian countries.With cellular companies burdened with the devaluation of the Philippine peso against the dollar, mandatory...
A number of new licenses will be up for grabs early next year in the United States as the majority of C-block Personal Communications Services licensees opted to return their licenses to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). The FCC said 175 licenses will be...
BrazilBrazilian B-band operator Americel will deploy Northern Telecom Ltd.'s (Nortel's) Small Wireless Switch to fulfill its concession obligation of serving all state capitals in its coverage area within one year of operation.BCP S/A, Brazilian B-band operator for the metro region of S
OXFORD, United Kingdom-Originally scheduled for fall 1996, Italy's third GSM (Global System for Mobile communications) license finally was awarded in June. The winning WIND consortium is 51-percent owned by the state-controlled electricity utility Enel, together with partners Deutsche Telekom and France Telecom. WIND recently...
DUBLIN, Ireland-Contrary to most industry predictions, Meteor Mobile Communications has secured the third mobile license in the Republic of Ireland.Orange plc of the United Kingdom strongly was fancied to secure the country's first combined GSM 900 license.The Meteor consortium is 60-percent owned by U.S.-based...
"If we delivered the same quality as in the U.K. or Germany, we would have zero subscribers in two weeks," said Hakan Uzan, chief executive officer of Turkey's second GSM network operator, Telsim.Speaking in Istanbul at the recent announcement of a US$500 million infrastructure...
See page 7 for the results of Ireland and Italy's recent tenders.Austria granted 900 MHz GSM licenses to Mobilcom, and Connect Austria, a consortium including Tele Danmark.Recently formed Belgian wireless communications company KPN Orange Belgium N.V. was awarded the third license to build...
DUBLIN, Ireland-One application driving the increasing amount of data traffic on mobile networks is short message service (SMS), which allows phone users to send a message from one handset to another. But while SMS is undoubtedly a useful service-and can reach subscribers in areas...
JOHANNESBURG, South Africa-The debate of issuing a third or fourth cellular license in South Africa is gaining momentum, with the industry pressuring the government to speed up the tendering process before the existing operators become so powerful they would eliminate any other competitor."We recommend...
LONDON-The 1997 World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreement on telecommunications, together with the decision of the United States' Federal Communications Commission to place a ceiling on international accounting rate payments set into motion a chain reaction toward liberalization and the end to the remaining monopolies...
OXFORD, United Kingdom-Reiner Liebler's young son enjoys playing with his radio-controlled car. It's his favorite toy. But it's also the cause of family disharmony when visits are made to grandparents.The Lieblers live in Germany. The grandparents in question, although only a short drive away,...
BANGLADORE, India-Bangladesh is one of the world's least-developed countries, and most of the rural heartland lacks roads and electricity, as well as telephones. For its 140 million people, Bangladesh has just 500,000 phones, nearly all in the urban centers of Dhaka and Chittagong.Grameen Telecom...
APEC countriesTrade ministers from the 18 Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) economies endorsed the completion of a mutual recognition arrangement for telecom equipment conformity assessment covering about US$45 billion in trans-Pacific trade.ChinaGlenayre Technologies Inc., United States, has activated what it says is the first...
JOHANNESBURG, South Africa-High on the agenda of issues raised by African ministers at Africa Telecom '98 held here in May was using satellite technology for boosting African economies and low telephone-penetration rates.Africa presents an ideal candidate for Mobile Satellite Services (MSS). The continent is...
BotswanaMascom launched the first phase of its GSM 900 network with equipment provided by L.M. Ericsson. The total value of the Ericsson contract is about US$10 million and includes complete GSM infrastructure and value-added services equipment such as voice mail and short message service....
OXFORD, United Kingdom-For a while it looked as if the International Telecommunication Union's (ITU's) original vision of a single global standard for third-generation mobile networks could be possible. Everyone was talking about harmonization, about submitting common proposals to the ITU's radio transmission technology selection...
The popularity of Internet Protocol (IP)-based wireless networks for voice and data has prompted several vendors to announced products to meet this new demand.MotorolaMotorola Inc.'s Worldwide Data Solutions Division introduced an IP-based solution called Private DataTAC 2.0, a dedicated wireless data network that uses...
DENVER, United States-Analysts from consulting firm Strategy Analytics debated the future of data transmission over cellular networks in a June conference call, concluding that while current usage levels are low in both Europe and the United States, there is great potential for such services.In...
MONTREAL-Microcell Connexions Inc. announced plans to establish an advanced testing facility for third-generation wireless communications services, in cooperation with its partners in the North American GSM Alliance L.L.C.The research and development initiative is aimed at devising a 3G technology adapted specifically for the Global...
WASHINGTON-The State Department, amid a flurry of high-level lobbying and an unsuccessful last-minute move to withdraw U.S. support for the European-based mobile phone technology used by carriers here and abroad, will forward four standards for third-generation wireless technology to the International Telecommunication Union this...
ECUADORSTOCKHOLM, Sweden - L.M. Ericsson was awarded a five-year frame agreement valued at more than $250 million by BellSouth Ecuador to upgrade its Advanced Mobile Phone Services wireless network to the Interim Standard-136, or digital AMPS, standard.The network migration is scheduled to take place...
SINGAPORE-The International Telecommunication Union has some difficult work ahead of it to harmonize the various third-generation proposals standards bodies around the world will submit by tomorrow.While most of the world's standards bodies and individual groups of companies diligently tried to hammer out the differences...
Exploiting CostAllocation Strategies In TelecommunicationsJune 22-23Institute for International Research. Westin Horton Plaza, San Diego. (888) 670-8200 or (941) 365-2914.Wireless Local LoopJune 22-24IBC USA Conferences Inc. The Worthington Hotel, Fort Worth, Texas. (508) 481-6400.TDMA Technology Latin America '98June 22-24AIC Conferences. Hyatt Regency, Coral Gables, Fla....
STOCKHOLM, Sweden-L.M. Ericsson was selected by Srinivas Cellcom Ltd., a Global System for Mobile communications operator in India, to build the largest mobile network ever to be rolled out in India, Ericsson said. The value of the contract was not disclosed.The new GSM network...