HBO exec: Wireless infrastructure, mobility key to our success

DALLAS — As we enter an era of on-demand TV anywhere, content creators and distributors are only one part of the equation. Without the wireless infrastructure to make that content available over mobile networks, and at a high-quality, a huge potential audience is unavailable. That...

HBO added to Verizon video service, including mobile platform

Verizon, HBO sign content distribution agreement that will include mobile video platform Verizon Communications' video plans are set to receive a premium-channel boost as the telecom giant announced a “broad agreement” with Home Box Office that allows Verizon to distribute HBO content through Verizon digital...

Cable companies crash in customer satisfaction

With the rise of over-the-top providers like HBO Go and Netflix, and increased competition from satellite and fiber providers, cable companies have been struggling to keep up in recent years. In a new survey gauging customer satisfaction, subscriber TV companies such as Comcast and...