Put a pin in the bombast and a rinse in the dazzle; if MWC is an industry waypoint on the telecoms road, then the 2023 version said private cellular, as a bountiful diversion, is probably just about on the horizon line. Unlike two years...
Note, this article is taken from a longer editorial report on private 5G enterprise NOCs; to access the report, click here, or on the image below. For the attendant webinar on the same subject, including panellists from ABI Research, Vodafone, and Radisys, go here.
US-based Radisys,...
Greece has reserved spectrum in low, mid, and high frequency bands for 5G innovation projects, geared towards digital change. It will offer 25 percent of the income (upwards of €90 million) that it raises from the forthcoming national 5G auction back into these research...