Nokia signed an agreement with French mobile operator IIiad Group to roll out 5G networks across France and Italy, the Finnish vendor said in a release.
The 5G deal will focus on network modernization and 5G introduction in France and 5G introduction in Italy, making...
Italian operators kicked off comercial 5G offerings in parts of the country’s main cities during the second half of 2019 and have already announced plans to rapidly expand coverage during 2020.
Vodafone was the first operator to offer commercial 5G services in Italy. The telco,...
French communications regulator Arcep officially opened applications for the sale of 5G spectrum licenses, Arcep said in a statement.
Interested operators will have until February 25 to submit their applications.
This announcement follows the confirmation of pricing and terms released by Arcep in mid-December.
Arcep also confirmed...
The French government has launched a procedure for assigning 5G frequency licenses after it approved specifications proposed by telecoms regulator Arcep as well as the financial conditions for the licenses, the government said in a release.
The government confirmed it had fixed the price of...
Spanish wireless infrastructure operator Cellnex has reached an agreement with Orange Spain to acquire a portfolio of 1,500 telecommunications sites in the country, the former said in a release.
Cellnex said that the acquisition of the towers and antennas, which are located in urban, suburban and...
France plans to make 5G spectrum available in 50 megahertz blocks
French regulator Arcep has published and submitted to the government the conditions for awarding licences to use frequencies in the 3.4 GHz to 3.8 GHz band in France, the regulator said in a release.
The French government is likely to delay the process of awarding 5G spectrum until at least March 2020, three months later than the original date, Reuters reported, citing two sources close to the matter.
The delay is mainly due to disagreements between the French finance...
The Italian government confirmed Telecom Italia, Vodafone, Wind Tre, Iliad and Fastweb submitted offers for 5G frequencies
The Italian government raised a preliminary 2.48 billion euros ($2.87 billion) in an auction of 5G frequencies, the country’s Ministry of Economic Development said in a statement.
The government...
Italian authorities expect to raise at lest $2.9 billion with the sale of 5G spectrum
Italy’s Ministry of Economic Development (MISE) has announced that seven mobile carriers will participate in a 5G spectrum auction scheduled to begin next month.
The participating companies will be Telecom Italia,...