As mobile network operators operate under increasingly strict capital and operating budgets, they are not only seeking greater efficiencies, they are looking at smarter tools for highly manual and expensive processes.
Vecta Labs is one of a number of companies that is applying artificial intelligence...
The tools and techniques used in interference hunting have remained largely the same across previous generations of cellular technologies. Differences in modulation, bandwidth, and frequency bands for 5G networks will however require substantial changes in how interference is detected, located, and resolved in 5G...
Anritsu Introduces its Next Generation Compact Spectrum Analyzer
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The wireless communications market is rapidly growing as the telecommunications and defense sectors continue to evolve. Whether you are installing, troubleshooting, or solving problems for military communications facilities, public safety providers, or wireless...
Quick. Reliable. Multi-Emitter.
Anritsu's Mobile InterferenceHunter has multiple capabilities to make the user's work easier and more accurate.
CATV Egress
CATV Egress, or leakage, can be a painful issue for LTE network operators. Legacy CATV systems often degrade over time, leading to multiple egress points. It’s...
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Anritsu’s Handheld InterferenceHunter, the MA2700A, is a tool designed to make locating signals through direction finding easier and quicker.
Traditionally, RF Engineers would find signals using a spectrum analyzer, a directional antenna, a compass, and a map. The engineer would...
Spotting Interference or What Am I looking for?
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As wireless services grow, due to a drive for increased download speeds and capacity, interference, once
uncommon, becomes a fact of life for wireless and broadcast services. A metropolitan area of a million
Streamline troubleshooting to maximize RF investments and cut opex
RF interference, whether it’s PIM, electrical or out-of-band emissions, wreaks havoc on mobile networks. Interference hunting and troubleshooting take up valuable and costly man hours while generating dropped calls and poor data throughput, which can translate...
Locating an interference source is nothing short of finding a needle in a haystack. From a service provider perspective, RF interference is much more than a nuisance. If it is not eliminated, it can negatively impact service providers’ CAPEX, and OPEX, and can cause...
Efficient interference handling will be essential to optimizing customer experience as network connections grow exponentially
Viavi Solutions announced the availability of InterferenceAdvisor™, an automated interference hunting solution which can dramatically reduce the amount of time it takes to locate mobile network interference sources. What typically...
Quickly identify and isolate RF interference with the broadband log periodic antenna
The Viavi Solutions® broadband log periodic antenna is an extremely cost-effective solution that works with an AntennaAdvisor handle and CellAdvisor base station analyzer to let technicians at any skill level quickly identify and...
A service provider eliminates interference from an unauthorized signal booster thanks to Viavi InterferenceAdvisor
Mobile repeaters or signal boosters are wireless devices used to enhance coverage by amplifying and re-transmitting the mobile signals in areas of poor signal quality. At a subscriber level, with access...
Quickly locate RF interference sources with advanced interference hunting techniques.
With RF spectrum proliferation, interference issues are inevitable. Interference can reduce coverage, capacity, and throughput by desensitizing receivers, increasing noise floors, and lowering signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). All of this has a major impact on user...
CPRI testing at the base station reduces truck rolls, tower climbs and OpEx
Carriers are increasingly turning to centralized Radio Access Network (C-RAN) architecture and CPRI (Common Public Radio Interface) to provide network flexibility, to be able to scale quickly, and to be able to...
The MW82119A/B PIM Master from Anritsu is a family of high power, battery operated PIM test instruments designed for maximum portability. These instruments utilize a filter combiner to maximize RF efficiency and minimize battery consumption during use. The F1 and F2 frequency range for...
In this webinar, participants will learn about how to choose tools for each step of the interference hunting process, from identifying that there is a problem to touching the offending device.
Topics include:
• Remote Spectrum Monitoring
• Approximate emitter location estimation
• Driving to...
An update on the small cell market as it is shaping up in 2015, and what technical issues in testing are emerging as deployments take shape, with a particular focus on interference testing, indoor and outdoor optimization and management considerations. RCR also explores what...
Interference from both illegal and unintentional signals is a significant problem for mobile service providers, security services and government regulators. For wireless network operators, various issues such as dropped calls, blocked calls and degraded data throughput often result from interference signals. New ways are...