Gartner projects app stores to generate $15B in 2011

The mobile apps business isn't all fun and games. There's serious money in this relatively new app store market, indeed Gartner Inc. projects revenues to top $15 billion by the end of this year.By 2014, the firm expects app stores to generate $85 billion...

Analyst Angle: Gigabytes and terabytes – the future of mobile storage

Editor's Note: Welcome to our weekly feature, Analyst Angle. We've collected a group of the industry's leading analysts to give their outlook on the hot topics in the wireless industry.Recently, I had an interesting dialog with Tom Coughlin of Coughlin Associates. Tom is an...

The guard changes

This week we have a bevy of changes occurring in Silicon Valley to deal with.

Kodak unhappy with initial patent infringement ruling against RIM, Apple

Bad news for Kodak this morning as a judge ruled the company’s patent infringement claim against mobile giants RIM and Apple was ruled invalid and not infringed.

Verizon Wireless insists on flawless iPhone launch

Verizon Wireless sure would like people to believe that its network is ready for all the iPhones it can sell. Lowell McAdam, president and COO of Verizon Communications Inc. (VZ), walked investors through the carrier's 3G network strategy, beginning with its launch in 2004,...

Reality Check: The guard changes

Editor's Note: Welcome to our weekly Reality Check column. We've gathered a group of visionaries and veterans in the mobile industry to give their insights into the marketplace.This week we have a bevy of changes occurring in Silicon Valley to deal with.First, Steve Jobs...

Verizon Wireless posts robust Q4 results ahead of iPhone launch

With the impending launch of Apple Inc.’s (AAPL) iPhone on its network looming, Verizon Wireless (VZ) made a case that it’s doing just fine sans the industry’s most iconic eye candy. The nation’s largest operator said it added a robust 955,000 net customers during...

‘Cellphone sales in China grew 57% in 2010’

Times of India | January 24, 2011 SHANGHAI: Sale of mobile phones in China showed a growth of 57 percent in 2010 due to the popularity of internet and television enabled devices, according to a survey. More than 246 million mobile phone units were sold on...

'Cellphone sales in China grew 57% in 2010'

Times of India | January 24, 2011 SHANGHAI: Sale of mobile phones in China showed a growth of 57 percent in 2010 due to the popularity of internet and television enabled devices, according to a survey. More than 246 million mobile phone units were sold on...

App Store downloads hit 11 figures

Apple Inc. (AAPL) has now served more than 10 billion app downloads. Since launching the App Store in June 2008, Apple's presence in the mobile space has grown considerably.The company surpassed 3 billion downloads just a year ago. Near the close of 2010, Apple...

Starbucks launches mobile payment platform at 6,800 stores

Perhaps in an effort to speed up lines at the counter, Starbucks Corp. (SBUX) has launched a mobile payment system at each of its 6,800 company-owned stores in the United States.Utilizing the Starbucks Card Mobile app for the iPhone or BlackBerry, customers can pay...

Apple reports $6B in profits, sells 16.24M iPhones and 7.33M iPads

Apple Inc. (AAPL) had another outstanding quarter — this time raking in $6 billion in profit on $26.74 billion in revenues for the period ending Dec. 25, 2010. The company sold more iPhones, Macs and iPads in the three-month period than in any...

Analyst Angle: Finally! The iPhone 4 on Verizon Wireless

Editor's Note: Welcome to our weekly feature, Analyst Angle. We've collected a group of the industry's leading analysts to give their outlook on the hot topics in the wireless industry.After almost five years under an exclusive relationship with AT&T Mobility, Verizon Wireless announced the...

Jajah quietly rolls out mobile app

Mountain View based VoIP firm Jajah has quietly rolled out JAJAH Mobile for iPhone, an app which allows users to make international calls for either free or very little, without having to connect the call via online via Jajah's website first.

Reality Check: Winners and losers from a Verizon Wireless iPhone

Editor's Note: Welcome to our weekly Reality Check column. We've gathered a group of visionaries and veterans in the mobile industry to give their insights into the marketplace.We quickly forgot the Consumer Electronics Show by last Tuesday (talk about a short news cycle) with...

Reader Forum: Capitalizing on the application explosion

Editor's Note: Welcome to our weekly Reader Forum section. In an attempt to broaden our interaction with our readers we have created this forum for those with something meaningful to say to the wireless industry. We want to keep this as open as possible,...

Russia: A journalist's perspective on its telecom market

Editor's Note: RCR Wireless News Editor Sylvie Barak delved deep into the Russian wireless landscape during a recent trip to the country. She delivered a feature report for RCR Wireless News that was included in our November Special Edition. Click here ...

Android tops Apple iOS in ad impression share, Millennial Media reports

While Apple Inc. (AAPL) remains top dog in the device space, Google Inc.'s (GOOG) Android operating system continues to pull ahead in Millennial Media's monthly mobile device report. Android shot past Apple's OS on the Millennial ad network for the first time in December,...

Worst of the Week: Flight of the iPhone

Hello! And welcome to our Friday column, Worst of the Week. There's a lot of nutty stuff that goes on in this industry, so this column is a chance for us at to rant and rave about whatever rubs us the wrong way....

@ Verizon Wireless' iPhone event: Avi Greengart of Current Analysis

NEW YORK – After Verizon Wireless announced plans to launch Apple Inc.'s iPhone 4, RCR Wireless News caught up with Avi Greengart, research director of consumer devices at Current Analysis, to get his take on things. We asked Greengart if he expected more from...

@ Verizon Wireless' iPhone event: Ross Rubin of NPD Group

NEW YORK – After taking some time to check out the demo units of the new CDMA version of the iPhone 4, RCR Wireless News caught up with Ross Rubin, executive director of industry analysis at NPD Group. Rubin talked about the confidence Verizon...

@ Verizon Wireless' iPhone event: Verizon Wireless CEO Dan Mead and Apple COO Tim Cook

NEW YORK – Following the announcement of their new partnership, Verizon Wireless CEO Dan Mead and Apple Inc. COO Tim Cook fielded some questions that were on virtually everybody's mind inside the room. The executives were asked about sales projections for 2011, upgrade cycles...

Apple iPhone: China Telecom Next?

Wall Street Journal | January 10, 2011 | Matt Phillips Verizon, schmerizon. The Apple rumor mill will not be silenced by the mere appearance of an actual announcement on the next step for the hot-selling Apple iPhone in the states. Ticonderoga Securities analyst Brian White writes Monday...

3G, 4G networks tested by CES crowds

The recently completed Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas provided a unique proving ground for wireless networks. With tens of thousands of the geekiest of the geeks roaming around a couple of square miles, chances are slim that there is ever a denser concentration...