CTIA Video Roundup

As the wireless industry gears up for the nation's biggest wireless show, CTIA's John Walls discusses the trade group's objectives for this year and beyond. ; CTIA's John Walls and the issues facing wireless; And in other news,...

Word of iPhone shortages stirs pundits: Component shortages or inventory draw-down?

In Apple Inc.'s secretive world, facts are scarce -- and speculation is the coin of the realm. Thus, over the past week, as analysts reported that major Apple stores' iPhones were out-of-stock in the United States and online shipments delayed by a week, speculation...

Device news reflects incremental battle among vendors

JUDGING BY THE HANDSET NEWS out of CTIA Wireless 2008 last week, competition in the United States is a SKU vs. SKU battle -handset-to-handset combat, if you will. In the absence of anything earth-shattering, the variety of handset news really spoke more to the...

T-Mobile Germany: clearance sale on 8GB iPhone

Starting April 7, T-Mobile Germany will drop the price of its lower-tier iPhone to $156, from $628. The newer, 16 GB version retains its $784, price tag. The move to discount the cheaper iPhone may be driven by two factors. Apple Inc. is widely...

Worst of the Week: The iPhone at CTIA

I know there is a lot of news to talk about.During this year's CTIA Wireless show, we got to see a bunch of fun, new devices, we heard interesting discussions about 4G and the future of the world's network equipment, and we even got...

Crying wolf, from a cellphone: Mobile security fears continue to plague I.T. departments

The mobile enterprise world for years has been rife with talk of Trojan horses, data-soiling worms and other Internet-age nasties. For the time being, though, the biggest threat to mobile security is the user.Security technology vendors have long tried to plug their wares by...

Analyst’s crystal ball on device trends: Smart, fast, big screens and software

The brave new world of handsets includes no comfort zones (watch out, Nokia!), disruptive influences run rampant, software transcends hardware and micro-segmentation is likely. These were among the conclusions drawn by analyst Stu Carlaw at an ABI Research session that covered the industry in...

AT&T dishes on retail strategy, 3G iPhone, Android and more: Touchscreen table to wow shoppers

AT&T Mobility hopes a new 30-inch touchscreen table will lead to more customers leaving its stores educated and satisfied with the entire shopping experience -- a little fun and simplicity wouldn't hurt either. The nation's largest carrier will be installing Microsoft Corp.'s Surface at...

Branson rocks!: He’s sending a Noah’s Ark into outer space

The "old hippie" is headin' to Mars. Or, perhaps more accurately, Richard Branson - fearless leader of the ubiquitous Virgin brand - is hatching a plan with Google Inc.'s founders to send volunteers to the Red Planet to establish a city.There is a catch,...

Small carriers: ‘Keep running so they can’t catch you’

Like a series of dominos, several of the largest regional carriers fell to consolidation pressures within the past year. The announcements came within a few months of one another: AT&T Inc. would buy Dobson Communications Corp., Verizon Wireless snapped up Rural Cellular Corp., and...

Analyst Angle: Anticipating the birth of the super smartphone or ‘Global’

Editor's Note: Welcome to a special CTIA Show Daily edition of our weekly online feature, Analyst Angle. Every Monday at you can find columns from the industry's leading analysts, including NPD Group's Ross Rubin, Enderle Group's Rob Enderle and more. Visit for...

AT&T Mobility offers iPhone to enterprise

Forget the careful process of considering business cases, IT policies and other nit-picky consideration.Apple Inc.'s iPhone is the new must-have device -- even though the buzz du jour is whether to delay purchasing one because a 3G version is reportedly imminent -- and executives...

Product placement 101: The keynote: Hesse brandishes Samsung touchscreen device

If you can get Dan Hesse, CEO of Sprint Nextel Corp., to extoll the virtues of your jointly developed handset during the opening day's keynote address, you're well-positioned to make hay.Thus the new Samsung Instinct - which looked similar to the iPhone - gave...

Apple’s iPhone a carrot for game developers

Mobile gaming continues to languish, plagued by a lack of innovation, overpriced titles and the constraints of tiny screens and 12-key pads. But game makers are hoping that Apple Inc.'s iPhone changes all that. Perhaps no other space in mobile content has been hyped...

VIDEO: Top stories from CTIA Wireless 2008, Day 2: Sprint’s announcements, FCC’s rulings, and more

The nation's biggest wireless show kicks into high gear, as Sprint Nextel announces its handset plans. Dan Hesse, Sprint's CEO, releases the carrier's iPhone response, designed by Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. Samsung's new sleek, black Instinct device features a touchscreen, graphically rich user interface, visual voicemail...

Open access: Paradigm shift or an open question

Change has never been easy for the cell-phone industry. And it's perfectly understandable. With the kind of wild success and wealth creation during its first three decades, cellular chieftains who collectively service more than 250 million subscribers have a history of being instinctively cautious...

Analyst Angle: Making a case for 4G

Editor's Note: Welcome to a special CTIA Show Daily edition of our weekly online feature, Analyst Angle. Every Monday at you can find columns from the industry's leading analysts, including NPD Group's Ross Rubin, Enderle Group's Rob Enderle and more. Visit for...

Enterprise analyst looks at CTIA 2008: With consumers favored, she’ll pan for nuggets

With CTIA Wireless 2008 offering a predominantly consumer slant, one analyst will approach the show with a handful of issues in mind and filter accordingly. Euro-competition for American enterprise customers, open access, an enterprise pitch for Apple Inc.'s iPhone, fixed-mobile convergence and the recent...

Like Houdini, next-gen displays escape from box: Pico-projectors may transcend handsets’ tiny screens

While much discussion has rightly focused on touchscreen-based display technology - and, of course, the "experience" it enables as an input/output mechanism - there's always something coming down the pike. In this case, that something may well be digital projectors, either standalone modules or...

Vendors in battle of mindshare vs. market share: Nokia and Apple need both, for different reasons

A portrait of success for a handset vendor might contain these elements: Offer a unique product that captures the consumer's imagination (mindshare!) and suits their wallet and watch global sales ignite like a wildfire (market share!). The mainstream media does flashy anatomy-of-a-success stories, while...

Analyst Angle: How to beat the iPhone and the Blackberry

Editor's Note: Welcome to our weekly feature, Analyst Angle. We've collected a group of the industry's leading analysts to give their outlook on the hot topics in the wireless industry. In the coming weeks look for columns from Current Analysis' Peter Jarich, NPD Group's...

Heading into CTIA 2008: All quiet (O.K., fairly quiet) on the handset front

At the end of the day - the verbal pause du jour - a gathering of thousands of industry people bursting with innovative products, some of them handsets, will undoubtedly kick up a little dust in Las Vegas next week.Whether handset vendors are merely...

Hedgehogging: hedge*hog*ging v. Interrupting conversations in an office environment by poking your head over the top of the cube.

So we never expected that Google would actually become a wireless licensee, but the FCC certainly did not get its wish for a bunch of new competition in the wireless industry. AT&T Mobility and Verizon Wireless made up 85% of the proceeds from the...

Worst of the Week: The real 700 MHz auction winners

Hello! And welcome to our Thursday column, Worst of the Week. There's a lot of nutty stuff that goes on in this industry, so this column is a chance for us at to rant and rave about whatever rubs us the wrong way....