Dear Editor: I would like to comment on the Jeffrey Silva article of Sept. 20 in regard to lawsuits and/or racial and employment allegations against Cingular Wireless. As I seem to be one of the focal points of that article and I was one...
To the Editor, I find the "Customer Contract Expiration Horizon" report by Stax Inc. a bit skewed (June 7 issue of RCR Wireless News, page 26). It does not appear to take into account the requirements of some of the carriers' customers to sign...
Dear Editor, Our company is one of the few that did not sell our 800 MHz licenses to Nextel. We have systems in Phoenix and several rural Arizona cities, so obviously I have been following the 800 MHz interference issue with great interest. Over...
Dear Editor,I read with interest your article on April 1 titled, "Research claims wireless not major threat to wireline," and wanted to share some thoughts on a couple of points.When the Phoenix Center claims that "Consumers do not generally consider wireless a good enough...
Dear Editor,With reference to Tracy Ford's article in the Jan. 5 edition of RCR, it has been our experience that the cellular industry is characterized by a tumultuous relationship between the dealers and the carriers. In the New York market, however, T-Mobile has managed...
Dear Editor, In response to your recent article regarding T-Mobile's treatment of New York dealers, I would like to express a different opinion. Portables Unlimited Inc. has been a master dealer for T-Mobile for more than five years. Due to T-Mobile's support and "dealer...
Dear Editor,I'm disappointed you believe that our recent package of reports about the state of wireless phone service was not balanced, and that you believe we were quick to complain but not so quick to address the issue of tower siting. We disagree with...
It is a sad commentary on our industry that you can find only two real people who (in your opinion) merit serious attention. Where are the leaders, the visionaries, the person who actually FINDS the "next big thing?" If true, it does not speak...
Dear Editor,I have a rather perplexing issue going on right now between AT&T Wireless, Nokia and myself. I have requested from AT&T Wireless the code to unlock my Nokia phone for use on another network. I was told to contact Nokia; AT&T Wireless claims...
Dear Editor,Last month I got a new cell phone from T-Mobile. At the time of purchase, I was with my boyfriend helping him pick out a phone. The sales representative talked me into getting a phone also by telling me that all minutes between...
To the Editor,I read your opinion piece, and agree that the parties to the Consensus Plan seem like they cannot get on the same page.I take issue with your statement that "a version of the best-practices approach has been in place almost as long...
An Oct. 31 article in RCR Wireless quoted Sen. Ted Stevens from Alaska as saying, "We should let cell-phone companies get additional price support to expand cell-phone towers into rural America." Sounds simple, but Sen. Stevens did not run the numbers.He appears to be...
To the Editor:On Oct. 13, l983, the first commercial cellular phone call was made. On Oct. 13, 2003, Tom Wheeler's Retirement Roast was held at the Willard Hotel in Washington, D.C. I had the good fortune to be at both events and also at...
RCR welcomes letters to the editor responding to articles in the newspaper. Letters must be signed. RCR reserves the right to edit letters for style and space. Letters can be mailed to the company at 777 E. Speer Blvd., Denver, Colo., 80203, sent by...
Dear Editor, In response to Tracy Ford's opinion piece on interference: In regards to the statement referring to the Consensus Plan as being controversial (no disagreement here!) that "there is not much consensus behind the plan." I respectfully take issue. The fact that public-safety...
Dear Editor,I just read your news story regarding T-Mobile strong-arming dealers selling Cingular service (July 28 issue). I agree commissions are better and service is better. T-Mobile's answer is better customer service, yet they continue to allow false plan advertising in the major New...
Dear Editor,I have to disagree with you on your LNP shoplifting column (Aug. 11). People will leave you and owe you money no matter if they can take their number or not. It's being done everyday.I stiff Carrier A because I went over my...
To the Editor:The proposition of delivering wireless priority service to high-paying consumers-as outlined in RCR Wireless News on Aug. 11 and again on Aug.18-is illegal. Wireless Priority Service is a Department of Homeland Security initiative that supports National Security and Emergency Preparedness users during...
Dear Editor,Jeff Silva wonders why all mobile-phone health suits have headed south (Opinion, RCR Wireless News, June 9). Perhaps, he suggests, the judge who threw out one major case was irked by the cost of hot dogs in the local baseball park.Come on now....
Dear Editor:In the June 23 edition of RCR Wireless News, Dan Meyer reported on T-Mobile selling unlimited data service for $20 per month. I would expect that RCR would do some investigating rather than reporting T-Mobile's press releases.I am certain that this is NOT...
To the Editor, I was gratified to see that Tracy Ford presented an ultimately positive view of the tower industry in her Nov. 18 editorial, as PCIA also sees great promise for the tower industry, which we represent. Specifically, I want to point out...
I am responding to your article that appeared in the June 3 edition, "On-network calling plans satisfy carriers, customers," by Dan Meyer. Your description of the Rural Cellular Corp. roaming increase cited in the article did not clearly represent actual events that occurred between...
To the Editor:Is it just my imagination or did something ominous and unspeakable happen when the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit reversed the Federal Communications Commission's cancellation of the C- and F-block licenses of NextWave Personal Communications Inc.? In...
Wireless and politicsDear Editor: Correct me if I am wrong, but is your publication a trade tabloid directed to the needs of those involved in the wireless communications business? If so, why is it being used as a political forum to allow Bush bashing by...