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Give up DoD spectrum fightDear Editor,I am writing you in concern of the battle over the Department of Defense spectrum battle. I myself am split between how I feel and what should be done with this spectrum. I have worked in the wireless industry...

Thanks for balanced paging coverage

As predictable as ants at a picnic, the summer of 2001 finds the mainstream press proclaiming the death of the paging industry. This time around, they are wrapping it inside their coverage of the dot-com deathwatch. However, industry professionals and trade press know the...


Cell-phone use is distractingDear Editor: Your article "Subcommittee agrees mobile phones distract, wants more data" addresses the hazards of cell-phone use while driving. As the sponsor of the Response Insurance National Driving Habits Survey, a scientifically valid survey of drivers from around the nation that...

Bush story biased

Dear Editor,As a former telecom magazine editor-in-chief, a wireless executive and a resident of the state of Florida, I wanted to comment on Jeffrey Silva's lack of objectivity in his bylined news story, "Jeb Bush weighs in against wireless in 3G spectrum fight." First...

Wireless invited to APCO event

Dear Editor,We first want to thank reporter Heather Forsgren Weaver for attending our press conference in Washington D.C. As you know, we believe strongly in Project LOCATE's mission and the importance of deploying Phase II technology. It is heartening to see the rest of...

RCR began as TwoWay RadioDealer

Dear Editor,I wonder how many subscribers remember that RCR actually started out as a monthly magazine called TwoWay Radio Dealer?I occasionally look at RCR online and saw the 20-year `call.'Congratulations.The company I managed at that time (Vega) not only advertised in TwoWay RadioDealer, but...

Thanks for the memories

Dear Editor,As the third employee of AT&T's cellular subsidiary AMPS (I was director of engineering) and as the first President/COO of MetroMobile CTS (an aggressive nonwireline carrier of the mid-1980s), I have found your articles on the early days of cellular bringing back many...

Peter Angelos: The angel of death for wireless telecom?

To the Editor: Peter Angelos has helped to effectively outlaw products from asbestos to breast implants and only the vast deep pockets of the tobacco industry have prevented him from doing the same to cigarettes. Now this high priest of the mass tort has his...

Survival and the small business repeater operator

To the Editor: Starting a two-way radio business has always been a good way for radio technician/entrepreneurs to accomplish The American Dream.The financial barriers for market entry were relatively low. All that a competent technician needed was an FCC license allowing a repeater on a...

Exercise prudence in reporting health litigation

To the Editor: On the front page of your Christmas day issue was an article headlined "Judge largely dismisses RF health lawsuit." The lawsuit asks for damages from brain cancer supposedly caused by cellular telephone use. The news that a federal district judge essentially dismissed...

Cellular One survey finds most users feel secure

DALLAS-According to an informal survey from Cellular One, close to 70 percent of wireless users are "comfortable" with their wireless security, while about 30 percent said they were concerned.The WebViews Survey, based on data collected during November from the Cellular One Web site, found...

Consultant not Motorola’s man as Carlo charges in book

Dear Editor: In a recent article (RCR Wireless News, Dec.18, "Carlo book points finger at CTIA, Wheeler"), Jeffrey Silva reports on my activities from the perspective of former WTR head George Carlo. Carlo's comments implicitly cast me as a scientist who "testified" about mobile base...

Different takes on TSR

Dear Editor: Your Dec. 11 piece, "TSR closes operations," was interesting in light of what appears to be a total lack of information from actual TSR management. As a former 24-year employee at TSR, I would like to make some comments about the article.For Metrocall...

Taking responsibility

Dear Editor: After reading the RCR Wireless News article entitled, "OSHA appeals to tower owners to require safety measures in contracts," (Dec. 4, page 20) and various articles regarding who carries liability in working situations where hazards exist, I find myself feeling a bit sick....

Personal responsibility is key to safety

To the Editor,According to Tina Eichner (Missed Opportunity, RCR, Dec. 11), it is time for the wireless industry to join the cause that infects America-the assumption that people have no responsibility for their conduct or actions. Eichner believes that manufacturers need to supply hands-free...

Death-row ads about sensitivity

To the Editor: Dick Lyons, president of Cellular One, misses the point when he claims that the "Death Row Ad" is "not about the death penalty." No one has ever accused them of taking a political position; the issues are appropriateness and sensitivity. During each...

SMR industry far from dead

Dear Editor,RCR Wireless News recently ran the SMR Special Report in the Nov. 13 issue. Upon careful reading, it more properly should have been called the Nextel Special Report. I was surprised and disappointed by the negative tone of one leading headline "SMR-centric regulatory...

U.S. needs technology direction

Dear Editor: While Communications Commissioner Harold Furchtgott-Roth sings a soliloquy of regulatory and technical evolution, the state of future technological applications lies in disarray ("Opinion", RCR Wireless News, Oct. 30, page 14). The commissioner speaks against government "creationism" of new technological standards, particularly in reference...

Telecom investors are using wrong numbers

Dear Editor: I always appreciate the timely articles on market trends in RCR. Last week, I couldn't help but notice two very important cover stories-one on the teenage market and one on Sprint PCS's revised fall quarter projections. I hope you don't mind if I...


Position clarifiedDear Editor: In the article, "EDGE: The People's Choice," (Sept. 25, page 55 by Sheila Mickool, president of the Universal Wireless Communications Consortium) I am quoted as saying "quality networks with low bit error rates will be delivered at low cost in order to enable...

Surviving in wireless can be wonderful

Dear Editor,I thoroughly enjoyed your Viewpoint perspective on employee loyalty published in the July 24 issue of RCR. Needless to say I am inspired to respond having, and I quote, "survived" within the evolutionary wireless climate for 13 years. Inclusive of two separate mergers...

Advertisement is sexist

Dear Editor,The regarding page 21 of RCR, June 26th issue. Is this an ad for condoms or pagers?How then, in this year of 2000 AD, can an ad campaign like that one find its way into the trade press?The Zinka pager is represented by...

Motorola doesn’t respect end users’ privacy

Dear Editor,I have been following with great concern the exchange of letters in your publication between Motorola Inc. and one of its two-way radio dealers. It appears that the Motorola dealers have much to be worried about. However, I am dismayed that nobody has...

Industry expectations too high

Dear Editor,I think you really said it with the quote "Is it possible to specialize in things that haven't happened yet?" (Viewpoint in the June 12 issue of RCR.)As an industry we have been very guilty of creating expectations and painting pictures at the...