LoRa Alliance on 2020: Private networks, platform advances, edge computing

Donna Moore, chief executive and chairwoman, LoRa Alliance: "Industrial IoT (IIoT) has advanced by leaps and bounds this year as companies have realized the amount of insight they could gain into their operations and resource utilization. There is no sign of activity slowing in 2020,...

Seoul plans to deploy city-wide LoRaWAN IoT network

Semtech parterning with local government on LoRaWAN Semtech Corporation, a supplier of high-performance analog and mixed-signal semiconductors and advanced algorithms, announced that the Metropolitan Government of Seoul, in South Korea plans to deploy a new enterprise-grade citywide network for Internet of Things (IoT) applications based...

OSIsoft on 2020: 3D goes 4D, a sharper edge, AI gets knocked down – 10 IoT predictions

Michael Kanellos, IoT analyst, OSIsoft: 1. IoT declares victory “IoT projects are often portrayed as the quickest way to get yourself fired with, allegedly, ‘close to three fourths’ of IoT projects failing. In reality, success is the norm. “Gartner’s Eric Goodness conducted a poll that 57 per...

Amsterdam airport deploys private LoRaWAN for facilities management

French IoT firm Kerlink and Dutch systems integrator MCS have deployed a private LoRaWAN network at Schiphol airport in Amsterdam. The network offers coverage in all public areas, including arrival and departure halls, lounges, piers, and shopping area. It also provides coverage in non-public areas...

Maritime operator Wilhelmsen to deploy LoRaWAN for global shipping

Norwegian maritime group Wilhelmsen is deploying a LoRaWAN network at 2.4 GHz to bring connectivity to its operations at land and sea. It will offer connectivity to customers as well. The firm has struck a deal with Dutch LoRaWAN collective The Things Industries (TTI), the...

“I’d call ‘bull’ if Silicon Valley was making these claims” – BehrTech on MIOTY and TS-UNB

Made in Germany, commercialised in Canada, sold everywhere on the planet: that's the recipe to make low-power wide-area (LPWA) networking, the backbone connectivity technology in the IoT space, finally deliver on its promise of industrial change on a massive scale. So says BehrTech, the Canadian...

Senet, MeterSYS to deliver LoRaWAN smart city solutions

Water metering is one of the fastest growing LoRaWAN market segments Cloud-based software and services platforms provider Senet is partnering up with MeterSYS, a company specializing in advanced smart city and metering technology solutions for public utilities. The collaboration focuses on the deployment of LoRaWAN-enabled networks...

Amazon, Intel and DISH sign up to spread IoT gospel according to LoRaWAN

Amazon, Intel, DISH, Tata and Arduino, among others, have joined the LoRa Alliance variously as sponsor and contributor members, the group has announced. Amazon has joined as sponsor, along with German electricity distribution network operator Netze BW. Both companies are eligible to be elected...

‘Ericsson, Sprint, LoRa, Zigbee – tell us, what’s your favourite IoT use case?’

Between them, US telecoms operator Sprint and Swedish telecoms vendor Ericsson claim considerable experience in the IoT space. The variety of IoT use cases is vast, and ever-growing, they say. Just look at their websites to see their enterprise IoT stories stacking up. But...

Coal, copper and gold – three smart mines, digging with data

1 | Anglo American, Capcoal coal mine, Queensland, Australia British mining company Anglo American has just started work in Australia on what it envisions as “one of the most technologically advanced underground mines in the world”. It is pumping $226 million into the expansion of...

Bullish BehrTech eyes ‘two-horse’ race with LoRaWAN, as it opens APAC, primes channel

Toronto-based BehrTech, licensee of the new MIOTY low-power wide-area (LPWA) technology, has come out swinging, it says, both as it gathers business from incumbent LPWA rivals and as it sets itself for a full tilt at the IoT connectivity market in 2020. The firm has...

News in brief: Schneider’s hospital twins; LoRaWAN test centres; Lighting giants combine

Schneider Electric and ThoughtWire combine digital twins for hospitals French firm Schneider Electric is partnering with Canadian IoT platform provider ThoughtWire on data integration and digital twins for the healthcare sector. Schneider Electric will leverage ThoughtWire’s digital twin solution to offer facilities managers in the...

BehrTech intros new TS-UNB based MYTHINGS sensor for machine monitoring

Toronto based LPWA challenger BehrTech has released a new wireless smart sensor for environmental monitoring in industrial IoT setups under its MYTHINGS brand. As with all its MYTHINGS family, the new sensor uses telegram-splitting ultra-narrowband (TS-UNB) technology for low-power wide-area (LPWA) connectivity in industrial IoT...

What is MIOTY? All about telegram splitting and LoRaWAN bashing

BehrTech is a Toronto-based industrial IoT connectivity provider claiming a “disruptive” streak in the burgeoning low-power wide-area (LPWA) networking market. The company has just issued a (privately commissioned, independently researched) report that says its novel telegram-splitting ultra-narrowband (TS-UNB) technology is better than LoRaWAN. Indeed, it...

Three cases for combining Wi-Fi and LoRaWAN connectivity

Buildings and transportation use cases are well served by combining unlicensed Wi-Fi and LoRaWAN, according to a new white paper from the two organisations responsible for developing and promoting the technologies. The Wireless Broadband Alliance and the LoRa Alliance have said use cases in the...

Australian mine claims “global standard for industrial IoT” with LoRaWAN rollout

IoT connectivity provider Senet has struck a deal with systems integrator SimplyCity to enable LoRaWAN for city councils in Australia, geared towards applications including energy metering, control systems, street lighting, and traffic monitoring. Perth-based SimplyCity is targeting related smart sectors including agriculture and heavy industry,...

Semtech supports LoRaWAN network deploymet in Tasmania

Semtech said that IoT gateway company Definium Technologies has deployed a new enterprise-grade, statewide network in Tasmania, Australia, based on Semtech’s LoRa devices and the LoRaWAN protocol. Semtech said that the network facilitates Tasmania’s transition to become a laboratory for testing new technologies and allowing start-ups, businesses,...

LPWA matchup | LoRaWAN vs Sigfox vs NB-IoT vs LTE-M: technical draw (round 5)

Note this is a serialised version of an editorial report, called LPWA connectivity in IoT – who is winning what?’. It is continued from a previous instalment, which can be found here. The full report, including additional content, is available for download here. The contest...

LPWA matchup | LoRaWAN vs Sigfox vs NB-IoT vs LTE-M: billion-$ question (round 4)

Note this is a serialised version of an editorial report, called LPWA connectivity in IoT – who is winning what?’. It is continued from a previous instalment, which can be found here. The full report, including additional content, is available for download here. A billion,...

LPWA matchup | LoRaWAN vs Sigfox vs NB-IoT vs LTE-M: trading blows (round 3)

Note this is a serialised version of an editorial report, called LPWA connectivity in IoT – who is winning what?’. It is continued from a previous instalment, which can be found here. The full report, including additional content, is available for download here. Let’s take...

LPWA matchup | LoRaWAN vs Sigfox vs NB-IoT vs LTE-M: power play (round 2)

Note this is a serialised version of an editorial report, called LPWA connectivity in IoT – who is winning what?’. It is continued from a previous instalment, which can be found here. The full report, including additional content, is available for download here. Not everyone...

Why is LoRaWAN better than Sigfox, NB-IoT, LTE-M? LoRaWAN provider Senet counts the ways

Why is LoRaWAN better than Sigfox, NB-IoT, and LTE-M? It is not a query based on a statement of fact, to be clear; just a loose question, asked here of a partisan subject (whose bias is reflected in the enquiry), in the form of...

LPWA matchup | LoRaWAN vs Sigfox vs NB-IoT vs LTE-M: down for the count (round 1)

Note this is a serialised version of an editorial report, called 'LPWA connectivity in IoT – who is winning what?’. The full report, including additional content, is available for download here. Is there a more tribal field in the internet-of-things (IoT) space than low-power wide-area...

Four benefits of LoRa in mining – and how Rio Tinto connected its conveyors

The mining industry is expected to produce $686 billion in revenue by the end of 2019, a steady eight per cent increase on 2018, according to PwC. The global conveyer belt industry is expected to be valued at $6.4 billion by 2022, says Research...