MEF releases service orchestration specifications for 3.0 framework

MEF announces two new specifications for MEF 3.0 framework The Metro Ethernet Forum (MEF), a nonprofit international industry consortium, recently released two new specifications related to the MEF 3.0 framework. According to the organization, the specifications, dubbed Information Model (MEF 59) and Interface Profile Specification...

Open source virtualization gains momentum with MEF, ONAP partnership

MEF and ONAP join forces to develop LSO framework for physical and virtual network functions Metro Ethernet Forum (MEF) recently announced it is collaborating with the Open Network Automation Platform (ONAP) to explore how automation and orchestration can provision software-driven domains leveraging applications program interfaces...

What is lifecycle service orchestration?

NFV, SDN and LSO Lifecycle service orchestration (LSO) is a buzzword on par with software-defined networking (SDN) and network functions virtualization (NFV), which the service provider community has embraced with zeal. Although market trends signal a shift away from proprietary hardware, smaller service providers are...