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BROWSING: manufacturing

Jaguar Land Rover CIO: Physical products are becoming digital products

Modernization of legacy IT infrastructure and harnessing cloud computing and software are priorities for Jaguar Land Rover LAS VEGAS--Jaguar Land Rover CIO Simon Bolton discussed the automaker's approach to digital transformation, including a focus on the move toward electric and autonomous vehicles, as well as...

Boeing is raising its digital IQ by leveraging the IoT

Michael Dell: IoT is 'at the heart of a cycle of continuous innovation' LAS VEGAS--Airplane manufacturer Boeing, like many other leading industrial players, is actively working to combine its long history of engineering with new digital and IoT solutions in an effort to transform its...

DMI to expand IoT offering through Lochbridge acquisition

Detroit-based Lochbridge focuses on IoT solutions for the automotive, healthcare, financial services and manufacturing sectors. DMI, a global provider of end-to-end mobility solutions, has acquired Detroit-based Lochbridge, a provider of IoT solutions to the automotive, healthcare, financial services and manufacturing sectors. The two companies said they...

Microsoft looks to reduce internet of things complexity with new SaaS

Microsoft IoT Central connects to Azure cloud services; Connected Factory announced ahead of Hannover Messe Microsoft has unveiled Microsoft IoT Central, a new software-as-a-service (SaaS) offering aimed at reducing the complexity of IoT solutions. The company bills the solution as enabling "powerful IoT scenarios without...

Deutsche Telekom enterprise group wins IoT manufacturing deal in Germany

T-Systems, DT's enterprise group, will provide IoT services to manufacturing interest Kaeser Kompressoren Germany is a leader in the digital transformation of the manufacturing sector, a combination of federal investment by way of the Industrie 4.0 initiative and the key role manufacturing plays in the...

Microsoft, Cisco, IBM investing in German IoT development

Germany has long been a leader in the manufacturing sector with global powerhouses including Bosch, Siemens, BMW, Adidas and many others headquartered in the country. Building on that heritage, the national government's Industrie 4.0 plans to accelerate manufacturing automation, a key internet of things...

Vertical Markets: IoT Industrialist and Innovator Recognition

Vertical Markets: Agriculture, Oil & Gas, Healthcare, Manufacturing IoT Industrialists and Innovators recognition

Vertical Markets IoT: Closing Remarks Day 1

Closing remarks for the Day 1 of the Vertical Market IoT Agriculture, Oil & Gas, Healthcare, Manufacturing, at the Enterprise IoT Summit

Andy Chang discusses the future of manufacturing

Andy Chang, Director of Product Marketing for the Americas at KUKA, kicks off a session in which the executive analyzes the smart factory concept and its impact in the future of manufacturing. Chang focuses on introducing cloud, web and mobile technologies that augment traditional robotics operating...

Connected buildings: Secure and optimize manufacturing with IoT Edge

Secure and optimize your manufacturing with the IoT Edge Aaron Allsbrook, CTO, Clearblade Aaron Allsbrook, ClearBlade CTO and product visionary for the ClearBlade Platform and EDGE brings decades of application tooling development and runtime experience to the emerging technologies in the Internet of Things. Early on,...

Feature Report: Trends in IoT Manufacturing – A collection of supply chain management use cases

Smart manufacturing describes the ongoing shift in industrial production marked by ever-increasing efficiencies realized through the introduction of technology. In a smart factory, the manufacturing process will be more intelligent, dynamic and flexible compared to processes seen at present. The perpetuation of smart factories means...

Feature Report: Trends in IoT Manufacturing – A collection of supply chain management use cases

Smart manufacturing describes the ongoing shift in industrial production marked by ever-increasing efficiencies realized through the introduction of technology. In a smart factory, the manufacturing process will be more intelligent, dynamic and flexible compared to processes seen at present. The perpetuation of smart factories means...

SCADA systems and how they relate to IoT

SCADA and its use cases. Nearly everywhere you look, there is some type of supervisory control and data acquisition system running behind the scenes, at your local supermarket, refinery, waste water treatment plant or even your own home. SCADA is an automation...

SCADA systems and how they relate to IoT

SCADA and its use cases. Nearly everywhere you look, there is some type of supervisory control and data acquisition system running behind the scenes, at your local supermarket, refinery, waste water treatment plant or even your own home. SCADA is an automation...

Manufacturer uses Hitachi analytics to diagnose machine mixing problem

Problems with polymers Hitachi used its analytics platform to integrate production and sensor data outputs to help visualize, analyze and diagnose a manufacturer’s polymer mixing problems. An unnamed manufacturer’s polymer mixing process was said to be producing inconsistent output quality, with yields dipping as low as...

Manufacturer uses Hitachi analytics to diagnose machine mixing problem

Problems with polymers Hitachi used its analytics platform to integrate production and sensor data outputs to help visualize, analyze and diagnose a manufacturer’s polymer mixing problems. An unnamed manufacturer’s polymer mixing process was said to be producing inconsistent output quality, with yields dipping as low as...

Case study: The power of efficient LED smart lighting

Clothing retailer looks for lighting savings at distribution center. We have all seen a pair of jeans with an eagle stitched in them, or at least seen that iconic Americana logo during a trip to the mall. American Eagle Outfitters is a U.S.-based clothes...

Case study: The power of efficient LED smart lighting

Clothing retailer looks for lighting savings at distribution center. We have all seen a pair of jeans with an eagle stitched in them, or at least seen that iconic Americana logo during a trip to the mall. American Eagle Outfitters is a U.S.-based clothes...

No tipping point in sight for machine vision

Machine vision sales growth stuck in single digits despite advent of Industry 4.0 Very sophisticated sensor technology is key to the next phase in the development of the internet of things. Machines, vehicles and devices will need to be able to “see” to collect valuable...

Lights out manufacturing and its impact on society

What is lights out manufacturing? "Lights out" manufacturing is the term used for a manufacturing process where factories run fully autonomously, without any human intervention. The term is quite literal, with production occurring free of human necessities like lighting or heating, ventilation and air conditioning...

Lights out manufacturing and its impact on society

What is lights out manufacturing? "Lights out" manufacturing is the term used for a manufacturing process where factories run fully autonomously, without any human intervention. The term is quite literal, with production occurring free of human necessities like lighting or heating, ventilation and air conditioning...

Industrial IoT manufacturing use cases overview

From asset tracking to health monitoring, these Industrial IoT use cases could transform manufacturing The Industrial "Internet of Things" is reshaping a variety of vertical industries as managers around the globe harness technology to increase efficiencies and cut costs. Manufacturing is one of those verticals;...