Analysts are indicating now is the time to buy some cheap Canadian wireless stocks, as the mobile phone market finally has rebounded from its 1997 growth slump.BT Alex.Brown Inc. expects Canada's mobile phone companies to add a total of 210,000 new subscribers during the...
STOCKHOLM, Sweden-L.M. Ericsson said it signed a contract with CTC-Startel, Chile's largest wireless network operator, to expand its Digital Advanced Mobile Phone Interim Standard-136 network.The contract, valued at $31.5 million, is Ericsson's third expansion order this year from CTC-Startel, totaling more than $60 million.The...
Global System for Mobile communications operators in Europe soon could face a formidable opponent for commercial business accounts if Canada's Telesystem International Wireless Inc. follows through with its plans.The company has emerged not only as the dominant specialized mobile radio service provider in Europe,...
Italian telecommunications operator Telecom Italia has abandoned its plans to buy minority interests in certain global holdings of Cable & Wireless plc, the companies confirmed last week.The two have been working for three months to create a global alliance to exploit what they called...
AustraliaThe Australian Communications Authority said it prepared a recommendation to the Minister for Communications, the Information Economy and the Arts, for a nationwide reallocation of spectrum in the 3.410 GHz to 3.6 GHz band. The intent of the proposal is to support the government's...
As the digital revolution begins to move at a substantial pace, mobile phone manufacturers have some tough decisions to make.The demand for digital handsets is growing, especially in the CDMA arena, where carriers are screaming for more handsets. More cellular carriers aggressively are pushing...
STOCKHOLM, Sweden-L.M. Ericsson announced it won a $45 million order to expand the digital Advanced Mobile Phone Service network operated by Telefonica Comunicaciones Personales in central and southern Argentina.This is TCP's largest expansion order since the original network was purchased in 1995, said Ericsson....
WASHINGTON-The Congressional Budget Office has informed House telecom subcommittee Chairman Billy Tauzin (R-La.) that his 911 federal land antenna-siting bill will not generate the huge windfall projected by the cellular industry and promised early on to public-safety and health-care professionals who support the measure."We...
STOCKHOLM, Sweden-L.M. Ericsson and Toshiba Corp. have merged Ericsson Toshiba Telecommunications Systems K.K. with Nippon Ericsson K.K. in Japan.Ericsson Toshiba Telecommunications was a joint venture between Ericsson and Toshiba. Ericsson owned 60 percent of the company. Nippon Ericsson was a wholly owned Ericsson subsidiary.Ericsson...
Wireless carrier CMS St. Cloud, which is operating a cellular network in St. Cloud, Minn., under the name Cellular 2000, is ahead of many rural carriers in deploying digital technology on its network.Needing to upgrade its switch and other equipment, the company in 1995...
Comsat Corp. announced it completed the sale of Comsat RSI Inc. to a subsidiary of TBG Industries Inc. for $116.5 million. CRSI designs, manufactures and integrates earth stations and wireless and advanced antenna systems. Comsat will use proceeds for the sale to repay its...
STOCKHOLM, Sweden-L.M. Ericsson announced plans to introduce late next year a phone with roaming capability on Global System for Mobile communications 900 MHz and 1800 MHz, digital Advanced Mobile Phone Service 800 MHz and 1900 MHz, and analog 800 MHz AMPS networks.Those digital modes...
WASHINGTON-Wireline provider Grupo CentroAmericano de Telecomunicaciones (GCA Telecom) has become the first private-sector company to provide basic telephony services in El Salvador. To help deploy services faster and easier in badly underserved areas, the company is using microwave radio and Wireless Local Loop (WLL)...
DENVER, United States-Personal Communications Services (PCS) carriers have made significant inroads into the U.S. wireless telecommunications industry, weakening the entrenched cellular carriers' net additions and driving down airtime prices.The total number of PCS subscribers in the States reached 3.1 million during the first quarter...
BEIJING-China Telecom is still very much a monopoly carrier in China, but change is on the horizon.By year-end, the new Ministry of Information Industry will have concluded its massive restructuring and finally may be ready to accept a sweeping new telecom law restricting its...
DUBLIN, Ireland-As mobile phone technology continues to develop rapidly, users continually are encouraged by operators and manufacturers to upgrade their phones to the latest models to take advantage of advanced network services. This, however, leaves the question of what should be done with old...
Stet Hallas Telecommunications S.A., Greece, went public 3 June through an equity offering by a holding company. Stet Hallas is 20-percent owned by Bell Atlantic Corp. of the United States.Telecom Finland officially has changed its name to Sonera.Telstra of Australia announced it will take...
BANGLADORE, India-Bangladesh is one of the world's least-developed countries, and most of the rural heartland lacks roads and electricity, as well as telephones. For its 140 million people, Bangladesh has just 500,000 phones, nearly all in the urban centers of Dhaka and Chittagong.Grameen Telecom...
BEIJING-Singapore Telecom has pulled out of the US$650 million Asia-Pacific Mobile Telecommunications (AMPT) satellite project it set up in December 1995 together with ST Telemedia, a subsidiary of the Singapore Technologies Group, and four Chinese partners: China Satellite Launch and Tracking Control, China Aero-Space Corp.,...
JOHANNESBURG, South Africa-High on the agenda of issues raised by African ministers at Africa Telecom '98 held here in May was using satellite technology for boosting African economies and low telephone-penetration rates.Africa presents an ideal candidate for Mobile Satellite Services (MSS). The continent is...
WASHINGTON-The State Department, amid a flurry of high-level lobbying and an unsuccessful last-minute move to withdraw U.S. support for the European-based mobile phone technology used by carriers here and abroad, will forward four standards for third-generation wireless technology to the International Telecommunication Union this...
ECUADORSTOCKHOLM, Sweden - L.M. Ericsson was awarded a five-year frame agreement valued at more than $250 million by BellSouth Ecuador to upgrade its Advanced Mobile Phone Services wireless network to the Interim Standard-136, or digital AMPS, standard.The network migration is scheduled to take place...
VANCOUVER-Nettech Systems introduced a communications solution called Smart IP that enables Internet and intranet applications to run over wireless networks without the challenges associated with Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol connections.Many Internet applications use TCP/IP as the communication protocol to access the Internet and corporate...
AirTouch Cellular customers in Wyoming now can receive Caller ID service. Users of narrowband Advance Mobile Phone Service phones with Caller ID capability can see who is calling when their phone rings. AirTouch said it is offering free Caller ID service to customers on...