Low-tier systems that bill themselves as "the way PCS was supposed to be" are entering the market with the hope of providing low-power, low-cost personal communications services.The industry's second PACS partnership has formed between NEC America Inc. and Bell Communications Research Inc. The two...
A new industry association has been formed to promote and advance the Personal Access Communications System standard as the preferred solution for the emerging 1.9 GHz personal communications services market in the United States.The PACS standard is based on Time Division Multiple Access digital...
The world cellular equipment market, including both switching and base station equipment, totaled $14.4 billion in 1994 with plenty of growth still ahead, according to a new study from Northern Business Information.In "World Cellular Network Equipment Markets: 1994 Edition," NBI projected a compound average growth...
Westlink Paging has acquired the assets of Telecomm Systems Inc., a paging firm based in Portland, Ore., representing 85,000 additional paging units in Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Utah, Nevada and Colorado. The purchase of Telecomm Systems brings Westlink's total subscribers to 430,000, said Daniels &...
CUPERTINO, Calif.-Driven by the emerging Interim Standard-136 digital cellular market, DSP Communications Inc. and NEC Electronics Inc. said they plan to jointly introduce a new chipset.DSPC has agreed to develop the baseband hardware and software technology for the chipset and NEC will manufacture it....
WASHINGTON-The Florida brain-cancer lawsuit that questioned the safety of cellular phones was dismissed May 17 by a federal court judge on grounds that the claim was not supported by adequate scientific research.H. David Reynard of Madeira Beach filed a wrongful death lawsuit in late...
BIS Strategic Decitions was sold to Giga Information Group, and investment group led by Gideon Gartner. BIS provides data, information and knowledge to enterprises in the computer, office and teleommunications industries and more than $25 million. Hiha acquired the company from Friday Holdings Ltd....
Thomas A. Barlett was named president of the Northeast regional territory for the Bell Atlantic Mobile and Nynex Mobile joint venture. Barlett will be responsible for sales, marketing, engineering, asministration, finance and network systems in the region, which includes all of New England and...
Close Close 52-weekExch. Company 11/28 12/13 High LowOTC A+ Communications* 12.75 13.25 15.50 7.50OTC Adage Inc. 4.75 4.63 7.13 4.25NYS AirTouch 26.75 ...
BellSouth Telecommunications Inc. has signed a five-year contract with Doston Technology Inc. to purchase equipmint that delivers inhanced services. BellSouth uses Boston's CO ACCESS Network Services Platforms to provide MemoryCall service, including call answering and voice messaging, in semveral Southern states.Metrocall Inc. announced it...
The National Association for Business and Educational Radio announced the release of its ninth edition of The NABER Resource. The guide is a comprehensive source of Federsl Communications Commision rules, regulations and licensing, said NABER. "It includes current addresses, fee and form information through...
As a product, cellular voice has been a spectacular exception to the current slow growth rate for most industries. In fact, some experts claim that cellular's coming of age is unparalleled in consumer electronics."I think it's terribly significant that this industry has gone out...