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Video: Making 5G NR (New Radio) a Reality – Sub 6 GHz Demo Learn about our first successful 5G connection based upon the New Radio (NR) work in 3GPP, which is expected to become the global 5G standard. The connection demonstrates how advanced 5G NR technologies can be utilized to efficiently achieve multi-gigabit-per-second data rates at significantly...

Qualcomm Webinar: How can the 3GPP studies of 5G NR in unlicensed spectrum expand 5G to new areas, such as private IoT networks?

3GPP recently began a new study of 5G New Radio (NR) operating in unlicensed spectrum. Access to shared and unlicensed spectrum will extend 5G into a wider range of deployments and create opportunity for innovation; it will enhance mobile broadband deployments anchored in licensed...

Ericsson completes first 5G demo in Indonesia

The Swedish vendor’s demo included a 5G test bed, 5G New Radio and use cases. Ericsson said it completed the first demonstration of "5G" technology in Indonesia, including a 5G test bed, 5G New Radio and use cases such as a motion-sensing...

3GPP agrees on plan to accelerate 5G NR – the global 5G standard – for 2019 deployments

Why? What? How? An insider’s perspective. If you were like me and the 100,000+ other attendees, you were at Mobile World Congress (MWC) last week in Barcelona, Spain, and were inundated with 5G everywhere. However, unlike me, hopefully you got to return home at the...

Video: CES 2017 – 5G NR (New Radio) Prototypes 5G NR is the global standard for 5G. This video shows the Qualcomm mmWave and sub-6 GHz prototypes in action. For more information, visit

5G New Radio (NR) will create a unified air interface

From NB-IoT to Enhanced Mobile Broadband, 5G NR will have it covered “5G New Radio (NR) is the wireless standard that will become the foundation for the next generation of mobile networks. Whereas 3G and 4G connected people, 5G will connect everything—a unifying connectivity fabric...

Video: A Discussion on 5G NR (New Radio)

What is 5G NR (New Radio)? How does it differ from today's 4G LTE technology? John Smee, Vice President of Engineering at Qualcomm Technologies discusses this with RCR Wireless News' Editor-in-Chief Dan Meyer. From Qualcomm's perspective, the "bag of tools" for creating a next-generation network...