Almost everyone has heard the projections about billions of connected devices, but we hear less about the billions of dollars (or even millions of dollars) that companies are investing in the internet of things. When companies do invest, they are often looking at use...
Rapid IoT Development to Deployment
Scott Schwalbe, CEO and co-founder of Nimbelink, discusses the IoT development and deployment process with RCR Wireless News Editor Martha DeGrasse during the Enterprise IoT Summit in Austin, Texas.
"Rapid IoT development to deployment, I'm going to differentiate those a little...
Verizon Wireless is moving closer to connecting meters and asset trackers directly to its LTE network. Modem maker NimbeLink said it has demonstrated a live Category M1 connection on the Verizon Wireless LTE network. The company connected its device directly to Verizon's ThingSpace platform...
Verizon Wireless certified new LTE Category M1 modules to connect "internet of things" devices with low bandwidth requirements. LTE-only chip makers Sequans and Altair both announced new modules that use their chipsets at CES 2017.
Category M1, or Cat M1 for short, is the name...
Connecting everything: news bytes for 11/7/16
1. Samsung plans to add voice-activated artificial intelligence to wearables and home appliances. The world's largest smartphone maker is also a major manufacturer of TV sets, washing machines, dishwashers and vacuum cleaners, as well as of course its Gear...