WASHINGTON-Key lawmakers, amid stepped-up negotiations last week on third-generation mobile phone technology, are laying the groundwork to move legislation in 1999 if they conclude in crucial coming months that U.S. wireless interests in Europe and elsewhere have been compromised unfairly.3G was a major topic...
LOS ANGELES-As expected, AirTouch Cellular signed a letter of intent with Nortel Networks to purchase network switches, base stations and controllers.RCR reported last week AirTouch was close to awarding Nortel the contract.Under terms of the letter of intent, AirTouch will purchase analog and cdmaOne...
AirNet Communications Corp. has struck a chord with smaller personal communications services licensees and is working on grabbing the attention of A- and B-block PCS operators.Melbourne, Fla.-based AirNet, a Global System for Mobile communications infrastructure pro-vider, has four GSM-1900 deployments completed with five additional...
TORONTO-Nortel Networks said it delivered its digital intelligent network prepaid personal communications services solution to wireless network wholesaler Microcell Connexions Inc. of Canada.Prepaid PCS, recently launched by Microcell Solutions Inc. under the brand name Fidomatic, is the first of many value-added IN services Microcell...
Frustrated by the lack of cooperation in Europe over convergence of third-generation technology, some U.S. cdmaOne operators have vowed to push ahead aggressively with cdma2000 technology."Negotiations have gone on long enough," said Keith Paglusch, senior vice president of technical services and network operations with...
NEW YORK-Teligent Inc., Vienna, Va., opened for business Oct. 27, offering its bundled point-to-multipoint telecommunications services to small- and medium-size companies in 10 major cities.The commercial launch occurred in Chicago; Denver; Los Angeles; New York; Tampa, Fla.; Washington, D.C.; and Austin, Houston, Dallas-Fort Worth...
DALLAS-Dobson Cellular Systems said it will install Nortel Networks' digital infrastructure equipment in Maryland, New York, Ohio and Pennsylvania under a three-year, $30-million contract.Nortel will supply radio and switching equipment using Advanced Mobile Phone Service, Time Division Multiple Access Interim Standard-136 and cdmaOne (IS-95...
AirTouch Communications Inc. reportedly is close to awarding a new contract to Nortel Telecom Inc. to replace existing Motorola Inc. Code Division Multiple Access equipment in Los Angeles.Industry sources indicate the two still are negotiating terms of the contract. The sticking point is AirTouch...
NEW YORK-Because of costs associated with its acquisition of Bay Networks, Nortel Networks posted a net loss of $306 million, or 54 cents per share, during the third quarter, the company reported Oct. 27."We achieved a significant milestone in our history this quarter with...
EDI Telecom Ltd. and Tadiran Telecommunications Ltd. announced they signed an agreement under which the two will merge in a stock-for-stock transaction.Mobile Systems International, United Kingdom, and U.S.-based Metapath Software Corp. announced the two companies are merging. Both companies provide software-based applications and services...
OXFORD, United Kingdom-Romances don't always last forever. Mostly they decay gracefully at the close of a seemingly predetermined life cycle. Sometimes they blossom into universally admired permanent relationships. Other times they collapse suddenly and acrimoniously, leaving bitterness and recriminations.The telecommunications and financial industries have...
NEW YORK-If telecommunications companies worked in a vacuum, they would probably be well fortified against the Year 2000 electronics bug that threatens to hobble microprocessor-reliant equipment.Wireless networks that are newer than traditional landline systems often are equipped to pass muster in the new millennium....
MELBOURNE, Australia-The Australian communications industry has applauded Telstra Corp.'s decision to build its second national mobile phone network using CDMA technology.Industry groups, including the Australian Telecommunications Users Group and the Australian Mobile Telecommunications Association, have openly welcomed Telstra's move, hailing it as progressive and...
Royal Philips Electronics and Lucent Technologies Inc. last week said they will dissolve the consumer communications joint venture they established just more than one year ago.At the time of its formation Oct. 1, 1997, Philips Consumer Communications had high hopes it would be a...
Nortel Networks Inc. announced it entered an alliance with Matsushita Communications Industrial Co. Ltd. to collaborate on wideband Code Division Multiple Access market development, including experimental network systems, services and terminals. The two plan to implement experimental access networks, conducting trials in North America,...
IBM Corp.'s Microelectronics Division last week introduced its first standard, high-volume chip based on the company's silicon germanium manufacturing process.The company said the new standard chips can be used in cellular phones, pagers and other wireless communications devices to provide extended battery life, support...
While the debate around third-generation wireless technology to date has focused on which air interface to incorporate into the standard, leading wireless vendors brought up a few other crucial points at PCS '98 in Orlando that will have to be addressed at some point.Who...
WASHINGTON(AP)-Federal antitrust regulators want information about Cisco Systems Inc. meetings with two other high-tech companies as they investigate whether Cisco illegally tried to divide the lucrative market for Internet hardware.Cisco, an $8.5 billion company that makes high-end networking equipment, acknowledged last Monday receiving a...
Swedish telecommunications equipment manufacturer L.M. Ericsson released details of a reorganization plan that signals an increased focus on markets and customers, said the company. The new organization is expected to be fully implemented by Jan. 1.Lars Stalberg, a spokesman for the company, said no...
SONYSony Electronics' Personal Mobile Communications-America announced the availability of a dual-mode 800 MHz analog/Code Division Multiple Access version of its D-Wave Zuma wireless handset. The lithium ion battery provides up to 2.3 hours of talk time or up to 45 hours standby time in...
Northern Telecom Ltd. last week said it plans to lay off 3,500 employees, or about 4 percent of its work force.Shares of Nortel on the New York Stock Exchange fell $2.50 to close Sept. 15 at $43.75 following confirmation by the company of the...
PRAGUE, Czech Republic-Northern Telecom Ltd. recently has won six contracts in Central and Eastern Europe, and has established a strong market presence there, the company announced at the sixth annual GSM in Central and Eastern Europe conference.The new deals included five contracts for 900...
NEW YORK-Northern Telecom Ltd., Toronto, completed its $7 billion-plus acquisition of Bay Networks, Santa Clara, Calif.Nortel is the third-largest wireless infrastructure supplier in the world. Wireless telecommunications remains the fastest-growing of Nortel's five independent business units, each of which currently brings in about $4...
WASHINGTON-The Mexican government will auction new frequencies for paging, narrowband PCS (two-way paging), trunking and point-to-point microwave. The auctions are scheduled for late 1998 and early 1999, depending on the service, according to the Comision Federal de Telecomunicaciones (Cofetel), Mexico's regulatory agency.Earlier this year,...