NTIA looks at more midband spectrum for potential sharing

NTIA: 3450-3550 MHz "is a good candidate for potential spectrum sharing" In its hunt for additional midband spectrum that could be cleared or shared to make more room for mobile networks, the National Telecommunications and Information Administration says has identified a "good candidate": Spectrum from...

Four sources of funding for rural broadband networks

Closing the urban/rural digital divide and expanding broadband access has been a federal policy goal for decades, and there are multiple new and existing programs underway that attempt to address disparities in broadband access across the United States. The United States is a country of...

Ligado raises $100 million for its 5G, IoT network plans

Ligado Networks has raised more than $100 million in a first wave of investment for the build-out of its planned 5G/IoT network, even as a federal agency recently asked the Federal Communications Commission to pause and reconsider Ligado's ability to operate in its L-Band...

NTIA asks FCC to reconsider Ligado license changes

NTIA asks for stay, reconsideration of L-Band license changes The National Telecommunications and Information Administration has asked the Federal Communications Commission to rethink its recent decision to modify Ligado Networks' spectrum licenses, warning that the changes "threaten to harm federal government users of the Global...

NTIA recommends revoking China Telecom’s common carrier status

The Trump administration is continuing with actions that cut telecom ties with China, including a new filing from the National Telecommunications and Information Administration that recommends that the Federal Communications Commission revoke China Telecom's ability to carry international voice traffic between the U.S. and...

Key takeaways from NTIA’s first report on spectrum repurposing

Earlier this month, the National Telecommunications and Information Administration laid out the current spectrum landscape: what has been recently accomplished, what happening now and what is in the pipeline for potential sharing or allocation of spectrum for commercial use. The first annual Report on the...

Federal agencies’ spectrum review begins

NTIA asks federal agencies to focus the first round of review on their use of 3100-3550 GHz and 7125-8400 GHz In the latest step toward developing a national spectrum policy, the National Telecommunications and Information Administration has put in motion the process for data collection...

Head of NTIA resigns

Two assistant secretaries at Department of Commerce left on Thursday The head of the National Telecommunications and Information Administration, David Redl, resigned abruptly from his position at the Department of Commerce on Thursday. Assistant Secretary Redl had led NTIA, which advises the president on...

Recent developments on the road to NG911

Public safety answering points (PSAPs) are moving to implement Next-Generation 911 systems, which are IP-based, so that they can accept more digital information, from text messages to video chat and even information such as building plans.  In a recent Frost & Sullian report on the...

Five stops on the federal road map toward botnet resilience

Cybersecurity road map aims to support more secure and resilient IoT development for consumer, enterprise and government users If there is a path to a digital world that is more secure and resistant to botnet attacks, what would that path look like? A newly published U.S....

Industry weighs in on a national data privacy framework

In recently released comments, network operators and other telecom players expressed general support for federal data privacy regulation -- especially if the alternative is a patchwork of state or even local guidelines. The U.S. Department of Commerce's National Telecommunications and Information Administration asked for public...

White House summit focused on making America first in 5G

For 5G, 'Time is of the essence,' FCC chairman says Wireless industry officials on Friday ventured to the White House for a 5G Summit to discuss with administration officials the economic importance of next-generation cellular, and how to ensure America maintains a leadership position in...

NTIA recommends that FCC deny China Mobile entry to U.S. telecom market

NTIA says that China Mobile's 2011 application to serve U.S. telecom market should be denied The Federal Communications Commission should deny China Mobile’s pending application to enter the U.S telecommunications market, submitted in 2011, the National Telecommunications and Information Administration said in a filing. NTIA, part...

Industry associations push back on FCC move to ban Chinese equipment vendors

A number of wireless and wireline industry associations are pushing back against a proposed rule by the Federal Communications Commission that would prevent Universal Service Fund money from being used to pay for equipment or services from companies that are considered a risk to...

FirstNet opt-out deadline set for Dec. 28

24 states have opted in, the rest have until Dec. 28 to decide After a brief delay, the deadline for governors to decide whether to opt in or opt out of the First Responders Network Authority Radio Access Network build-out by AT&T has been set....

Bosch launches connected scooter sharing service in Berlin

Industrial group Bosch is entering the consumer mobility sector with the launch of a connected scooter sharing service in Berlin. Coup is the name of a new connected scooter sharing service launched in Berlin by industrial group Bosch, in partnership with BCG Digital Ventures, the...

Feds get huge response to request for IoT input

More than 100 companies suggest ways US government can help advance the IoT Many industry watchers feel the U.S. is slipping behind other countries, particularly Germany and China, in creating a unified national strategy for development of the "internet of things." But federal leaders, in...

Mobile Now Act mandates 255 megahertz of new commercial spectrum by 2020

Recently approved Mobile Now Act targets sub-6 GHz bands, feasibility of millimeter-wave spectrum The federal government’s push to free up additional spectrum resources and for the commercial telecom space and meet a presidential mandate received a boost late last week as a Senate committee approved...

NATE Unmanned Aerial Systems Committee looks to prevent tragedies

Unmanned aerial systems or drones as they are more commonly called are rapidly becoming more prevalent in all aspects of society from military to recreational to commercial use. On the commercial side, the tower industry is looking to the technology to make their business safer...

NTIA suspends FirstNet early build funding for LA RICS

The National Telecommunications and Information Administration is suspending the funding for the Los Angeles Regional Interoperable Communications System's LTE project that utilizes 700 Mhz Band 14 spectrum, one of five pilot projects across the country that are aimed at providing a foundation for the...

Test and Measurement: Feds to explore spectrum-sharing testing

Several federal agencies have agreed to explore collaborative testing to develop better methods of spectrum sharing, and are establishing a new joint testing network. The Department of Commerce and Department of Defense have established the National Advanced Spectrum and Communications Test Network as a part of the Center...

NTIA: Mobile broadband use accelerating, equalizing

A new report from the National Telecommunications and Information Administration reflects the fact that Americans have been rapidly adopting mobile broadband use. NTIA's report "confirms skyrocketing demand for devices that allow users to access Internet applications nearly anywhere," according to Lawrence Strickling, who is assistant secretary of...

CTIA's comments on big data and privacy

CTIA recently was among dozens of commenters responding to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA)’s request for input on the big data and privacy report put forth by the White House Office of Science and Technology, as well as the President’s Council of...

Rubio introduces Wireless Innovation Act, spurs reallocation of gov’t spectrum

The wireless industry’s thirst for spectrum remains a challenge for the federal government, which following years of apparent inactivity, is set to unleash more than 100 megahertz of new spectrum into the commercial space through auctions over an 18-month period. Those efforts received a further...